Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Patients on statins should take Cardiosteroil Co. Q10 daily

 Millions of people over the world  are taking Statins in their endeavour to reduce cholesterol and eventually decrease the risk of a stroke or a heart attack. Examples of medicines that form part of the statins are Atorvastatin, Fluvastatin, Lovastatin and Simvastatin.  The statins (or HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors) are a class of drugs that lower cholesterol levels in people at risk of cardiovascular disease. But few are those that know that although statins lower cholesterol levels, they inhibit the ubiquinone,  the fat-soluble antioxidant that is found in virtually all cell membranes, hence its alternative name "ubiquinone",  more commonly known as Coenzyme Q10 or CoQ10.

It has been shown that treating hypercholesterolemic patients (HPC) with statins leads to a decrease, at least in plasma, not only in cholesterol, but also in important non-sterol compounds such as ubiquinone (CoQ10), and possibly dolichols, that derive from the same biosynthetic pathway. Plasma CoQ10 decrease might result in impaired antioxidant protection, therefore leading to oxidative stress.

What is this Co. Q10?
Co Q10 is found in very high concentrations in the heart cells. CoQ10 is very probably our most important essential nutrient because it plays a very important role in energy production of our body. CoQ10 makes possible the transfer of electrons from one protein to another within the inner membrane of the mitochondra (the 'power'house' of the cell), to its ultimate recipient, the ATP, the body's fundamental energy unit. Without adequate stores of CoQ10, the mitochondria - so important for our oxygen supply -  incurs oxidative damage.

Coenzyme Q10
• prevents arteriosclerosis by reducing the accumulation of oxidized fats in blood vessels
• eases high blood pressure
• regulates the rhythm of the heart
• improves chest pain and exercise toleration in angina patients

Deficiences in CoQ10 are very common in patients with heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes or low HDL cholesterol. It is common in people in their forties and beyond, and in vegeterians.

Statin-induced CoQ10 depletion is well documented in animal and human studies with detrimental cardiac consequences in both animal models and human trials. Statin-induced CoQ10 deficiency is completely preventable with supplemental CoQ10 with no adverse impact on the cholesterol lowering or anti-inflammatory properties of the statin drugs.

Cardiosteroil Garlic and CoQ10 Liquid Capsules by Alta Care Laboratoires aims at rectifying this depletion of CoQ10 and thus it is intended for patients suffering from high cholesterol, high blood pressure or heart disease, and obviously also for anyone who wants to prevent such conditions. The Cardiosteroil Co Q10 capsules are the strongest and most active on the market because they are in liquid form unlike other Co Q10 that are available in solid capsule or tablet form.

Cardiosteroil Garlic and CoQ10 liquid are made in France and are available only from pharmacies. A prescription is not necessary, and the directions of use are, 1 or 2 liquid capsules daily.

For more information: Click Here


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