Wednesday, November 13, 2013


Travel agencies are daily trying to capture our imagination and entice us to visit some beautiful destination in one of the four corners of the world. Publications are full of offers for wonderful cruises to diverse destinations, from Alaska, Asia to Africa.

Whether you are seeking a family holiday, a cultural tour, an adventure holiday, a relaxing cruise, a pilgrimage, whatever, there is one very important factor that you have to bear in mind prior, or during your trip - FOOD. Food has to be taken very, very seriously!

One of the pleasures of traveling is definitely experiencing the cuisine of another country. But every traveler must be conscious of the fact that every country, and even more, every culture and every continent, has its different culinary traditions. This you surely know. What you may not know is that although all the intestines of all human beings possess bacterial flora that perform a variety of functions, the flora of people of different continents tend to differ; the flora of Europeans is different from that of Asians, or that of Arabs. This is the result of different staple food, diets, etc. Flora may even differ between Europeans themselves.

Flora is the tiny, ever-busy microorganisms that inhabit our digestive system. This flora helps us to digest and absorb our food, support our immune system, detoxify noxious compounds and even contribute to the manufacture of essential vitamins. A probiotic is a food-supplement containing live beneficial microbes that can be used to fortify or rebuild our own natural flora. A probiotic is needed to keep the balance of intestinal flora tipped toward the positive side, because contrasting the beneficial flora are the bacteria, viruses, fungi and protozoa, all in some way implicated in various diseases.

Ignoring flora when traveling often leads to an inconvenient bout of diarrhoea. Traveling to certain countries we are always reminded to avoid drinking tap water. But food is ignored, even when traveling to warmer countries like Florida, the Middle East, North Africa, South America, Asia and the like. Hot temperatures cause a loss of electrolytes and consequently loss of energy; now energy is something you can’t do without especially when traveling.

So dear traveler do make it point to strengthen your gut if you want to put your mind at rest before or during your holiday. ALTFLORA ELECTROLYTES of Alta Care Laboratoires  is indicated first of all in cases of diarrhoea and dehydration. It will not only replace flora but also the electrolytes. These powder sachets contain lactobacilli that are easily soluble and have an excellent vanilla taste. Altaflora Electrolytes is also a treatment for inappropriate diets, stress, aging, and peristaltic disorders that cause indigestion, flatulence, constipation and gastroenteritis.

Having Altaflora Electrolytes well before embarking on a journey, and carrying a box with you throughout the trip is a must.  Suffering diarrhoea in a plane, in a coach, on a ship, wherever, is not nice at all. Watching other people sitting at table and having delicious meals while you are suffering such an inconvenience is not at all pleasant;  not to mention the expenses incurred.

When visiting certain countries a vaccine is often obligatory; likewise you have to make sure that when traveling to any country your stomach and intestine are well-prepared and well-equipped for any eventuality. Altaflora Electrolytes by Alta Care Laboratoires will ensure that you enjoy the culinary pleasures of the country or continent you will be visiting next. One of the nicest things when on holiday is to taste the typical food of the country and Altaflora will guarantee your intestine is ready for new types of food.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

French people are drinking "Sea water" for their well being

Have you ever tried drinking sea water? Suppose you haven’t, since it is too salty, even though marine algae and electrolytes at the right quantities would be beneficial for your well being. That’s why the multinational French company ALTA CARE Laboratoires has created the first thalasso drink in the world. ALTADRINE THALASSO DRINK contains algae in a fibre base complimented with marine electrolytes that help the body in its cleaning and draining functions. With this mode of action, ALTADRINE THALASSO DRINK cleans your inside while stimulating metabolism, burning body fats and producing new energy.

ALTADRINE THALASSO DRINK are monodose sachets with a unique funnel shape; in fact this shape makes all the difference for we are used to square shaped sachets which make us lose part of the product while pouring it into a bottle. Instead, ALTA CARE Laboratoires chose to have sachets with a funnel form in order to reduce dispersion when inserting the sachet in a bottleneck. So, wherever you are, you can pour the content of the sachet in a litre bottle of water, consuming it during the day for internal cleaning.

