Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Get in Shape in Time for Christmas with Altadrine Fat Burner

Christmas is just around the corner! You and your friends are making plans for the festivities…what to wear and what not to wear.  You have already spotted the dress of your dreams, but there is a problem…how to get in it!  With just a couple of weeks to go it seems already impossible to control your weight and yet you will be tempted once again to eat more during the festivities!  Not to mention the alcohol intake.. However Altadrine can keep your weight under control…

ALTA CARE Laboratoires has launched on the market ALTADRINE Fat Burning Tablets.  Extracts of Citrus aurantium (synephrine) and Guarana` (caffeine) help in the burning of body fat deposits in a natural way. Yes……we are talking of body fat deposits. A correct and varied diet may help you in stopping the accumulation of further kilos, but not the elimination of the fat deposits accumulated during the holidays. Eliminating this excess is nowadays very simple. The alternatives range from physical exercise – so if you intend going to the gym by all means do so – to having some food supplement that will help you recover your correct weight. ALTADRINE Fat Burner Tablets is the solution to your problem; it’s a specific product that contains extracts that are capable of burning your surplus fat while producing an energy available for all the body. The active ingredients are in fact capable of acting directly on fatty cells, stimulating the metabolism of the fat into energy and reducing those fats that make you look away from a mirror. Combining ALTADRINE Fat Burner Tablets with a well-balanced and varied diet, and maybe even some sport, will definitely speed up the process of fat-burning, and thus recover within a short time the figure that is to your liking.

If sacrifices send shivers down your spine and if  time is not available for sport; or if the sporting activity is not enough to lose weight quickly, ALTADRINE Fat Burner will be of enormous help. Two tablets a day (morning and evening) with a large glass of water for 21 days will be enough to obtain the first results; then if necessary repeat the cycle after a pause of seven days.

Now get hold of a box of ALTADRINE Fat Burner and a glass of water, and even if you have no intention of going to the gym, ALTA CARE Laboratoires still recommends a well-balanced and varied diet in order to obtain the best results in the shortest time possible.

For more information visit:

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

1000mg Vitamin C in Altacura not only for cold & flu

 Nobel prize winner Linus Pauling turned his attention to studying and documenting how vitamin C could improve health status and help the human body resist and heal from disease. His reward ? By the time of his death in l994, he had been branded a "quack" by a large part of the medical community. Now, almost 25 years after his passing away, not only is his research being taken more seriously but other scientists are documenting how vitamin C can be the key to preventing and treating a host of health problems.

In fact, nearly everyone knows vitamin C is now lauded for helping to reduce symptoms of a cold if taken in sufficient quantity when sniffles first appear. But what you may not know is that researchers have found evidence strongly suggesting that vitamin C can be used to head off some serious diseases and disorders -- and may even help you lose weight! In fact, some of these uses for the vitamin are just plain amazing. Yet you'll seldom find vitamin C "prescribed" and, instead, you are more likely to get drugs to treat maladies after they develop. And the odds are, your family doctor may be clueless about the ways vitamin C can help you.

Here's the latest on the relatively secret but very real ways vitamin C can improve your health:

1. Burn more fat and control your weight.

Researchers in the Department of Nutrition at Arizona State University found that research subjects who had low blood concentrations of C burned a whopping 25 percent less fat than those who had plenty of the vitamin in their body. The scientists think this may be because vitamin C is a co-factor for the biosynthesis of carnitine, a molecule your body needs to oxidize fatty acids. They concluded inadequate vitamin C could explain why some people have such a hard time losing and keeping off excess pounds.

2. Breathing right.

British scientists at the Department of Public Health and Primary Care at the Institute of Public Health in Cambridge studied 515 adults with asthma and 515 matched controls. They found that adults with symptomatic asthma had the lowest intake of fruit, especially citrus fruit, and low plasma vitamin C levels. These findings, the scientists stated in their research paper, suggest diet may be a potentially modifiable risk factor for the development of asthma.

