Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Altadrine Fat Burner Cryogel to look beautiful and fell great well into old age

Alta Care Laboratoires feels that you deserve to look beautiful and feel great both when you are young as well as right into old age. ALTADRINE FAT BURNER CRYOGEL has been produced to try and help you look beautiful and young forever. ALTADRINE CRYOGEL is just one of a range of Alta Care products aimed at tackling what is causing havoc to your beauty, namely:
•    Cellulite
•    Water-Retention
•    Bad Circulation

Altadrine Fat Burner Cryogel treats the problems of cellulite and water-retention by burning the fat and activating your microcirculation. It is a 2 in 1 treatment, for its extracts enhance microcirculation, diminish the circumference of cellulite areas -  thigh, arms, abdomen and buttocks - and cut out muscles. Thus imperfections caused by cellulite are visibly reduced and your silhouette will be significantly refined. Moreover, the anti-cellulite activator of ALTADRINE CRYOGEL - pure caffeine + citrus aurantium - enhances the burning and destocking of fat deposits. This cutting gel, when applied, has a cold effect and sensation that is felt immediately and lasts for quite a long time when compared to other cutting gels. It is thus also very good value for money.

The active formula of Altadrine Cryogel is made up of:
•    Citrus aurantium that converts fat into energy;
•    Caffeine  that converts fat into energy;
•    Aesculus hippocastanum that strengthens veins and capillaries;
•    Stem cells that stimulate the secretion of the protein that burns and destocks fat.

Alta Care Laboratoires reminds you also to:
•    Revise your diet; focus on whole grains, fresh fruit and vegetables;
•    Exercise regularly; this will allow you to burn fat and increase your muscle tone, and to widen your circulatory pipes bringing more "clean" or nutrient-rich blood to our skin  and taking away waste products, which preserves your elasticity.
•    Don't forget to deep breathe to help you relax and increase blood and lymphatic fluid circulation.
•    Reduce stress.

Application of ALTADRINE FAT BURNER CRYOGEL is very simple. Massage the interested zone until complete absorption of the product. The cold sensation felt at the treated areas is due to the cryogenic action of the gel that enhances the absorption of the ingredients. A continuous use will help one to obtain significant results within 3-4 weeks, depending on the extent of the aesthetic imperfection and one’s personal reaction to the product.

For information Click Here
or visit: www.altacare.com

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Overweight during holidays? Get back on track

Welcome back! Your friends have just given you a warm welcome from your holidays; you are telling them how you enjoyed yourself; the beautiful places you have visited; the mouth watering delicacy you have tasted, the delicious food you have eaten, and obviously the extra kilos you have discovered on peeping half-heartedly at the mirror on returning home. It’s only normal that on returning from the holidays the bathroom-scales will cause some alarm. Even though you may feel less stressed and have even managed to stick to a correct and varied diet, it is still possible that your figure has gone astray.

Back to resolutions: as from tomorrow a strict diet and off to the gym! Great! Even though more than a month will be necessary to recover the perfect figure you had the very first day you strolled down to the beach this summer. Losing weight will entail sacrifices, ways and means, and time, which is not always available when returning home from the holidays.

ALTA CARE Laboratoires has launched on the market ALTADRINE Fat Burning Tablets.  Extracts of Citrus aurantium (synephrine) and Guarana` (caffeine) help in the burning of fat deposits in a natural way. Yes……we are talking of fat deposits. A correct and varied diet may help you in stopping the accumulation of further kilos, but not the elimination of the fat deposits accumulated during the holidays. Eliminating this excess is nowadays very simple. The alternatives range from physical exercise – so if you intend going to the gym by all means do so – to having some food supplement that will help you recover your correct weight. ALTADRINE Fat Burner Tablets is the solution to your problem; it’s a specific product that contains extracts that are capable of burning your surplus fat while producing an energy available for all the body. The active ingredients are in fact capable of acting directly on fatty cells, stimulating the metabolism of the fat and reducing those fats that make you look away from a mirror. Combining ALTADRINE Fat Burner Tablets with a well-balanced and varied diet, and maybe even some sport, will definitely speed up the process of fat-burning, and thus recover within a short time the figure that is to your liking.

If sacrifices send shivers down your spine and if  time is not available for sport; or if the sporting activity is not enough to lose weight quickly, ALTADRINE Fat Burner will be of enormous help. Two tablets a day (morning and evening) with a large glass of water for 21 days will be enough to obtain the first results; then if necessary repeat the cycle after a pause of seven days. Bid farewell to your guilt conscience; during the holiday you have satisfied your appetite and desires. Great! That’s what holidays are for.

Now get hold of a box of ALTADRINE Fat Burner and a glass of water, and even if you have no intention of going to the gym, ALTA CARE Laboratoires still recommends a well-balanced and varied diet in order to obtain the best results in the shortest time possible.

For more information visit: www.altacare.com