The French are drinking this “sea water” more than ever for their well being. The salty thalasso taste of ALTADRINE THALASSO DRINK is masked by an excellent flavour of passion fruit with a touch of grapefruit.

ALTADRINE THALASSO DRINK is available in all pharmacies.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Botanical Aspects of Phaseolus vulgaris

Common names: Common bean, White Kidney bean - Phaseolus vulgaris belongs to the botanical family of Leguminosae. It is a sub-erect or twining annual herb, native of tropical America and now grown extensively throughout the warm regions of the world. The kidney beans leaves are trifoliate; flowers white to violet-purple; pods slender, 10-26 cm long, straight or slightly curved, the surface glabrous or faintly pubescent, the beak prominent. Seeds are more or less kidney shaped, elongated or nearly globular, or somewhat compressed; white, red, purple blackish or mottled in appearance.

Varieties of the white common bean have been classified variously; some classifications are based on morphological characters of the plant, pod and seeds, while others are based on their mode of use.

The seeds of Phaseolus vulgaris contain an inhibitor of alpha-amylase. This alpha amylase inhibitor is identified in the protein fraction of the bean. This protein binds with the active sites of alpha- amylase and prevents the starch metabolizing activity; hence it is also called  “Starch Blocker” or “Carbohydrate blocker”.

The alpha-amylase inhibitor from Phaseolus vulgaris is a protein composed of two glycosylated protomers of 30 kDa, which are cleaved into two polypeptides of 16 and 14 kDa, respectively.

Mechanism of “carbohydrate blocking” action
The alpha-amylase inhibitors are also called “Carbo blockers” and these compounds are not directly involved in the weight loss process. However, the carbo blockers are indirectly helpful in weight loss due to inhibition of sugar assimilation, through inhibiting starch breakdown. With reduced amount of amylase available for break down, the complex carbohydrate has a better chance of travelling through the body without being assimilated, and is eventually excreted from the body instead of being converted into storage fat. An animal model study revealed that amylase inhibitors alter the amount and pattern of food intake and reduce weight gain probably through inducing satiety and increasing carbohydrate delivery to the distal (farthest) part of the small intestine in rats.

Health benefits of carbohydrate blockers
An alpha-amylase inhibitor inhibits the digestion of starch and carbohydrates thereby potentially improving postprandial carbohydrate tolerance in people with low glucose tolerance. As excess dietary carbohydrate is metabolized to fat; inhibition of carbohydrate digestion may help in weight management as well.

A partially purified white bean amylase inhibitor was found to reduce starch digestion and inactivate intraduodenal amylase in humans by 94 to 99.9%.16 The authors of this study reported that perfusion of the partially purified inhibitor (2.0, 3.5 or 5 mg/ml at the rate of 5 ml/min) into the duodenum of humans rapidly inhibited alpha-amylase activity in a dose-dependent manner. The inhibitor also inactivated intralieal and salivary amylase in vitro studies. Additionally, the specific activity of the inhibitor was not affected by exposure to gastric juice and was only minimally affected by exposure to duodenal juice.

In studies in normal subjects and in patients with diabetes mellitus, a purified amylase inhibitor from beans was found to exert a “starch blockade” effect. In comparison with the placebo, ingestion of this inhibitor with 50 g starch substantially reduced post-prandial increases in plasma concentrations of glucose and insulin in both normal subjects and those with diabetes.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Altadrine Carb Blocker Sachets for CHILDHOOD OBESITY

Mothers, educators and child carers are all very much aware of childhood obesity, a global problem that is increasing at an alarming rate. Globally, in 2010, the number of overweight children under the age of five, is estimated to have been over 42 million.

Now while obese adults very often resort to all kinds of fat blockers, tablets, syrups, gels etc. to tackle their condition, this is not possible in the case of children, for such ‘medicines’ and dietary supplements will cause further harm to them if taken at a tender age. Such dietary products should in fact be out of reach for children.

Being very much aware of this dilemma, Alta Care Laboratoires has just added a new product to its Altadrine range, a product which is not at all harmful for children; on the contrary it is ideal for obese, or rather overweight, children. This is the ALTADRINE FAT AND CARB BLOCKER sachets that block fats and carbohydrates. ALTADRINE FAT AND CARB BLOCKER helps weight control by inhibiting carbohydrate break down and by inhibiting fat absorption.

The fundamental causes behind the rising levels of childhood obesity are a shift in diet towards increased intake of energy-dense foods that are high in fat and sugars but low in vitamins, minerals, fibres and other healthy micronutrients. A trend towards decreased levels of physical activity has also been noted.

ALTADRINE FAT AND CARB BLOCKER is a drink with an orange flavour that is bound to please children and could easily replace the normal popular drinks on the market which are unfortunately so high in sugars.

The Altadrine drink is sugarless and rich in fibre. Its main ingredients are:
•    psyllium - a dietary fibre that absorbs excess water while stimulating normal bowel elimination; a fat blocker
•    chromium picolinate - that attenuates weight gain and controls insulin levels.
•    white kidney bean -  a carbohydrate blocker. The white kidney bean extract does not allow carbohydrate break down because it inhibits the enzyme amylase which is responsible for breakdown of carbohydrates into glucose.
Preparing the Altadrine drink is very simple. Just mix 1 sachet with a glass of water. As the orange drink becomes an orange fibre gel after mixing, it has to be drunk immediately, for the more time passes, the thicker the gel becomes. The Altadrine drink will become a fibre gel in the gastro intestinal tract. It is recommended to take one sachet during high carb and fatty meals.

•    emotional and psychological problems;
•    diabetes;
•    high blood pressure;
•     heart disease;
•    sleep problems;
•    cancer,
•    other disorders such as liver disease, early puberty, eating disorders, anorexia, bulimia, skin infections, asthma, respiratory problems;
•    obese child likely to grow up to be overweight adult;
•    teasing by peers;
•    harassment or discrimination;
•     low self-esteem and depression;
•     premature aging of carotid arteries;
•    abnormal levels of cholesterol.

•    Reduce availability of less healthy foods and sugar drinks;
•    Increase drinking water and decrease drinks with sugar, salt and fat;
•     physical activity;
•    limit time of tv watching;
•    plenty of fruit and vegetables;
•    healthier family meals.

For further information visit our web-site

Friday, April 19, 2013


Healthy bones store about 99% of the body’s calcium; the rest is used throughout the body for other vital functions. Bones also house about 85% of the body’s phosphorous and 50% of the body’s total sodium and magnesium.

SILVIA OSTEO PLUS with TRICALCIUM PHOSPHATE of ALTA CARE Laboratoires, Paris is especially recommended for adolescents and women above the age of 50 and those who do not consume dairy products. It is a source of calcium and phosphorus.

Calcium is one of the most important minerals in the body, not only for bone health but for other physiological functions, including nerve transmission, blood clotting, muscle growth and contraction, heart function, hormone function, and metabolism.

Phosphorus is the second most important mineral. It is a mineral that makes up 1% of a person's total body weight. It is present in every cell of the body, but most of the phosphorus in the body is found in the bones and teeth. The main function of phosphorus is in the formation of bones and teeth. It also plays an important role in the body's utilization of carbohydrates and fats and in the synthesis of protein for the growth, maintenance, and repair of cells and tissues. It is also crucial for the production of ATP, a molecule the body uses to store energy. Phosphorus works with the B vitamins. It also assists in the contraction of muscles, in the functioning of kidneys, in maintaining the regularity of the heartbeat, and in nerve conduction.

Clients in pharmacies have 52 CALCIUM SALTS to choose from, too long a list to quote. What is important is the ratio between calcium and phosphorous. For this reason Alta Care Laboratoires chose TRICALCIUM PHOSPHATE to produce SIVIA OSTEO, since calcium is the most important mineral in bones and phosphorus the second most important mineral in bones. Tricalcium phosphate also has the advantage that it is highly available because tricalcium phosphate does not cake as other calcium compounds do.