3. Oral Health.

In the 1700s, sailors found that eating limes during long sea voyages kept their gums healthy. No doubt the vitamin C in the fruit was responsible. Research published in the Journal of Periodontology showed that people with too little vitamin C have higher rates of periodontal disease. Also, the American National Institutes of Health (NIH) report inadequate C is associated with weakened tooth enamel as well as the painful inflammation of gums known as gingivitis.

4. Skincare.

The American NIH also lists rough, dry and scaly skin as signs of too little C. So is dry hair and even split ends. What's more, research published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition showed that people who ate a lot of vitamin C-rich foods had fewer wrinkles than those with inadequate amounts of the vitamin.

5. Cardiovascular.

While we all are bombarded with ads about omegas and other drugs that purport to reduce the risk of heart disease, you seldom hear about the mounting evidence a natural therapy -- vitamin C -- may protect your cardiovascular system. A case in point: Finnish researchers published a study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition suggesting higher doses of supplemental vitamin C cause the incidence of major coronary heart disease events like heart attacks to plummet.

So how much vitamin C do you need? Most experts agree that you can take large amounts, usually up two grams, safely, unless an excess causes diarrhea or other stomach upset (if that happens, simply cut back on your dose). Vitamin C is not stored in the body; so toxicity is very rare. Vitamin C is best presented in a buffered form in order to be gentle in the stomach since vitamin C can be acidic if not buffered. Altacura Hot Lemon sachets is presented by Alta Care Laboratoires in 1000mg of buffered Vitamin C.

For more information visit:

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Altacura - the most natural antibiotic ever

Wouldn’t it be nice to say goodbye to that runny nose, uncomfortable coughing and all other relevant unpleasant symptoms? Wouldn’t it be wonderful to keep yourself and your family in full swing even when everybody else is down with the flu or common cold? You can drastically influence the impact of these viruses on your health and well-being. Stop this misery by resorting to a food supplement that is not only a natural antibiotic, but has also natural antiviral properties.

Propolis is the most natural antibiotic man has ever discovered. The remarkable thing about this statement is the fact that this discovery took place some 2000 years ago. A lot of people probably haven't even heard about Propolis, and yet, ancient herbal books prescribed Propolis for numerous complaints. The anti-bacterial qualities of this medicine have been known since the beginning of written history.

Bee Propolis is a blend of resinous sap from trees, beeswax, and enzymes which, after being chewed by the honeybee, and with the addition of saliva, other substances are formed thus making up the finished product. It contains at least 150 different substances that interact in perfect harmony with each other. Propolis is of vital importance for the survival of the bees. Not only does it protect them against diseases, but also against climatic changes, such as wind and cold. Beehives are one of the most sterile environments known, and this is attributed to the extraordinary properties of bee propolis.

The use of Propolis in popular medicine goes back all the way to ancient times. Egyptians, Greeks and Romans reported the use of Propolis for its general healing qualities, but especially for the cure of skin abscesses and the treatment of mouth and throat infections, as well as caries. However, it has only been in the last twenty years that scientists have been able to prove that Propolis is as active and important as our ancestors thought.

Propolis is now considered an important part of dietetics and a natural cure by the World Health Organization. Its popularity is ever increasing, due to its many possibilities. The concentrations of bioflavonoids seem to be responsible for the great antibiotic effects of Propolis. Bioflavonoids possess many potent curative effects. Forty-one of these substances have been recognized by science.

Bioflavonoids are not only antibacterial substances, they are especially highly active for the treatment of cold and flu and certain breathing problems caused by congestion. Propolis, by nature, gives us a most powerful and versatile complement to supplement our food intake. All over the world, physicians have been astonished by the power of Propolis, since this strengthens the immune system and causes a positive effect on inflammatory illnesses. Particular ailments caused by inflammations of frontal sinus, bronchi, intestine, bladder, eyes and stomach, can be reached through the effectiveness of Propolis.

Nowadays one is limited when choosing a cold and flu medicine as many products have been banned from the market as they contained banned and doping substances such as ephedrine, pseudo ephedrine and codeine. However there are now natural products containing phyto-extracts that give good therapeutic results without causing side-effects (if taken at the recommended dose) or interactions with other medications.

