Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Dermastir Microdermabrasion - acne treatment and much more

Dermastir Microdermabrasion with crystals is an aesthetic treatment that helps one to solve many  facial problems like, stretchmarks, pigmentation, dilated pores, sagging skin, fine wrinkles, scars and acne. By means of a mechanical movement and a deep but delicate exfoliation of the upper layer of the epidermis, microdermaabrasion with Dermastir crystals renews, in an efficacious and painless way, the skin, making it more compact and bright.

Microdermaabrasion is a very modern and non-invasive technique that, through a mechanical abrasion of the uppermost layers of the epidermis, and with the help of microcrystals of aluminium oxide, removes dead cells and stimulates cellular exchange. Dermastir microdermaabrasion is carried out with a machinery that emits on the face a micro-shower of these crystals, in a regulated amount and velocity, according to the exigencies of the individual. For a deep cleansing of the face, microdermaabrasion is carried out in a very light manner; to tackle inestetisms of acne and fine wrinkles, the treatment is carried out in a more intense way. After the salts have been projected on to the skin to create a delicate skin abrasion, they are then extracted to produce a deep peeling. The skin will thus become more luminous and homogenous, with a uniform colour and with a compact grain. Microdermaabrasion also stimulates the production of collagen and elastin.

Whenever this treatment is carried out, the skin’s natural defensive barrier is not altered, and there is no risk of an outbreak of inflammations or irritations. But one has to take into consideration one important change that has taken place, the application of the active ingredients. Having removed the surface layer of the skin, the skin will become more perceptible to whatever is applied to it in the next 72 hours.

To obtain the best results the cycle has to consist of from 4 to 6 sessions, carried out every 10/15 days. The cost is about 85 euro a session. The inconvenience during the treatment of microdermaabrasion is really minimal, and the client will be able to carry on with her normal duties immediately. The crystals used during microdermaabrasiion (aluminium oxide) are inert and sterile, without any allergy risks. Dermastir microdermaabrasion with crystals can be  carried out both by a medical aesthetician and by a beautician, without anaesthesia.

For more information visit: www.altacare.com

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

What Is Gommage?

Skin exfoliation, or the process of removing dead skin cells from the body and face, can be accomplished in a variety of ways. Gommage is one method of exfoliation. Considered highly effective, a gommage exfoliant can leave skin clean and soft.

A paste or cream, gommage is administered onto the skin in a very thin layer. It is left on the skin to dry, but only slightly. It is then massaged and rolled off the skin. As the layers of dried paste fall off the body, so too do the skin's outermost dead cells. Sticky agents within the cream, such as xanthan gum and select enzymes, ensure that dead skin cells are removed from the body, leaving a clean new layer of skin visible.

Spas that lack a wet room typically use these creams for full body treatments. Since hot gommage requires more manpower than alternative treatments, salt and sugar scrubs are often preferred to reduce treatment time. The benefit of gommage over salt glow and scrub treatments is that it does not require water for rinsing following the application. For this reason, spas that do utilize the application are often locations without showering options.

French for "to erase," the gommage facial was once the most commonly used type of face exfoliant. Following the invention of chemical exfoliants, such as alpha hydroxy acids, it has not been used as often in facial treatments. Such chemical exfoliants are considered easier to use as well as just as, if not more so, effective than a mask. Gummy gommage mask is chemical-free and gentle for most skin types, however, making it an optimal choice for some people.

It is possible to purchase a kit for home use. The regimen, however, is typically reserved for professional spa treatments. Prior to using the exfoliant at home, it can be beneficial to first consult with a professional. Some types of over-the-counter treatments, such as cranberry varieties, include antioxidants, volcanic minerals, and other beneficial additives. These types of treatments are recommended for use two to four times weekly.

People with allergies to skin treatments may have an averse reaction to this peel. Always check the ingredients to the paste or cream prior to application. This exfoliant should not be used on older, sensitive, or thinning facial skin. Areas with pimples or broken capillaries should be avoided when using the treatment. Gommage is not meant to be combined with other exfoliants.

Dermastir Scrub is presented by Alta Care Laboratoires in an airless packaging. Designed for congested and rough skin, this mild exfoliating gel combines natural luffa microbeads with gentle cleansing and hydrating agents to thoroughly cleanse pores and promote healthy cell renewal without damaging or drying skin. Dermastir Scrub is formulated at maximum density to provide intense and even exfoliation without causing lacerations. Additionally, the highest purity of allantoin softens polished skin. Designed for all skin types, this Scrub is safe both for face and body.

for more information visite: http://www.altacare.com/products_mi.asp?ProductId=882
or www.altacare.com

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Get in Shape in Time for Christmas with Altadrine Fat Burner

Christmas is just around the corner! You and your friends are making plans for the festivities…what to wear and what not to wear.  You have already spotted the dress of your dreams, but there is a problem…how to get in it!  With just a couple of weeks to go it seems already impossible to control your weight and yet you will be tempted once again to eat more during the festivities!  Not to mention the alcohol intake.. However Altadrine can keep your weight under control…

ALTA CARE Laboratoires has launched on the market ALTADRINE Fat Burning Tablets.  Extracts of Citrus aurantium (synephrine) and Guarana` (caffeine) help in the burning of body fat deposits in a natural way. Yes……we are talking of body fat deposits. A correct and varied diet may help you in stopping the accumulation of further kilos, but not the elimination of the fat deposits accumulated during the holidays. Eliminating this excess is nowadays very simple. The alternatives range from physical exercise – so if you intend going to the gym by all means do so – to having some food supplement that will help you recover your correct weight. ALTADRINE Fat Burner Tablets is the solution to your problem; it’s a specific product that contains extracts that are capable of burning your surplus fat while producing an energy available for all the body. The active ingredients are in fact capable of acting directly on fatty cells, stimulating the metabolism of the fat into energy and reducing those fats that make you look away from a mirror. Combining ALTADRINE Fat Burner Tablets with a well-balanced and varied diet, and maybe even some sport, will definitely speed up the process of fat-burning, and thus recover within a short time the figure that is to your liking.

If sacrifices send shivers down your spine and if  time is not available for sport; or if the sporting activity is not enough to lose weight quickly, ALTADRINE Fat Burner will be of enormous help. Two tablets a day (morning and evening) with a large glass of water for 21 days will be enough to obtain the first results; then if necessary repeat the cycle after a pause of seven days.

Now get hold of a box of ALTADRINE Fat Burner and a glass of water, and even if you have no intention of going to the gym, ALTA CARE Laboratoires still recommends a well-balanced and varied diet in order to obtain the best results in the shortest time possible.

For more information visit: www.altacare.com

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

1000mg Vitamin C in Altacura not only for cold & flu

 Nobel prize winner Linus Pauling turned his attention to studying and documenting how vitamin C could improve health status and help the human body resist and heal from disease. His reward ? By the time of his death in l994, he had been branded a "quack" by a large part of the medical community. Now, almost 25 years after his passing away, not only is his research being taken more seriously but other scientists are documenting how vitamin C can be the key to preventing and treating a host of health problems.

In fact, nearly everyone knows vitamin C is now lauded for helping to reduce symptoms of a cold if taken in sufficient quantity when sniffles first appear. But what you may not know is that researchers have found evidence strongly suggesting that vitamin C can be used to head off some serious diseases and disorders -- and may even help you lose weight! In fact, some of these uses for the vitamin are just plain amazing. Yet you'll seldom find vitamin C "prescribed" and, instead, you are more likely to get drugs to treat maladies after they develop. And the odds are, your family doctor may be clueless about the ways vitamin C can help you.

Here's the latest on the relatively secret but very real ways vitamin C can improve your health:

1. Burn more fat and control your weight.

Researchers in the Department of Nutrition at Arizona State University found that research subjects who had low blood concentrations of C burned a whopping 25 percent less fat than those who had plenty of the vitamin in their body. The scientists think this may be because vitamin C is a co-factor for the biosynthesis of carnitine, a molecule your body needs to oxidize fatty acids. They concluded inadequate vitamin C could explain why some people have such a hard time losing and keeping off excess pounds.

2. Breathing right.

British scientists at the Department of Public Health and Primary Care at the Institute of Public Health in Cambridge studied 515 adults with asthma and 515 matched controls. They found that adults with symptomatic asthma had the lowest intake of fruit, especially citrus fruit, and low plasma vitamin C levels. These findings, the scientists stated in their research paper, suggest diet may be a potentially modifiable risk factor for the development of asthma.

3. Oral Health.

In the 1700s, sailors found that eating limes during long sea voyages kept their gums healthy. No doubt the vitamin C in the fruit was responsible. Research published in the Journal of Periodontology showed that people with too little vitamin C have higher rates of periodontal disease. Also, the American National Institutes of Health (NIH) report inadequate C is associated with weakened tooth enamel as well as the painful inflammation of gums known as gingivitis.

4. Skincare.

The American NIH also lists rough, dry and scaly skin as signs of too little C. So is dry hair and even split ends. What's more, research published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition showed that people who ate a lot of vitamin C-rich foods had fewer wrinkles than those with inadequate amounts of the vitamin.

5. Cardiovascular.

While we all are bombarded with ads about omegas and other drugs that purport to reduce the risk of heart disease, you seldom hear about the mounting evidence a natural therapy -- vitamin C -- may protect your cardiovascular system. A case in point: Finnish researchers published a study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition suggesting higher doses of supplemental vitamin C cause the incidence of major coronary heart disease events like heart attacks to plummet.

So how much vitamin C do you need? Most experts agree that you can take large amounts, usually up two grams, safely, unless an excess causes diarrhea or other stomach upset (if that happens, simply cut back on your dose). Vitamin C is not stored in the body; so toxicity is very rare. Vitamin C is best presented in a buffered form in order to be gentle in the stomach since vitamin C can be acidic if not buffered. Altacura Hot Lemon sachets is presented by Alta Care Laboratoires in 1000mg of buffered Vitamin C.

For more information visit: www.altacare.com

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Altacura - the most natural antibiotic ever

Wouldn’t it be nice to say goodbye to that runny nose, uncomfortable coughing and all other relevant unpleasant symptoms? Wouldn’t it be wonderful to keep yourself and your family in full swing even when everybody else is down with the flu or common cold? You can drastically influence the impact of these viruses on your health and well-being. Stop this misery by resorting to a food supplement that is not only a natural antibiotic, but has also natural antiviral properties.

Propolis is the most natural antibiotic man has ever discovered. The remarkable thing about this statement is the fact that this discovery took place some 2000 years ago. A lot of people probably haven't even heard about Propolis, and yet, ancient herbal books prescribed Propolis for numerous complaints. The anti-bacterial qualities of this medicine have been known since the beginning of written history.

Bee Propolis is a blend of resinous sap from trees, beeswax, and enzymes which, after being chewed by the honeybee, and with the addition of saliva, other substances are formed thus making up the finished product. It contains at least 150 different substances that interact in perfect harmony with each other. Propolis is of vital importance for the survival of the bees. Not only does it protect them against diseases, but also against climatic changes, such as wind and cold. Beehives are one of the most sterile environments known, and this is attributed to the extraordinary properties of bee propolis.

The use of Propolis in popular medicine goes back all the way to ancient times. Egyptians, Greeks and Romans reported the use of Propolis for its general healing qualities, but especially for the cure of skin abscesses and the treatment of mouth and throat infections, as well as caries. However, it has only been in the last twenty years that scientists have been able to prove that Propolis is as active and important as our ancestors thought.

Propolis is now considered an important part of dietetics and a natural cure by the World Health Organization. Its popularity is ever increasing, due to its many possibilities. The concentrations of bioflavonoids seem to be responsible for the great antibiotic effects of Propolis. Bioflavonoids possess many potent curative effects. Forty-one of these substances have been recognized by science.

Bioflavonoids are not only antibacterial substances, they are especially highly active for the treatment of cold and flu and certain breathing problems caused by congestion. Propolis, by nature, gives us a most powerful and versatile complement to supplement our food intake. All over the world, physicians have been astonished by the power of Propolis, since this strengthens the immune system and causes a positive effect on inflammatory illnesses. Particular ailments caused by inflammations of frontal sinus, bronchi, intestine, bladder, eyes and stomach, can be reached through the effectiveness of Propolis.

Nowadays one is limited when choosing a cold and flu medicine as many products have been banned from the market as they contained banned and doping substances such as ephedrine, pseudo ephedrine and codeine. However there are now natural products containing phyto-extracts that give good therapeutic results without causing side-effects (if taken at the recommended dose) or interactions with other medications.

A new leading product on the market is the Altacura range by ALTA CARE Laboratoires Paris. These cold and flu fighters are 100% natural with the main active ingredient being in actual fact Propolis!

To hit the influenza before it hits you, Altacura Sublingual Tablets are just what you need this season. These are to be taken as soon as the first symptoms appear, and in this way one can strengthen the body defence for the oncoming influenza in time. Altacura Sublingual Tablets give rapid onset of action which is important since time is an important factor when fighting cold and flu. Apart from the 50mg of Propolis, these sublingual tablets include vitamin C and also Zinc which is a mineral known for its defence properties and which helps to strengthen the immune system.

Altacura Syrup is ideal for those already suffering from common cold (influenza) symptoms such as cough, fever, body aches, sore throat or running nose. It is surely a perfect supplement for children who have problems in swallowing. However this syrup could also be used as a prophylaxis for people vulnerable to catching a cold, such as teachers, health care workers or children. To shorten one’s recovery time, Altacura is not only Propolis & Honey based, but also contains a good dose of non-acidic Vitamin C, Thyme -  which is a natural cough suppressant - and Peppermint oil to improve nasal flow due to its natural anti-inflammatory/ anti-bacterial properties.

I guess I have given a good indication of what will work best for you to fight all these common viruses we are constantly exposed to. Keep in mind that the natural remedy Propolis will give you the opportunity to remain on top of this cold and flu season!

For more information please visit: www.altacare.com

Monday, October 1, 2012

ALTACURA VAPOUR PATCH a sustained remedy for decongestion

The vast majority of those visiting a pharmacy throughout the year are seeking relief from decongestion. Pharmacists need to be prepared to counsel. Obviously the first-line of therapy for the common cold includes rest, adequate fluid intake, humidification for expectoration, and then come the decongestants. Decongestants are more often than not vapour rub creams or inhalers. In its never ending endeavour to improve upon what is normally available on the market, Alta Care Laboratoires, Paris has launched its Altacura Vapour Patch which has an indirect decongestant effect, thus being milder and more delicate because of its vapour form. Alta Care has made it a point to address the negative characteristics of most vapour creams and inhalers.

Aromatherapy is a form of alternative medicine that uses volatile liquid plant materials, known as essential oils (EOs) and other aromatic compounds for the purpose of affecting a person’s mood or health, thus his, or her psychological and physical well-being.

What Are Essential Oils?

Essential oils are the subtle, aromatic and volatile liquids extracted from the flowers, seeds, leaves, stems, bark and roots of herbs, bushes, shrubs, and trees, through distillation. According to ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics and Chinese manuscripts, priests and physicians were using essential oils thousands of years before Christ to heal the sick. They are the oldest form of remedies and cosmetics known to man and were considered more valuable than gold. Science is only now beginning to investigate the incredible healing properties of essential oils.

The ALTACURA VAPOUR PATCH has 6 essential oils that release a vapour that produces a decongestant effect and gives a pleasant sense of freshness to the surrounding air. A normal vapour cream has only 1 essential oil.

Other advantages of Altacura Vapour Patch are the following:

• It is CAMPHOR FREE. Camphor is a waxy, white or transparent solid with a strong, aromatic odor. It is a terpenoid with the chemical formula C10H16O. It is found in wood of the camphor laurel (Cinnamomum camphora), a large evergreen tree found in Asia. In large quantities, it is poisonous when ingested and can cause seizures, confusion, irritability, and neuromuscular hyperactivity.

• The ALTACURA VAPOUR PATCH does not cause skin irritation, nor is it an eye irritant.

• It can also form part of one’s allergy treatment.

• It is suitable for children.

• Every patch is a monodose, thus there is no oxidization of  the ingredients as in the case of creams of jars that have to be opened every now and then.

• It is not messy, for the ALTACURA VAPOUR PATCH can be applied to one's underwear or clothes.

So the next time you catch a cold, be selective when you are about to purchase an aromatherapy product. Even the quality of essential oils varies from company to company. It is not uncommon for select companies to falsely claim that their oils are undiluted or pure when they aren’t.

For more information visit: www.altacare.com

Friday, September 28, 2012

Post-op Bio-cellular masks launched by Alta Care Laboratoires

Dermastir Post-op Bio-cellular masks launched by Alta Care Laboratoires has launched Dermastir post-op biocellular masks in pharmacies international. The Dermastir post-op biocellular masks is an EU registered medical device created to be used post operations such as laser therapy, pulsated light, acid peels, oxygen therapy, fillers, botox etc. The Dermastir post-op bio-cellular mask is a second skin that helps to hydrate the skin, decrease redness and decrease the temperature of the skin necessary after aesthetic operations. The Dermastir post-op bio-cellular masks is produced by combining bacteria, cellular biotechnology and bio-cellulose to form an invisible mask.

The dermastir bio-cellular masks launched also have anti wrinkle peptide ingredients, hyaluronic and also other bio-cellular masks launched have whitening ingredients such as ellagic acid. Apart from the face biocellular masks Alta Care Laboratoires has also launched the eye contour bio-cellular masks.

Dermastir Post-OP Bio-Cellular Face Mask Retexturizing Skin Tissue

The Dermastir post-op bio-cellular face mask is made from the fermentation of microorganisms, not from mechanical manufacturing process. Alta Care Laboratoires utilizes biotechnology’s techniques to manufacture the skin tissue-like material. This unique formula produces a protective barrier and collagen production is stimulated. The mask is hydrophilic and it diminishes the TEWL since it can retain moisture levels up to 100 times its own dry weight. The formula was created to inhibit enzymes that break down hyaluronic, collagen and elastin in the skin. Its reticular 3D web structure enables air to penetrate but not liquid, adheres tightly with the skin and is also known as “skin tissue”.

Post-op peeling, Post-op laser, Post-op fillers, Post-op botox, anti wrinkle maintenance.

Picture 1: Remove the 2 outer layers of the bio-cellular mask’s packaging to reveal the elastic and translucent bio-cellulose mask inside.

Picture 2: Place the bio-cellulose mask on the face. Pat it gently to ensure it adheres to the skin.

Picture 3: After 30-45mins, remove the mask. Proceed with normal skin care routine without washing off the serum.

Dermastir Post-OP Bio-Cellular Face Mask Whitening Skin Tissue

The Bio-cellular face mask is a bio medical device made from the fermentation of microorganisms, not from mechanical manufacturing process. Alta Care Laboratoires utilizes biotechnology’s techniques to manufacture the skin tissue-like material. Ellagic acid, a skin conditioning whitening ingredient, that reduces dark pigmentation on the skin, leaving it looking fair and radiant. This whitening combination of Ellagic acid with Glycyrrhizate in the bio cellular mask has been proven to be effective in skin whitening. Its reticular 3D web structure enables air to penetrate but not liquid, adheres tightly with the skin and is also known as “artificial skin”.

All forms of skin pigmentation, melasma and for overall skin whitening.

Picture 1: Remove the 2 outer layers of the bio-cellular mask’s packaging to reveal the elastic and translucent bio-cellular mask inside.

Picture 2: Place the bio-cellular mask in our face. Pat and stretch gently to ensure it adheres to the skin.

Picture 3: After 30-45mins, remove the mask. Proceed with normal skin care routine without washing off the whitening serum.

Dermastir Post-OP Bio-Celluler Mask Eye & Lip Retexturizing Skin Tissue

The Dermastir post-op bio-cellular eye & lip mask is made from the fermentation of microorganisms, not from mechanical manufacturing process. Alta Care Laboratoires utilizes biotechnology’s techniques to manufacture the skin tissue-like material. This unique decongesting formula produces a protective barrier and collagen production is stimulated. This hydrating mask brightens up dark circles and the absorption of ingredients is 50 times the common eye membrane. The formula was created to inhibit enzymes that break down hyaluronic, collagen and elastin which is the underlying cause of wrinkling.

Post-op peeling, Post-op laser, Post-op fillers, Post-op botox and maintenance following eye bag surgery, dark circle treatment and eye contour wrinkles.

Water, propylene glycol, Xanthan Gum, PEG-40 Hydrogenated Castor Oil, Palmitoyl Peptide-4, Vitamin E, Hyaluronic Acid, Spermaceti Base-PG, Amide Hydroxyethyl palm, Hydroxyl Benzene Methyl ester.

Please store in a dry and cool place. For external usage only.

Dermastir Hyalauronic Post-OP Mask Eye & Lip Contour

Dermastir hyaluronic eye and lip contour mask is a medical device used post-op by dermatologists and plastic surgeons. This unique decongesting formula produces a protective barrier and collagen production is stimulated. This hydrating mask brightens up dark circles and the absorption of ingredients is 50 times the common eye membrane. The formula inhibits enzymes that break down hyaluronic, collagen and elastin which is the underlying cause of wrinkling.

Post-op peeling, Post-op laser, Post-op fillers, Post-op botox and maintenance following eye bag surgery, dark circle treatment and eye contour wrinkles.

Water, propylene glycol, Xanthan Gum, PEG-40 Hydrogenated Castor Oil, Palmitoyl Peptide-4, Vitamin E, Hyaluronic Acid, Spermaceti Base-PG, Amide Hydroxyethyl palm, Hydroxyl Benzene Methyl ester

Please store in a dry and cool place. For external usage only.

Dermastir Hyaluronic Post-OP Invisible Face Mask

Dermastir hyaluronic invisible face mask is a medical device used post-op by dermatologists and plastic surgeons. This unique formula produces a protective barrier and collagen production is stimulated. The mask is hydrophilic and it diminishes the TEWL since it can retain moisture levels up to 100 times its own dry weight. The formula was designed to inhibit enzymes that break down hyaluronic, collagen and elastin.

Post-op peeling, Post-op laser, Post-op fillers, Post-op botox, anti wrinkle maintenance.

Picture 1: Remove the 2 outer layers of the hyaluronic invisible mask’s packaging to reveal the elastic and translucent hyaluronic mask inside.

Picture 2: Place the hyaluronic mask on the face. Pat it gently to ensure it adheres to the skin.

Picture 3: After 30-45mins, the hyaluronic mask can be removed. Proceed with the normal skin care routine without washing off the serum.

For more information Click Here



Monday, September 24, 2012

11 tips to prevent FLU

There are no known cures for colds and flu; so cold and flu prevention should be your goal. A proactive approach to warding off colds and flu is apt to make your whole life healthier. The most effective way for preventing flu is to get the flu shot. Antibiotics act only on bacteria and flu is caused by a virus. So antibiotics do not work on a virus. But there are other strategies you can employ as well.

(1) Wash Your Hands
Most cold and flu viruses are spread by direct contact. Someone who has flu sneezes into the hand, and then touches the telephone, the keyboard, a kitchen glass. The germs can live for hours -- in some cases weeks -- only to be picked up by the next person who touches the same object. So wash your hands often. If no sink is available, rub your hands together very hard for a minute or so. That also helps break up most of the cold germs. Or rub an alcohol-based hand sanitizer onto your hands.

(2) Don't Cover Your Sneezes and Coughs With Your Hands
Because germs and viruses cling to your bare hands, muffling coughs and sneezes with your hands results in passing along your germs to others. When you feel a sneeze or cough coming, use a tissue, then throw it away immediately. If you don't have a tissue, turn your head away from people near you and cough into the air.

(3) Don't Touch Your Face
Cold and flu viruses enter your body through the eyes, nose, or mouth. Touching their faces is the major way children catch colds, and a key way they pass colds on to their parents.

(4) Drink Plenty of Fluids
Water flushes your system, washing out the poisons as it rehydrates you. A typical, healthy adult needs 1.5 litres of fluids each day. How can you tell if you're getting enough liquid? If the color of your urine runs close to clear, you're getting enough. If it's deep yellow, you need more fluids.

(5) Get Fresh Air
A regular dose of fresh air is important, especially in cold weather when central heating dries you out and makes your body more vulnerable to cold and flu viruses. Also, during cold weather more people stay indoors, which means more germs are circulating in crowded, dry rooms.

(6) Do Aerobic Exercise Regularly
Aerobic exercise speeds up the heart to pump larger quantities of blood; makes you breathe faster to help transfer oxygen from your lungs to your blood; and makes you sweat once your body heats up. These exercises help increase the body's natural virus-killing cells.

(7) Propolis 
PROPOLIS - a sticky substance used by the bees to disinfect their hives; is becoming the most popular substance worldwide to combat the common cold.  Propolis has been found to be very effective in the prevention and treatment of colds because apart from being antibacterial, it is also antiviral and has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects.  Propolis is a powerful immune booster and helps your body to protect itself against illness. Altacura influtuss tablets are made in France and are well known to have high quality and concentrations of propolis. Altacura is available also in syrup and hot lemon form.

(8) Eat Yogurt or supplement with priobiotics
Some studies have shown that eating a daily cup of low-fat yogurt can reduce your susceptibility to colds by 25 percent. Researchers think the beneficial bacteria in yogurt may stimulate production of immune system substances that fight disease. Altaflora electrolytes contains the perfect combination of probiotic flora and electrolytes. Electrolytes are lost rapidly in cases of flu and Altaflora electrolytes replaces them. Altaflora electrolytes can be taken in capsule or sachet form.

(9) Oxidative stress - Don't Smoke
Statistics show that heavy smokers get more severe colds and more frequent ones.
Even being around smoke profoundly zaps the immune system. Smoke dries out your nasal passages and paralyzes cilia. These are the delicate hairs that line the mucous membranes in your nose and lungs, and with their wavy movements, sweep cold and flu viruses out of the nasal passages. Experts contend that one cigarette can paralyze cilia for as long as 30 to 40 minutes. Nicosolven Co-enzyme Q10 liquid capsules decrease oxidative stress if taken daily.

(10) Cut Alcohol Consumption
Heavy alcohol use suppresses the immune system in a variety of ways. Heavier drinkers are more prone to initial infections as well as secondary complications. Alcohol also dehydrates the body -- it actually takes more fluids from your system than it puts in.

(11) Rest
If you can teach yourself to rest and relax, you can activate your immune system on demand. There's evidence that when you put your relaxation skills into action, your interleukins -- leaders in the immune system response against cold and flu viruses -- increase in the bloodstream. Train yourself to picture an image you find pleasant or calming. Do this 30 minutes a day for several months. Keep in mind, relaxation is a learnable skill, but it is not doing nothing. People who try to relax, but are in fact bored, show no changes in blood chemicals.


Monday, September 17, 2012

Strengthen the immune system

Winter is still with us, playing havoc with our health. To make matters worse, the transition from one season to another is becoming very abrupt with the result that our body is being subdued to many hardships and discomforts, amongst which is the cold. Now whenever we have a cold and we are finding it difficult to breathe we start looking for a drink that may immediately soothe our sore throat.

To remedy this ALTA CARE Laboratoires has produced sachets – to be dissolved in hot water – that combine an action that stimulates the immune system with a pleasant  lemon taste.

ALTACURA Infludrink Hot Lemon contains Panax ginseng that counteracts the effects of stress and improves physical performance. Moreover, Paternelle, subdues the cough and soothes the throat, while Vitamin C has antioxidant properties and helps to reinforce the immune system. Among the ingredients are: Propolis, produced by the bees to disinfect their beehive and well known throughout the ages for its natural antibiotic properties; Guaranà that diminishes fatigue (in fact caffeine within stimulates the central nervous system and increases the metabolic rate); Echinacea, that also reinforces the immune system and renders the symptoms of cold, and illnesses related to it, less violent. Finally it also contains vitamin B6, the matrix for the elaboration of amino acids, very essential for our nourishment.

Other products on the market with the same function, cannot be taken if one is already having other medicines, while ALTACURA Infludrink Hot Lemon gives benefits, without causing disturbances and interactions. It is economical and practical because the sachets are designed is such a way as to prevent dispersal of contents.

One can dissolve the contents of a sachet in a glass of hot water, up to a maximum of 3 sachets a day or as advised by one’s doctor or pharmacist. ALTACURA Infludrink Hot Lemon can be given to children who have problems in swallowing tablets, or by adults who only need to reinforce the immune system.

ALTA CARE Laboratoires have certainly found an innovative way of how to fight the cold and face the most difficult moments of winter calmly. ALTACURA Infludrink Hot Lemon is sold in pharmacies and herbal centres.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Needles are not always necessary to fill your wrinkles

One cannot but feel self-conscious when the first signs of ageing start to appear. In today’s world, where aesthetic beauty is given prime importance, both women and men spend a lot to appear more youthful. Surgery is chosen by many people, but many people fail to understand that prevention is better than cure. Medical face lifts using non-invasive aesthetic machinery and non-invasive cosmetic ampoules prevent the need of surgery.

Alta Care Laboratoires, Paris offers many exclusive treatments at its beauty salons.  One of the treatments readily available, which in fact is becoming very popular, is the ‘Filler’ Facial Program.   The ‘Filler’ Facial Program is an anti-ageing treatment which uses 100% pure collagen concentrate preserved in glass cosmetic ampoules by Dermastir.

Collagen is a natural protein that provides structural support. It is found throughout the body - in skin, muscle, tendon, and bone. Fibers of collagen are woven together like threads in fabric to form a framework into which new cells can grow. In the skin, collagen provides texture, resiliency, and shape. Human beings are constantly producing collagen, but as we age, our collagen breaks down faster than it can be replaced.

Collagen application using high frequency, galvanic currents and ultra sounds is quickly becoming known as the best natural, painless approach to reduce wrinkles and sagging skin.

From the very first application of Dermastir collagen cosmetic ampoules, this anti-aging ingredient will work to reduce facial lines and wrinkles, and lift your sagging skin to give you the face-lift you've always wanted! 

Alta Care Laboratoires’ aesthetic treatments are exclusive because Alta Care’s products compliment Alta Care’s aesthetic machinery. 

For this ‘Filler’ Facial Program, one’s skin is treated with the luxurious Dermastir Collagen Care Ampoules which are complimented by the Dermastir high frequency, Dermastir Hydrotoner and Dermastir oxycleanser.

Alta Care Laboratoires’ experienced beauty therapists give free consultations to every client, to determine what type of machinery should be used in combination with the Dermastir Collagen Ampoules for the best possible results.

For more information: www.altacare.com

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Whitening skin with Kojic Acid for Pigmentation

What is Kojic Acid?
Kojic Acid is one of the most successful recent and natural skin whitening agents.  It is a natural product derived form a fungus (mushroom). Kojic Acid has been successfully used to lighten pigment spots and skin discoloration.

Kojic acid (5-hydroxy-2-(hydroxymethyl)-4-pyrone) is used in skin care formulations to lighten the skin, like another agent, hydroquinone. However, while hydroquinone works by inhibiting the activity of tyrosinase by acting as a melanocyte cytotoxic inhibitor and by increasing the cytotoxicity of melanocytes (melanin-producing cells), kojic acid lightens the skin solely by suppressing tyrosinase activity (by inhibiting catecholase activity of tyrosinase) in a non-traditional way. Kojic acid is revered worldwide for its skin-lightening abilities, and is commonly used in topical formulations to treat dark spots. 
Kojic acid is a by-product in the fermentation process of malting rice for use in the manufacture of sake, the Japanese rice wine. There is definitely convincing research, both in vitro and in vivo, and also in animal studies, showing that kojic acid is effective for inhibiting melanin production (Sources: Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin, August 2002, pages 1045–1048; Analytical Biochemistry, June 2002, pages 260–268; Cellular Signaling, September 2002, pages 779–785; American Journal of Clinical Dermatology, September-October 2000, pages 261–268; and Archives of Pharmacal Research, August 2001, pages 307–311). Both glycolic acid and kojic acid, as well as glycolic acid with hydroquinone are highly effective in reducing the pigment in melasma patients (Source: Dermatological Surgery, May 1996, pages 443–447).
Why aren't there more products available containing kojic acid? 
Kojic acid is an extremely unstable ingredient in cosmetic formulations. Upon exposure to air or sunlight it turns a strange shade of brown and loses its efficacy. Many cosmetics companies use kojic dipalmitate as an alternative because it is far more stable in formulations. However, there is no research showing that kojic dipalmitate is as effective as kojic acid, though it is a good antioxidant. Research shows that Kojic Acid is best presented and stored in glass ampoules.
What is pigmentation?
Pigmentation is a disorder of skin complexion and color due to the increase in production of melanin.  In females, pigmentation often occurs due to hormonal changes in the body (in pregnancy, menopause etc), and appears as brown patches on the face.  Sun exposure causes this type of pigmentation increase, and also causes dark irregular patches on the exposed skin, like the upper lip, eye contour and body.  Another type of pigmentation is freckles.
How does it work?
Kojic acid can inhibit tyronisase activity, thus inhibiting skin melanin formation. Kojic acid and it's derivatives are widely used in high-quality skin lightening cosmetics, bath preparations and mouth or teeth care products. Cosmetics containing kojic acid can treat freckles, acne and pigmentation effectively without any toxic and bad results.
To get the best results out of Kojic Acid it is recommended to buy from a pharmacy the concentrate presented in glass cosmetic ampoules, as the Kojic Acid will be very concentrated, active and free from impurities.
Dermastir Kojic Acid skincare ampoules by ALTA CARE Laboratoires can be applied alone on the face without the need of mixing it with anything else. Otherwise it may also be added to your  night cream.  Since the Dermastir Kojic Acid Ampoule is a concentrate it may be applied on the face once every three days since kinetic studies show that the ingredients remain present and active in the skin for up to 3 days. It is highly recommended to use sun blocks all the year around especially during treatments with Dermastir Kojic acid ampoules.

For more information visit: www.altacare.com

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Bad Circulation - how to cure it?

Millions of people around the globe suffer from bad circulation. Many of them are taking measures to rectify this condition;  but millions of others are either not aware that their health problems are the result of bad circulation of the blood in their arms, legs or other parts of the body, or even worse, they don’t even bother; others may take it lightly. Their attitude will suddenly change if their next of kin suffers a stroke, or maybe death, because of a heart failure brought about by a very bad circulation. Then the usual rhetoric follows; "Ah, poor guy, he did say that he suffered from bad circulation; Didn't she often complain that her hands and legs were always very cold." No wonder that bad circulation, strokes, heart-attacks are called ‘silent killers’.

Blood is meant to flow smoothly from our heart through the arteries, the veins and and the thinnest of capillaries at the extremities of our body, hands, fingers, feet, toes, brain, etc. Incredible amounts of blood have to travel hundreds of kilometres around our body. The heart’s job is no small feat; pumping regularly for years and years, hopefully. So why make it more difficult by blocking the way of the blood-flow.  Bad circulation is caused when fatty deposits – what we normally call bad colesterol - are accumulated in the inner linings of the artery wall. This accumulation results in the blockage of blood circulation and eventually a series of consequences, such as cold hands or feet, respiratory problems, and finally the dreaded ‘silent killer’; not necessarily in that order.

So let’s take the matter seriously and stop acting like that reckless know-it-all dare-devil driver, who then ends up with his nose up a lamp-post at the bottom of which a pretty posy is put the day after.

First things first! If you suffer from any one, or more of the following:
Cold hands or feet,
Swollen hand or feet,
High cholesterol,
High blood pressure,
Shortness of breath,
Reduced mental clarity,

Then it is high time that you visit your family doctor to undergo the necessary check-ups.

Even before going to the doctor you might start taking measures to improve your condition right-away. A wise driver does not wait for an engine-breakdown to service his vehicle.

Cardiosteroil of Alta Care Laboratoires is a fish oil supplement that, taken on a daily basis, can lower the risk of dying from a heart attack. Recent studies in Denmark found that fish oil could reduce the chances of sudden death in heart attack patients by as much as 50%. It also offers increased protection against developing heart disease in the first place.
There are several ways in which fish oil appears to benefit the cardiovascular system:
• Reducing triglyceride levels,
• Helping to stabilise irregular heart rhythms (arrhythmia),
• Thinning the blood,
• Lowering blood pressure,
• Inhibiting the processes that lead to hardening of the arteries,
• Increasing the level of good cholesterol,
• Counteracting inflammation.

• Reduces bad cholesterol (LDL) in blood up to 27%;
• Helps patients keep a correct level of LDL and a healthy heart;
• Helps to keep tissues and capillaries toned due to its antioxidant and anti-ageing effect;
• Can be administered with other pharmaceuticals as it has no interactions.


• Cardiosteroil decreases deposits on arterial walls
• Cardiosteroil decreases sugar levels
• Cardiosteroil increases blood fluidity.

So now you have no excuses! Oh yes, we all have to die somehow! It’s your life! True, but you may have a wife, kids, friends, whatever; surely you wouldn’t like to be a burden to them! So if you do smoke, stop smoking, start off on Cardiosteroil , and visit your doctor right away. Don’t hesitate!

For more information visit: www.altacare.com

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Venalta benefits for leg health with red vine extract

It remained a mystery for quite a period of time why farmers from the vine growing regions of France almost never suffered from vein disorders. Then the long-guarded secret from folk medicine was discovered. It was customary for French farmers to collect the red vine leaves which are found in great abundance at the time of the grape harvest and to make infusions and paste-like poultices from them. The infusions were filled into bottles and regularly ingested in small quantities. The paste from vine leaves was used for the topical treatment of swollen, painful and tired legs - with great accomplishment.

Scientists and pharmacologists have now analysed and determined the active ingredients of the red vine leaf. The extracts were further developed into modern, innovative, purely herbal, medicaments. This was the time when the venotherapeutic agent found in all the VENALTA® range was born.

The action of the red vine leaf extract –
• improves blood circulation and metabolic activity in the tissues
• protects, seals and stabilizes the small vessel walls
• relieves pain and swelling, and tired, heavy legs
• reduces water retention and edema formation
• has anti-inflammatory properties

The Venalta Range, by Alta Care Laboratoires Paris consists of an exclusive variety of products ranging from tablets, gel, syrup, patches and ampoules.  The Venalta Range guarantees high efficacy due to the array of products which can be used in combination, for example, Venalta Tablets (which are working from the inside to the outside) and Venalta Gel (which is working from the outside to the inside).  Red Vine extract is present in all the products of the Venalta range, in addition to other food supplements and herbal extracts which promote leg health.

For more information visit our website: www.altacare.com

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Altadrine anti-cellulite to break down cellulite

A lot of anti-cellulite creams efficacy is often questioned because one does not see them work when applied. Thermic creams are increasing in demand because one can feel them and see them work!

The most innovative product in the market are the Thermic creams with red pepper; creams which when applied one can actually feel them working!  ALTA CARE Laboratoires – Paris, have just launched an innovative cellulite cream – ALTADRINE Thermic Cream.  The Red Pepper extract and the methyl nicotinate combination in Altadrine Thermic Cream causes a redness and burning sensation while actively working on the cellulite and burning the fat away!

Containing Citrus Amara extract, Garcinia Cambodgia, Aesculus Hyppocastanum (Horse Chestnut) and Capiscum extract (Red Pepper); Altadrine Thermic Cream is highly recommended for people who want to decrease the ‘orange peel’ effect and have a more refined silhouette.

Citrus Amara extract is pure in it’s body fat burning properties.  Garcinia Cambodgia and Aesculus Hyppocastanum (Horse Chestnut) extracts burn fat by thermogenesis.  Another body fat burner is Capiscum extract, better known as Red Pepper extract.

Altadrine Thermic Cream is to be applied twice a day (morning and evening) on the affected areas; in circular massages, for a minimum of one month.  Avoid contact with eyes and wash hands immediately after application.  Altadrine Thermic Cream has a unique non-greasy and warm cream texture which is quickly absorbed, allowing one to get dressed immediately - ideal for those late morning wake ups!


Monday, July 9, 2012

Protect yourself with Dermastir Airless Sun Protection SPF50+

That exposure to the sun's UVA rays is a serious threat of skin cancer no one can still deny. Statistics have shown that, for example, one out of every five Americans will develop some form of skin cancer during their lifetime. Moreover, having sunburns over any period of time will double your chance of skin cancer,  and getting sunburnt during your childhood will double the chances of melanoma in your lifetime. Yet these scary cancer statistics can be rectified if people take time to protect themselves from the ultra violet rays of the sun.

Alta Care Laboratoires’ DERMASTIR CAVIAR SUN PROTECTION SPF50+ is a fluid sun protecting cream with multiple properties and prolonged sun protection. Dermastir  Sun Protection prevents and delays wrinkle formation and it is a must for skins that are prone to pigmentation. Caviar has been added to nourish the skin and to help it regain the nutrients that it needs during sun exposure. The cream’s sun protection factors and its ingredients remain intact even after opening the packaging. Since every time the pump is pressed it is a new opening Dermastir  packaging makes use of vacuum airless technology - unlike other competing sun protections that are usually presented in tubes.

The vacuum airless technology of DERMASTIR  CAVIAR Sun Protection SPF50+ protects the sun protection filters from oxidation, heat and contamination; in other words it protects the ingredients from heat, light, oxygen and micro organisms. Moreover the packaging provides only the desired amount of cream for use, while the remaining cream is kept protected from the above mentioned harming factors. When purchasing your next Sun Protector remember that a cream cannot fully protect your skin if its very UV filters are themselves damaged by the sun’s rays before reaching your skin.

So the next time you are out in the sum make it a point to:

·         Avoid the ultraviolet rays when they are at their strongest, that is from ten in the morning to four in the afternoon;

·         Wear an appropriate hat or cap and clothing that obstructs the rays’ path to your skin;

·         Wear large sunglasses that protect your eyes from UV rays;

·         Apply DERMASTIR CAVIAR SUN PROTECTION SPF50+ to your skin before going to the beach, or even just for a stroll in the sun. Make sure to cover all exposed areas including ears, lips and nose.

For more information please viste our website: www.altacare.com

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Dermastir Caviar Sun Protection - New generation SPF

Here comes summer ! We are all off to the beach fully equipped with our hats, caps, towels, iPods and naturally our SUN BLOCK with its high sun protection filter (SPF), for is there anyone on planet earth who is now not aware of the fact that ultraviolet solar radiation is powerful enough to damage our skin? What we may have never questioned is the reliability of the Ultra Violet filters of our sunblock.

Now choosing a sun block with a high SPF (Sun Protection Factor) capable of blocking UV-A and UV-B, is of vital importance because if UV rays penetrate the cells of the skin these may eventually become cancerous. While certain skin cancers are usually slow growing, the development of melanoma may be fatal in short order. We are not to take sun blocks too casually for there are three vital facts worth noting.

FACT 1 - Skin cancer is one the most common forms of cancer today.

FACT  2   -   90% of all skin cancers can be attributed to UV ray damage to skin cells.

FACT 3 – UV ray damage is the underlying cause of pigmentation and wrinkling.

Thus choosing a sun block with a high SPF (Sun Protection Factor) capable of blocking UV-A and UV-B is of vital importance because if UV rays penetrate the cells of the skin these may eventually become cancerous. While certain skin cancers are usually slow growing, the development of melanoma may be fatal in short order.

Another very important, but very often forgotten factor, is the reliability of the UV filters of our sun block once off the pharmacy shelf. A lot of sun protection are stored by the end user incorrectly and the packaging of many sun protection does not help to maintain the UV filters’ stability. Are the UV filters themselves stable to the heat caused by the sun’s UV rays? Does the plastic tube or glass jar in which the cream is inserted guarantee protection and stability from the heat once off the pharmacy shelf ? Isn’t the cream exposed to oxygen whenever the cream’s container is opened? Don’t we ever let the sun block exposed to the sun’s UV rays on the sand or rocky beach?

In its never ending endeavour to produce sun protection UV filters of the very highest quality and reliability ALTA CARE Laboratoires, Paris has launched on the market its DERMASTIR CAVIAR SUN PROTECTION SPF 50+. A lot of investment has been done by Alta Care Laboratoires on the packaging in order to protect the UV filters from oxygen, heat and microbiological contamination.

What’s so special about DERMASTIR CAVIAR SUN PROTECTION SPF 50+?

• Dermastir Caviar Sun Protection SPF50+ has an airless thermal luxury packaging protecting UV filters from oxygen.
• This airless thermal packaging protects the cream from the factors that may reduce the activity of its ingredients, that is oxygen, heat, light and microbiology.
• As the packaging is airless, oxygen is never in contact with the cream and thus oxidization does not take place; hence the ingredients do not incur any damage.
• Since the packaging consists of 3 jars nested into 1, a ‘thermos effect’ is created as a result of which the cream’s filters are protected from the UV rays of the sun.
• As the inner jar of this packaging is metallic coated infrared rays are reflected;  the cream is protected not only from heat but also from light. The cream will not turn yellow as in the case of other creams in tubes.
• The luxury packaging of the DERMASTIR CAVIAR SUN PROTECTION SPF 50+ has also an actuator in the middle that, when pressed, delivers the correct amount of the ingredient without the need to put one’s finger in the cream. There is thus no risk of microbiological contamination.

When purchasing your next Sun Protector remember that a cream cannot fully protect your skin if its very UV filters are themselves damaged by the sun’s rays before reaching your skin. This is the problem that ALTA CARE Laboratoires, Paris, has successfully addressed by protecting the sun filters by a precious airless and thermal packaging. The Dermastir packaging protects the UV filters so that when applied on the skin the UV filters are of 100% integrity to protect the skin.

DERMASTIR CAVIAR SUN PROTECTION SPF 50+ is available and sold only from pharmacies.

For more information visit: www.altacare.com

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Altadrine Carb Blocker Sachets for CHILDHOOD OBESITY

 Mothers, educators and child carers are all very much aware of childhood obesity, a global problem that is increasing at an alarming rate. Globally, in 2010, the number of overweight children under the age of five, is estimated to have been over 42 million.

Now while obese adults very often resort to all kinds of fat blockers, tablets, syrups, gels etc. to tackle their condition, this is not possible in the case of children, for such ‘medicines’ and dietary supplements will cause further harm to them if taken at a tender age. Such dietary products should in fact be out of reach for children.

Being very much aware of this dilemma, Alta Care Laboratoires has just added a new product to its Altadrine range, a product which is not at all harmful for children; on the contrary it is ideal for obese, or rather overweight, children. This is the ALTADRINE FAT AND CARB BLOCKER sachets that block fats and carbohydrates. ALTADRINE FAT AND CARB BLOCKER helps weight control by inhibiting carbohydrate break down and by inhibiting fat absorption.

The fundamental causes behind the rising levels of childhood obesity are a shift in diet towards increased intake of energy-dense foods that are high in fat and sugars but low in vitamins, minerals, fibres and other healthy micronutrients. A trend towards decreased levels of physical activity has also been noted.

ALTADRINE FAT AND CARB BLOCKER is a drink with an orange flavour that is bound to please children and could easily replace the normal popular drinks on the market which are unfortunately so high in sugars.

The Altadrine drink is sugarless and rich in fibre. Its main ingredients are:
•    psyllium - a dietary fibre that absorbs excess water while stimulating normal bowel elimination; a fat blocker
•    chromium picolinate - that attenuates weight gain and controls insulin levels.
•    white kidney bean -  a carbohydrate blocker. The white kidney bean extract does not allow carbohydrate break down because it inhibits the enzyme amylase which is responsible for breakdown of carbohydrates into glucose.
Preparing the Altadrine drink is very simple. Just mix 1 sachet with a glass of water. As the orange drink becomes an orange fibre gel after mixing, it has to be drunk immediately, for the more time passes, the thicker the gel becomes. The Altadrine drink will become a fibre gel in the gastro intestinal tract. It is recommended to take one sachet during high carb and fatty meals.

•    emotional and psychological problems;
•    diabetes;
•    high blood pressure;
•     heart disease;
•    sleep problems;
•    cancer,
•    other disorders such as liver disease, early puberty, eating disorders, anorexia, bulimia, skin infections, asthma, respiratory problems;
•    obese child likely to grow up to be overweight adult;
•    teasing by peers;
•    harassment or discrimination;
•     low self-esteem and depression;
•     premature aging of carotid arteries;
•    abnormal levels of cholesterol.

•    Reduce availability of less healthy foods and sugar drinks;
•    Increase drinking water and decrease drinks with sugar, salt and fat;
•     physical activity;
•    limit time of tv watching;
•    plenty of fruit and vegetables;
•    healthier family meals.

For further information visit our web-site www.altacare.com.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

What is Cellulite and how to cure it?

What causes cellulite?
Ultrasonic imaging by Alta Care Laboratoires reveals that cellulite is caused by inflammation. This inflammatory condition is linked to hormone imbalance, engorged fat cells, lack of oxygen, decreased circulation and deterioration of supportive collagen fibers causing an unsightly “orange peel” appearance. Cellulite is a progressive condition that can get worse over time and with age.

Who suffers from cellulite?
Cellulite is not related to being overweight since it occurs in all body types including women who are thin. Cellulite affects approximately 85 percent of women and rarely men, due to hormonal imbalances of estrogen and progesterone that result in fat storage and collagen breakdown. If you feel that hormones may be causing your condition, visit Silvia women patches with isoflavones that can help restore hormone balance.

In this diagram one can see how in healthy tissue a fine mesh of blood and lymph channels supplies the adipose tissue with necessary nutrition and oxygen. The lymph is responsible for the removal of toxic elements.

In unhealthy tissue, the microcirculation of both blood and lymph has been disrupted by constricted and loss of dermal capillary networks. Engorged fat cells causing decreased circulation in the unhealthy tissue contributes to an inflammatory response. This causes structural changes in subcutaneous fat tissue and the surrounding matrix of collagen fibers reflecting the expansion of adipose tissue into the dermis and the stiffening of collagen fibers that draw in anchor points causing dimpling in the dermis and epidermis.

Alta Care Laboratoires Cellulite treatments.

Altadrine fat burner tablets breaks down fat and the fat burnt is converted into energy. The synephrine acts on the beta 3 receptors found on the adipocytes (fatty cells) and the fat is released and burnt according to the Kreb cycle. Altadrine fat burner tablets increases the metabolism of the body. The body uses the body fat reserves instead of the carbohydrate reserves when the Altadrine is combined with exercise.

Altadrine fat liquidizers are liquid capsules with conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) and CoQ10 that do not allow the fat to be deposited. The Altadrine fat liquidizers lower the fat levels in the blood and therefore also protect the heart. Altadrine fat liquidizers are fast acting and recommended in cases where the patient needs to burn down fat but the heart needs to remain protected.

Altadrine appetite control liquid capsules with conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) and pine oil is excellent to control appetite. The Altadrine appetite control liquid capsules elongate the interval time between one meal and the other. The sensation of fullness is also reached quickly since the Altadrine appetite control liquid capsules act fast on the CCK and GLP1 which are the 2 main hormones that stimulate hunger. 

Altadrine fruit and vegetables tablets contain 6 fruit fibres in an orange tablet and 6 vegetable fibres in a green tablet. The fibres help to block the fat in the intestinal system in cases when it is known that one has ingested a fatty meal. 

Altadrine Thalasso Drink stimulates fat metabolism but also drains waters and electrolytes just like other tisanes with the difference however that the electrolytes are replaced; tisanes do not replace electrolytes.

Altadrine Cellulite creams help to minimize the intrinsic and extrinsic factors causing cellulite.  This is a home care system and should be coupled with oral cellulite treatments.

Altadrine Cellulite Patches act locally in cases when the nodules have to be broken down chemically. Altadrine Cellulite Patches also acts on specific localized parts to help decrease the inflammation and congestion.

Dermastir Collagen & Dermastir Elastin Ampoules when combined with massages and aesthetic treatments reinforce the cells and therefore prevent the appearance of inestetisms caused by cellulite.
Dermastir Co Q10 ampoules & Dermastir Co Q10 twisters are lipophilic serums with Co Q10 that when combined with massages and aesthetic treatments help to improve the transport of oxygen to the cells. Oxygen is always needed in the processes to burn down fat.

Altadrine Cellulogy works by vacuum aspiration. The vibratory and percussion massage treats cellulite conditions and poor circulation, toxins are eliminated by lymph drainage. When combined with Dermastir ampoules and Dermastir serums, results can be extraordinary. In cases when the skin has a lot of nodules Altadrine cellulogy ultrasound has to be used first before vacuum aspiration.

Altadrine Body Wraps are peel off body wraps and therefore they can also be used at home. The body wraps have occlusive properties and this causes the skin to react, to decrease the inflammation, and to improve circulation. Altadrine body wraps also supply the skin with nutrients that are very important at cellular level.

Silvia Women Patches. Hormone balancing allows unopposed estrogen to be controlled by supplementing with isoflavones & natural progesterone. When the underlying cause of cellulite hormone imbalance. Silvia women patches are recommended.

Nicosolven CoQ10. In many cases there is an increase in weight because one decides to stop smoking. In these cases the weight increased has to be controlled with Nicosolven liquid capsules. If the oxidative stress is counteracted correctly there will be no weight gain and cellulite.

Altasterol Pro+ caffeine tablets. Studies show that when caffeine tablets are combined with exercise the body burns down first the fat deposits instead of the carbohydrate deposits. The bad news is that when caffeine tablets is not combined with exercise, no fat is burnt down.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Altadrine Fat Burner cryogel for cellulite

 CELLULITE!!! You're not the only one!!! The truth is that 80 to 90% of women have some form of cellulite on their bodies, be it abdomen, thighs, buttocks, flanks, legs, arms, ankles, etc. Some of you won't be seen in a swimsuit, shorts, skirts or anything that exposes their legs. For others it may be not much of a bother, but still an inconvenience. Today anti-cellulite gels are being used both by men and women especially in the abdominal area to cut out the abdominal muscles further.

There are a myriad of anti-cellulite treatments out there, all claiming to burn down fat and cure cellulite. The main problem for the consumer is in choosing the right active ingredients that will burn your fat away. Caffeine 5% is the ingredient used my producers of most fat burning cellulite gels.

is the pathological alteration of the connective tissue caused by subcutaneous fat and microcirculation problems that lead to a padded or orange-peel-like appearance of the skin. This dimpling of the skin occurs because the collagen fibres are no longer straight and aligned. Although being pathological, cellulite may be treated, so long that the right strategy is adopted constantly without delay. Studies show that results are seen if one uses constantly Altadrine Fat Burning Cryogel.

The main cause is linked to the estrogens (female hormones) that cause liquid retention in tissues, as well as the natural deposit of adipose cells, in particular zones of the body (thighs, flanks, buttocks, legs, arms).

Other causes are:
    hereditary predisposition
    a bad diet
    being over-weight
    a sedentary life-style

Altadrine Fat Burner Cryogel is produced by Alta Care Laboratoires and forms part of the vast Altadrine fat burning gels. Altadrine fat burning cryogel is a 2 in 1 treatment, both for cellulite and water-retention.

Altadrine Fat Burner Cryogel leaves a cold effect that enhances microcirculation. This cold effect diminishes the circumference of the thighs and cutting out muscles if the applications are constantly done in a regular way.   
The anti-cellulite activator found in Altadrine Fat Burner Cryogel is made up of pure Caffeine + Citrus Aurantium. This synergic combination enhances burning of fat and destocks fat deposits.
The stem cells are capable of stimulating the secretion of the protein that burns and destocks fat. The stem cells also contribute in keeping the collagen fibres straight and aligned.

With Altadrine Fat Burner Cryogel one's silhouette is significantly refined and apart from being used to burn down cellulite, this product is used to cut out abdominals. In fact Altadrine Fat burning Cryogel is known in the
USA as Altadrine cutting gel. Altadrine Fat Burner Cryogel Gel is used often, before and after work outs, in gyms, or when doing high performance activity.

The directions for use are as follows. Massage the interested zone until complete absorption of the product. The cold sensation felt at the treated areas is due to the cryogenic action of the gel that enhances the absorption of the ingredients. A continuous use will help one to obtain significant results within 3-4 weeks, depending on the extent of the aesthetic imperfection and one’s personal reaction to the product.

For further information visit web-site www.altacare.com.