Alta Care Laboratoires would like to emphasize the importance of choosing SILVIA OSTEO PLUS because of the presence of TRICALCIUM PHOSPHATE, in other words, the two most important minerals in the body, so vital for anyone’s well-being.

For more information about Silvia Osteo Plus Click Here


Monday, March 25, 2013

Silvia Elastin ampoules in pregnanc

Pregnant women worry about the stretch marks that may appear after pregnancy. Women are getting pregnant at a later stage of their life nowadays and the elastin levels in skin are not optimum therefore there is a high risk of stretch marks after pregnancy because of these decreased elastin levels.  Stretch marks is a concern for all pregnant women but also for all women that intend to become pregnant in their future. And it’s this substance that directly leads to stretch marks and sagging loose skin.


Elastin is a protein in connective tissue that is elastic and allows many tissues in the body to resume their shape after stretching or contracting. Elastin helps skin to return to its original position when it is poked or pinched.

It is primarily composed of the amino acids glycine, valine, alanine, and proline. Elastin is made by linking many soluble tropoelastin protein molecules, in a reaction catalyzed by lysyl oxidase, to make a massive insoluble, durable cross-linked array. The amino acid responsible for these cross-links is lysine. Desmosine and isodesmosine are both found in elastin.

Our natural Elastin is no longer renewed. With aging, the elastic fibers progressively degenerate and separate into fragments. The skin progressively loses its elasticity and lines and wrinkles start appearing. This damage to our elastic tissue cannot be avoided and is part of our natural (physiological) aging process. This process begins relatively early but accelerates considerably after age of 40.

Elastin owes its properties to its thin structure which resembles that of rubber. Alta Care laboratoires defines elastin as the rubber of the organism.
Elastin is the protein responsible for our skin’s essential elasticity and tonicity. Its decrease means aging and it can be said that ‘we are as old as our elastic fibers’. As we we age, we stop producing elastin for our skin. The skin starts sagging, allowing lines, folds and wrinkles to appear and grow.
This is the reason why Elastin is of the utmost importance in dermo-cosmetology as it can compensate for the loss of elastic matter in the derm. Only Dermastir Elastin™ biopeptides are soluble and small enough were proven to regenerate and replenish our level elastin in our skin, and thus make it look much younger.

There are three types of “elastin” available on the market:
1   “Hydrolysed Elastin” penetrates the dermis but had lost all its elasticity as its “rubber” molecular cross-links were first destroyed in the hydrolysation process.
2   “Native Elastin” has too large a molecules and cannot penetrate the skin. It just sits on the skin surface. Useless.
3   Dermastir Elastin™ behaves like natural Elastin and restores our skin natural elasticity, hydration and tonicity.

Elastin is best presented in glass ampoule form because only in this way  you have a guarantee that the elastin that you purchased will arrive to the skin when applying the ampoule.

Directions of Use
Break the top of the skincare ampoule. Distribute the precious serum directly on the skin or mix in a cream or in a mask. Massage delicately on the interested areas until completely absorbed.
Before and after pregnancy  - Phase 1 : Apply one elastin ampoule in the morning and one elastin ampoule at night every seven days for a month - Phase 2 : To consolidate the obtained results repeat phase 1.
During pregnancy -   Phase 1 : Apply one elastin ampoule in the morning and one elastin ampoule at night every three days for 9 months

Silvia elastin ampoules can be used before and during pregnancy. The ampoules can be mixed with a hydrating lotion or even applied on their own on the parts of the body with high risk to develop stretch marks.

One box of Silvia elastin with 20 ampoules costs 48 euros meaning 1 ampoule costs 2,4 euros. The ampoules can be purchased either individually or as a box of 20 ampoules from a pharmacy.

Warnings : Do not expose yourself to the sun. Avoid contact with eyes and in case rinse with water. The skincare ampoule tip must be broken by using a piece of cloth.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013



Stress is often related to external factors like the physical environment, including our job, our relationships with others, our home, and whatever we are confronted with in life - challenges, difficulties, expectations, etc. Stress affects our muscles and joints, our heart, our stomach, our intestines, our reproductive system and most important of all our brain and nerves.

NEURALTA BRAIN POWER liquid capsules of Alta Care Laboratoires strengthens our nervous system that tends to weaken, not only with age, but also when we are under stress.  Neuralta Brain Power contains Phosphatidylcholine (PC) and phosphatidylserine (PS), phospholipids located within the inner leaflet of the cell membrane. PS and PC are implicated in a myriad of membrane-related functions. PS is essential for the functioning of all body cells and is very much needed in the brain especially when we are under physical and mental stress. Clinical studies have shown the following PS benefits:

• Improves age-related nerve endings and dendrite damage.

• Improves cognitive performance

• Improves mood

• Improves learning abilities and memory

• has neuroprotective and antioxidative properties especially when taking medicines and drugs that act on the brain eg. anti-depressants, sleeping pills, strong pain killers, psychotropics, illicit drugs etc.

Common physical symptoms often reported by those experiencing excess stress include:

• sleep disturbances,

• muscle tension and muscle aches,

• headache,

• gastrointestinal disturbances,

• fatigue.

• Emotional and behavioural symptoms that can accompany excess stress include: nervousness,

• anxiety,

• changes in eating habits including overeating,

• loss of enthusiasm or energy,

• mood changes, like irritability and depression.

Alta Care Laboratoires’s Neuralta Liquid Capsules is  a product to improve the well-being of the nervous system and re-establish the equilibrium during and after physical and mental stress.

NEURALTA BRAIN POWER is made in France like all Alta Care products. For further information phone visit web-site

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Altacura Allergy Tablets

ALTACURA ALLERGY tablets produced by Alta Care Laboratoires is an anti-allergy treatment for a 24 hour sustained relief. Altacura Allergy relieves allergy such as stuffy and runny nose (allergic rhinitis), watery eyes (allegic conjunctivits), hay fever, and scratchy sensations (urticaria). Altacura Allergy Tablets provides local and rapid onset of action and there is no sedating effect.

One of the most common allergies is Allergic rhinitis, an inflammation or irritation of the mucous membranes that line the nose following exposure to an allergen. Altacura Allergy Tablets is very effective in treating this condition.

Common allergens include:
•    grass or tree pollen
•    mould spores
•    feathers
•    animal danders (hair and skin shed by pets)
•    dust mites.

Allergic rhinitis can have a major impact on one's quality of life.

Jane: "Just when the weather warms up and everyone is enjoying the sunshine, I start to feel absolutely dreadful."

Marge: “The sneezing and constant streaming nose has driven me mad. Sometimes it gets so bad I can’t even go to work."

Tania:  “Evenings and nights are the worst time. I have to keep all the windows in my home shut throughout the summer to block out the pollen, but I still find that I lose about 2 hours sleep a night due to my allergy. The loss of sleep means that I often feel tired and irritable during the day.”

For many allergy means:
•    having a runny nose
•    having a blocked nose
•    sneezing
•    tiredness
•    painful headaches
•    scratching and urticaria

For others allergy means making their home allergy free:
•    removing carpets
•    buying special pillows/mattresses
•    keeping window and doors closed to reduce pollen levels in the house.
•    buying a humidifier

Alta Care Laboratoires recommends ALTACURA ALLERGY tablets to all allergy sufferers.
•    Anti-histamine
•    Non sedating.
•    24 hour relief

•    People suffering from, stuffy and runny nose (allergic rhinitis), watery eyes (allergic conjunctivitis), and scratchy throat.
•    Children who suffer from allergy.
•    Should be used as a prophylaxis in people with high risks of allergy prior to the allergy season.
•    People suffering from sun rash (sun allergy) medically known as solar urticaria.