A new leading product on the market is the Altacura range by ALTA CARE Laboratoires Paris. These cold and flu fighters are 100% natural with the main active ingredient being in actual fact Propolis!

To hit the influenza before it hits you, Altacura Sublingual Tablets are just what you need this season. These are to be taken as soon as the first symptoms appear, and in this way one can strengthen the body defence for the oncoming influenza in time. Altacura Sublingual Tablets give rapid onset of action which is important since time is an important factor when fighting cold and flu. Apart from the 50mg of Propolis, these sublingual tablets include vitamin C and also Zinc which is a mineral known for its defence properties and which helps to strengthen the immune system.

Altacura Syrup is ideal for those already suffering from common cold (influenza) symptoms such as cough, fever, body aches, sore throat or running nose. It is surely a perfect supplement for children who have problems in swallowing. However this syrup could also be used as a prophylaxis for people vulnerable to catching a cold, such as teachers, health care workers or children. To shorten one’s recovery time, Altacura is not only Propolis & Honey based, but also contains a good dose of non-acidic Vitamin C, Thyme -  which is a natural cough suppressant - and Peppermint oil to improve nasal flow due to its natural anti-inflammatory/ anti-bacterial properties.

I guess I have given a good indication of what will work best for you to fight all these common viruses we are constantly exposed to. Keep in mind that the natural remedy Propolis will give you the opportunity to remain on top of this cold and flu season!

For more information please visit:

Monday, October 1, 2012

ALTACURA VAPOUR PATCH a sustained remedy for decongestion

The vast majority of those visiting a pharmacy throughout the year are seeking relief from decongestion. Pharmacists need to be prepared to counsel. Obviously the first-line of therapy for the common cold includes rest, adequate fluid intake, humidification for expectoration, and then come the decongestants. Decongestants are more often than not vapour rub creams or inhalers. In its never ending endeavour to improve upon what is normally available on the market, Alta Care Laboratoires, Paris has launched its Altacura Vapour Patch which has an indirect decongestant effect, thus being milder and more delicate because of its vapour form. Alta Care has made it a point to address the negative characteristics of most vapour creams and inhalers.

Aromatherapy is a form of alternative medicine that uses volatile liquid plant materials, known as essential oils (EOs) and other aromatic compounds for the purpose of affecting a person’s mood or health, thus his, or her psychological and physical well-being.

What Are Essential Oils?

Essential oils are the subtle, aromatic and volatile liquids extracted from the flowers, seeds, leaves, stems, bark and roots of herbs, bushes, shrubs, and trees, through distillation. According to ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics and Chinese manuscripts, priests and physicians were using essential oils thousands of years before Christ to heal the sick. They are the oldest form of remedies and cosmetics known to man and were considered more valuable than gold. Science is only now beginning to investigate the incredible healing properties of essential oils.

The ALTACURA VAPOUR PATCH has 6 essential oils that release a vapour that produces a decongestant effect and gives a pleasant sense of freshness to the surrounding air. A normal vapour cream has only 1 essential oil.

Other advantages of Altacura Vapour Patch are the following:

• It is CAMPHOR FREE. Camphor is a waxy, white or transparent solid with a strong, aromatic odor. It is a terpenoid with the chemical formula C10H16O. It is found in wood of the camphor laurel (Cinnamomum camphora), a large evergreen tree found in Asia. In large quantities, it is poisonous when ingested and can cause seizures, confusion, irritability, and neuromuscular hyperactivity.

• The ALTACURA VAPOUR PATCH does not cause skin irritation, nor is it an eye irritant.

• It can also form part of one’s allergy treatment.

• It is suitable for children.

• Every patch is a monodose, thus there is no oxidization of  the ingredients as in the case of creams of jars that have to be opened every now and then.

• It is not messy, for the ALTACURA VAPOUR PATCH can be applied to one's underwear or clothes.

So the next time you catch a cold, be selective when you are about to purchase an aromatherapy product. Even the quality of essential oils varies from company to company. It is not uncommon for select companies to falsely claim that their oils are undiluted or pure when they aren’t.

For more information visit: