Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Dermastir Microdermabrasion - acne treatment and much more

Dermastir Microdermabrasion with crystals is an aesthetic treatment that helps one to solve many  facial problems like, stretchmarks, pigmentation, dilated pores, sagging skin, fine wrinkles, scars and acne. By means of a mechanical movement and a deep but delicate exfoliation of the upper layer of the epidermis, microdermaabrasion with Dermastir crystals renews, in an efficacious and painless way, the skin, making it more compact and bright.

Microdermaabrasion is a very modern and non-invasive technique that, through a mechanical abrasion of the uppermost layers of the epidermis, and with the help of microcrystals of aluminium oxide, removes dead cells and stimulates cellular exchange. Dermastir microdermaabrasion is carried out with a machinery that emits on the face a micro-shower of these crystals, in a regulated amount and velocity, according to the exigencies of the individual. For a deep cleansing of the face, microdermaabrasion is carried out in a very light manner; to tackle inestetisms of acne and fine wrinkles, the treatment is carried out in a more intense way. After the salts have been projected on to the skin to create a delicate skin abrasion, they are then extracted to produce a deep peeling. The skin will thus become more luminous and homogenous, with a uniform colour and with a compact grain. Microdermaabrasion also stimulates the production of collagen and elastin.

Whenever this treatment is carried out, the skin’s natural defensive barrier is not altered, and there is no risk of an outbreak of inflammations or irritations. But one has to take into consideration one important change that has taken place, the application of the active ingredients. Having removed the surface layer of the skin, the skin will become more perceptible to whatever is applied to it in the next 72 hours.

To obtain the best results the cycle has to consist of from 4 to 6 sessions, carried out every 10/15 days. The cost is about 85 euro a session. The inconvenience during the treatment of microdermaabrasion is really minimal, and the client will be able to carry on with her normal duties immediately. The crystals used during microdermaabrasiion (aluminium oxide) are inert and sterile, without any allergy risks. Dermastir microdermaabrasion with crystals can be  carried out both by a medical aesthetician and by a beautician, without anaesthesia.

For more information visit: www.altacare.com

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