There are many equivalent competing products for allergy on the market but the choice of the quality of the raw material is fundamental. When looking at the active ingredient on the insert leaflet of Altacura Allergy one may note that the active ingredient is a generic ingredient, but not all active ingredients are bio equivalent in the same manner. Alta Care Laboratoires does it utmost to be competitive by choosing the best quality ingredients for its products.

It is recommended to take 1 Altacura tablet at night or as directed by your pharmacist, doctor or allergist.

For further information visit web-site or e.mail at

Friday, February 1, 2013

ALTACURA VAPOUR PATCH a sustained remedy for decongestion

The vast majority of those visiting a pharmacy throughout the year are seeking relief from decongestion. Pharmacists need to be prepared to counsel. Obviously the first-line of therapy for the common cold includes rest, adequate fluid intake, humidification for expectoration, and then come the decongestants. Decongestants are more often than not vapour rub creams or inhalers. In its never ending endeavour to improve upon what is normally available on the market, Alta Care Laboratoires, Paris has launched its Altacura Vapour Patch which has an indirect decongestant effect, thus being milder and more delicate because of its vapour form. Alta Care has made it a point to address the negative characteristics of most vapour creams and inhalers.

Aromatherapy is a form of alternative medicine that uses volatile liquid plant materials, known as essential oils (EOs) and other aromatic compounds for the purpose of affecting a person’s mood or health, thus his, or her psychological and physical well-being.

What Are Essential Oils? Essential oils are the subtle, aromatic and volatile liquids extracted from the flowers, seeds, leaves, stems, bark and roots of herbs, bushes, shrubs, and trees, through distillation. According to ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics and Chinese manuscripts, priests and physicians were using essential oils thousands of years before Christ to heal the sick. They are the oldest form of remedies and cosmetics known to man and were considered more valuable than gold. Science is only now beginning to investigate the incredible healing properties of essential oils.

The ALTACURA VAPOUR PATCH has 6 essential oils that release a vapour that produces a decongestant effect and gives a pleasant sense of freshness to the surrounding air. A normal vapour cream has only 1 essential oil.

Other advantages of Altacura Vapour Patch are the following:

• It is CAMPHOR FREE. Camphor is a waxy, white or transparent solid with a strong, aromatic odor. It is a terpenoid with the chemical formula C10H16O. It is found in wood of the camphor laurel (Cinnamomum camphora), a large evergreen tree found in Asia. In large quantities, it is poisonous when ingested and can cause seizures, confusion, irritability, and neuromuscular hyperactivity.

• The ALTACURA VAPOUR PATCH does not cause skin irritation, nor is it an eye irritant.

• It can also form part of one’s allergy treatment.

• It is suitable for children.

• Every patch is a monodose, thus there is no oxidization of  the ingredients as in the case of creams of jars that have to be opened every now and then.

• It is not messy, for the ALTACURA VAPOUR PATCH can be applied to one's underwear or clothes.

So the next time you catch a cold, be selective when you are about to purchase an aromatherapy product. Even the quality of essential oils varies from company to company. It is not uncommon for select companies to falsely claim that their oils are undiluted or pure when they aren’t.

For more information visit:



Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Altadrine Fat Burner Cryogel to look beautiful and fell great well into old age

Alta Care Laboratoires feels that you deserve to look beautiful and feel great both when you are young as well as right into old age. ALTADRINE FAT BURNER CRYOGEL has been produced to try and help you look beautiful and young forever. ALTADRINE CRYOGEL is just one of a range of Alta Care products aimed at tackling what is causing havoc to your beauty, namely:
•    Cellulite
•    Water-Retention
•    Bad Circulation

Altadrine Fat Burner Cryogel treats the problems of cellulite and water-retention by burning the fat and activating your microcirculation. It is a 2 in 1 treatment, for its extracts enhance microcirculation, diminish the circumference of cellulite areas -  thigh, arms, abdomen and buttocks - and cut out muscles. Thus imperfections caused by cellulite are visibly reduced and your silhouette will be significantly refined. Moreover, the anti-cellulite activator of ALTADRINE CRYOGEL - pure caffeine + citrus aurantium - enhances the burning and destocking of fat deposits. This cutting gel, when applied, has a cold effect and sensation that is felt immediately and lasts for quite a long time when compared to other cutting gels. It is thus also very good value for money.

The active formula of Altadrine Cryogel is made up of:
•    Citrus aurantium that converts fat into energy;
•    Caffeine  that converts fat into energy;
•    Aesculus hippocastanum that strengthens veins and capillaries;
•    Stem cells that stimulate the secretion of the protein that burns and destocks fat.

Alta Care Laboratoires reminds you also to:
•    Revise your diet; focus on whole grains, fresh fruit and vegetables;
•    Exercise regularly; this will allow you to burn fat and increase your muscle tone, and to widen your circulatory pipes bringing more "clean" or nutrient-rich blood to our skin  and taking away waste products, which preserves your elasticity.
•    Don't forget to deep breathe to help you relax and increase blood and lymphatic fluid circulation.
•    Reduce stress.

Application of ALTADRINE FAT BURNER CRYOGEL is very simple. Massage the interested zone until complete absorption of the product. The cold sensation felt at the treated areas is due to the cryogenic action of the gel that enhances the absorption of the ingredients. A continuous use will help one to obtain significant results within 3-4 weeks, depending on the extent of the aesthetic imperfection and one’s personal reaction to the product.

For information Click Here
or visit:

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Overweight during holidays? Get back on track

Welcome back! Your friends have just given you a warm welcome from your holidays; you are telling them how you enjoyed yourself; the beautiful places you have visited; the mouth watering delicacy you have tasted, the delicious food you have eaten, and obviously the extra kilos you have discovered on peeping half-heartedly at the mirror on returning home. It’s only normal that on returning from the holidays the bathroom-scales will cause some alarm. Even though you may feel less stressed and have even managed to stick to a correct and varied diet, it is still possible that your figure has gone astray.

Back to resolutions: as from tomorrow a strict diet and off to the gym! Great! Even though more than a month will be necessary to recover the perfect figure you had the very first day you strolled down to the beach this summer. Losing weight will entail sacrifices, ways and means, and time, which is not always available when returning home from the holidays.

ALTA CARE Laboratoires has launched on the market ALTADRINE Fat Burning Tablets.  Extracts of Citrus aurantium (synephrine) and Guarana` (caffeine) help in the burning of fat deposits in a natural way. Yes……we are talking of fat deposits. A correct and varied diet may help you in stopping the accumulation of further kilos, but not the elimination of the fat deposits accumulated during the holidays. Eliminating this excess is nowadays very simple. The alternatives range from physical exercise – so if you intend going to the gym by all means do so – to having some food supplement that will help you recover your correct weight. ALTADRINE Fat Burner Tablets is the solution to your problem; it’s a specific product that contains extracts that are capable of burning your surplus fat while producing an energy available for all the body. The active ingredients are in fact capable of acting directly on fatty cells, stimulating the metabolism of the fat and reducing those fats that make you look away from a mirror. Combining ALTADRINE Fat Burner Tablets with a well-balanced and varied diet, and maybe even some sport, will definitely speed up the process of fat-burning, and thus recover within a short time the figure that is to your liking.

If sacrifices send shivers down your spine and if  time is not available for sport; or if the sporting activity is not enough to lose weight quickly, ALTADRINE Fat Burner will be of enormous help. Two tablets a day (morning and evening) with a large glass of water for 21 days will be enough to obtain the first results; then if necessary repeat the cycle after a pause of seven days. Bid farewell to your guilt conscience; during the holiday you have satisfied your appetite and desires. Great! That’s what holidays are for.

Now get hold of a box of ALTADRINE Fat Burner and a glass of water, and even if you have no intention of going to the gym, ALTA CARE Laboratoires still recommends a well-balanced and varied diet in order to obtain the best results in the shortest time possible.

For more information visit: