Monday, February 27, 2012

DERMASTIR PEEL OFF MASKS Can also be done at home

 A facial mask is a creamy mask applied to the face to intensify the penetration of ingredients into the skin. There are 2 different kinds of masks. Some masks are washed off with tepid water, others are peeled off by hand. They are applied to the face not as frequent as day creams and night creams but are necessary at least once a week to intensify treatments. Facial masks are a very important part of aesthetic treatments and beauty therapists always use masks towards the end of their treatment.

DERMASTIR PEEL OFF MASKS of ALTA CARE Laboratoires, Paris, are facial masks that differ from the normal cream masks on the market.

First of all DERMASTIR PEEL OFF MASKS are not wash off cream masks but alginate – basically made from algae/seaweed - peel off masks. While the normal masks will need water to wash off the mask, the Dermastir PEEL OFF Mask won’t need it, for it can be peeled off easily. So while the application and removal of a cream mask tends to be rather messy, this is not the case with the DERMASTIR PEEL OFF MASK.

Secondly, while the hydrating properties of a cream mask are good, those of the Dermastir peel off masks are definitely excellent. Excellent too are the occlusive properties of these peel off masks which are thicker than the normal masks. They are very effective in opening the pores of the skin thus letting the fresh ingredients of the facial mask clean and moisturize the skin. The pores are cleansed deeply and any oily build up or trapped dirt is got rid off. The mask will also help slough off dead skin. It can also reduce the look of fine lines and small wrinkles to carry out a regular facial mask.

Of great importance too is the fact that the DERMASTIR PEEL OFF MASK has ingredients that are not only  fresh, but very active too. The reason why the peel off mask is fresh and active is because it has to be mixed with water immediately before application. Other masks that are not peel off are already processed and mixed.

The effects of the Dermastir Peel Off Mask are various: they hydrate the skin; they give lustre to the skin; the ingredients penetrate deeper into the skin; they have a soothing and relaxing effect; they cleanse the face; they give the face a healthier complexion.

There are 3 types of Dermastir peel off Masks available on the market at the moment.
Dermastir Vitamin C Peel Off Mask. This peel off mask is excellent because high concentrations of vitamin C are penetrated into the skin. Vitamin C has high anti-oxidant properties and is very effective in protecting the skin from pigmentation.

Dermastir Whitening Peel Off Mask. This peel off mask is excellent for people who already have pigmentation problems. Dermastir Whitening peel off mask can be used in combination with Dermastir Kojic acid ampoules.

Dermastir Purifying Peel Off Mask. This peel off mask is excellent for people who have skin redness problems. The purifying properties of this peel off mask are visible immediately as from the first application.
It is recommended to use one Dermastir peel off mask a week. Combine the contents of one sachet with 90ml of water. Add the water a little at a time and stir vigorously for one minute until a paste is formed. Do not add more than the recommended amount of water because the paste will be ruined. It is better to add less than 90ml than more. Once you succeed in doing the paste apply it to the face and leave it on the face for 15 to 30 minutes. It is important that you lie down with your face up when you have the mask on your face. After 30 minutes the mask may be peeled off all at one go.

So make it a point to start pampering yourself and keep your face healthy-looking. Contact Alta Care Laboratoires for more information. Enjoy the benefits of DERMASTIR PEEL OFF MASKS;  they are of very such high quality standard that even the unexperienced user can use apply them at home. Dermastir Peel Off Masks are available from pharmacies.

For more information: Click Here



Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Strengthen the immune system with ALTACURA Hot Lemon Drink

 Winter is still with us, playing havoc with our health. To make matters worse, the transition from one season to another is becoming very abrupt with the result that our body is being subdued to many hardships and discomforts, amongst which is the cold. Now whenever we have a cold and we are finding it difficult to breathe we start looking for a drink that may immediately soothe our sore throat.
To remedy this ALTA CARE Laboratoires has produced sachets – to be dissolved in hot water – that combine an action that stimulates the immune system with a pleasant  lemon taste.

ALTACURA Infludrink Hot Lemon contains Panax ginseng that counteracts the effects of stress and improves physical performance. Moreover, Paternelle, subdues the cough and soothes the throat, while Vitamin C has antioxidant properties and helps to reinforce the immune system. Among the ingredients are: Propolis, produced by the bees to disinfect their beehive and well known throughout the ages for its natural antibiotic properties; GuaranĂ  that diminishes fatigue (in fact caffeine within stimulates the central nervous system and increases the metabolic rate); Echinacea, that also reinforces the immune system and renders the symptoms of cold, and illnesses related to it, less violent. Finally it also contains vitamin B6, the matrix for the elaboration of amino acids, very essential for our nourishment.

Other products on the market with the same function, cannot be taken if one is already having other medicines, while ALTACURA Infludrink Hot Lemon gives benefits, without causing disturbances and interactions. It is economical and practical because the sachets are designed is such a way as to prevent dispersal of contents.

One can dissolve the contents of a sachet in a glass of hot water, up to a maximum of 3 sachets a day or as advised by one’s doctor or pharmacist. ALTACURA Infludrink Hot Lemon can be given to children who have problems in swallowing tablets, or by adults who only need to reinforce the immune system.

ALTA CARE Laboratoires have certainly found an innovative way of how to fight the cold and face the most difficult moments of winter calmly. ALTACURA Infludrink Hot Lemon is sold in pharmacies and herbal centres.

For more information: Click Here



Friday, February 17, 2012

Altadrine Fat and Carb Blocker with white kindney bean extract

  Altadrine Fat & Carb blocker is an alpha-amylase inhibitory natural extract obtained from Phaseolus vulgaris (common bean, white kidney bean) that blocks the digestion of carbohydrates and dietary starch, thereby offering potential benefits in the maintenance of healthy blood sugar levels and optimal body composition. Carbohydrate blocking is important for the control of healthy blood sugar levels and is also important to control the correct insulin level.

The emergence of obesity as the leading public health problem in Europe and the USA is a matter of great concern. Over 58 million adults in the U.S. are obese and about one in five American children and adolescents is overweight. Obesity greatly increases the risk of premature death, and it is a major risk factor for developing chronic conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, gallbladder disease, arthritis, lung problems and some of the more common forms of cancer. According to government statistics, obesity accounts for about three hundred thousand premature deaths in the United States each year.

The increased incidence of obesity is attributed to improper diet and a sedentary lifestyle. Therefore the quality of our lives depends upon appropriate lifestyle choices. One has to shed down excess weight if one wants to lead a healthy life with no complications. Reduction of fat storage / overweight of individuals requires much and prolonged effort. Diet restrictions and extreme exercise regimens have poor success rates in weight reduction. However, smart nutritional choices supplemented with natural weight management products in combination with appropriate exercise regimens would serve the purpose.

Excess carbohydrates in the diet are ultimately converted to fats and stored in the body. In both plants and animals, starch is broken down by enzymes known as amylases and maltase to yield glucose. Plants break down starch during seed germination or tuber sprouting to supply the energy and carbon skeletons. Animals and fungi break down plant starch to obtain glucose for their own metabolism. The enzymes that catalyze the conversion of starch (a polysaccharide) into sugar molecules (monosaccharides) are called amylases. Surprisingly, plants usually contain amylase inhibitory compounds in the same organs (seeds and tubers) where the starch is stored, to ward off bacterial, fungal and animal predators. No parallels exist in mammalian systems.

Alta Care Laboratoires focuses interest on the amylase inhibitors produced by plants to block amylase activity in the human digestive tract. A carbohydrate blocker with an amylase inhibitor acts as an anti nutrient that obstructs the digestion of starch and absorption of glucose. Therefore amylase inhibitors are therapeutically valued in conditions such as diabetes (to reduce blood sugar levels) and in weight management. One of the conventionally used drugs in the management of diabetes, Acarbose, is a complex oligosaccharide that delays the digestion of ingested carbohydrates, thereby resulting in a smaller rise in blood glucose concentration following food intake. Acarbose inhibits the action of pancreatic amylase in breaking down starch, thereby achieving this effect.

For more information: Click Here


Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Patients on statins should take Cardiosteroil Co. Q10 daily

 Millions of people over the world  are taking Statins in their endeavour to reduce cholesterol and eventually decrease the risk of a stroke or a heart attack. Examples of medicines that form part of the statins are Atorvastatin, Fluvastatin, Lovastatin and Simvastatin.  The statins (or HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors) are a class of drugs that lower cholesterol levels in people at risk of cardiovascular disease. But few are those that know that although statins lower cholesterol levels, they inhibit the ubiquinone,  the fat-soluble antioxidant that is found in virtually all cell membranes, hence its alternative name "ubiquinone",  more commonly known as Coenzyme Q10 or CoQ10.

It has been shown that treating hypercholesterolemic patients (HPC) with statins leads to a decrease, at least in plasma, not only in cholesterol, but also in important non-sterol compounds such as ubiquinone (CoQ10), and possibly dolichols, that derive from the same biosynthetic pathway. Plasma CoQ10 decrease might result in impaired antioxidant protection, therefore leading to oxidative stress.

What is this Co. Q10?
Co Q10 is found in very high concentrations in the heart cells. CoQ10 is very probably our most important essential nutrient because it plays a very important role in energy production of our body. CoQ10 makes possible the transfer of electrons from one protein to another within the inner membrane of the mitochondra (the 'power'house' of the cell), to its ultimate recipient, the ATP, the body's fundamental energy unit. Without adequate stores of CoQ10, the mitochondria - so important for our oxygen supply -  incurs oxidative damage.

Coenzyme Q10
• prevents arteriosclerosis by reducing the accumulation of oxidized fats in blood vessels
• eases high blood pressure
• regulates the rhythm of the heart
• improves chest pain and exercise toleration in angina patients

Deficiences in CoQ10 are very common in patients with heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes or low HDL cholesterol. It is common in people in their forties and beyond, and in vegeterians.

Statin-induced CoQ10 depletion is well documented in animal and human studies with detrimental cardiac consequences in both animal models and human trials. Statin-induced CoQ10 deficiency is completely preventable with supplemental CoQ10 with no adverse impact on the cholesterol lowering or anti-inflammatory properties of the statin drugs.

Cardiosteroil Garlic and CoQ10 Liquid Capsules by Alta Care Laboratoires aims at rectifying this depletion of CoQ10 and thus it is intended for patients suffering from high cholesterol, high blood pressure or heart disease, and obviously also for anyone who wants to prevent such conditions. The Cardiosteroil Co Q10 capsules are the strongest and most active on the market because they are in liquid form unlike other Co Q10 that are available in solid capsule or tablet form.

Cardiosteroil Garlic and CoQ10 liquid are made in France and are available only from pharmacies. A prescription is not necessary, and the directions of use are, 1 or 2 liquid capsules daily.

For more information: Click Here


Monday, February 13, 2012


 Astaxanthin is a carotenoid, an organic pigment that occurs naturally in plants, algae, some types of fungus and some bacteria. People consuming diets rich in carotenoids from natural foods such as fruits and vegetables are healthier and have lower mortality from a number of chronic illnesses. Astaxanthin can be found in microalgae, yeast, salmon, trout, krill, shrimp, crayfish, crustaceans, and the feathers of some birds.

Astaxanthin, unlike some carotenoids, does not convert to Vitamin A (retinol) in the human body. Too much Vitamin A is toxic for a human, but astaxanthin is not. Astaxanthin is a powerful antioxidant; it is 10 times more capable than other carotenoids.

While astaxanthin is a natural nutritional component, it is also available as a food supplement in concentrated form. Cardiosteroil Krill contains concentrates of astaxanthin in red soft gels.
• A powerful antioxidant; it protects the body tissues from oxidative stress;
• Enhances general well-being;
• Improves quality of life,
• Enhances the immune system;
• Decreases DNA damage in human subjects;
• Capable of crossing blood-brain barrier thus extending its activity to the central nervous system;
• Limits the damage produced by oxidative stress.
• Ameliorates the effects of LDL, the "bad cholesterol";
• Normalizes cardiac rhythm;
• Is an anti-hypertension agent;
• Is also beneficial for patients suffering from Alzheimer or Parkinson Disease.

Astaxanthin, being a potent antioxidant, is beneficial as a prevention in cardiovascular, immune, inflammatory and neurodegenerative diseases.
Cardiosteroil KRILL - Omega 3-6-9 by Alta Care Laboratoires, is a food supplement with astaxanthin that is extracted from the Krill, a shrimp-like crustacean that lives in the deep Antarctic and Pacific oceans, and along the coasts of Canada and Japan, where they feed on algae and phytoplankton. The algae that krill eats produces the bright red pigment astaxanthin that gives krill and other crustaceans, such as lobster and shrimps, their reddish-pink colour.
Cardiosteroil KRILL will protect the body at cellular level from damage caused by free radicals, unstable substances that contribute to the chronic diseases mentioned above. As astaxanthin crosses the blood-barrier it could protect the eye, the brain and the central nervous system, thus protecting form chronic diseases.
Cardiosteroil KRILL soft gels are recommend as a supplement to whoever is taking blood pressure pharmaceuticals. With Cardiosteroil Krill supplement the need of a stronger  dose of a hypertensive drug, or the addition of a diuretic, may be averted. There is also a decrease in risk that the hypertension bounces and fluctuates irregularly, or that one’s hypertension becomes uncontrollable, notwithstanding pharmaceuticals. Controlling hypertension correctly is no easy task and Cardiosteroil Krill helps to maintain one’s cardiovascular system stable.

Cardiosteroil Krill is a concentrate of krill and omega 3, 6 9 fatty acids derived, that are microencapsulated for better stability in the softgel. The eicosapentaenoic (EPA) and the docosahexaenoic (DHA) acids help to regulate lipid metabolism. The red color of the softgel is due to the astaxanthin that has a synergic effect in combination with the omega 3-6-9.

Cardiosteroil KRILL OMEGA 3-6-9 is made in France and Alta Care Laboratoires recommends one (1) to two (2) softgels a day or as directed by your pharmacist or doctor. For no reason should you stop taking your prescribed hypertensive medication. Cardiosteroil krill should be taken daily in combination with the prescribed medication.

For more information: Click Here

