Friday, March 30, 2012

Altadrine anti-cellulite to break down cellulite

A lot of anti-cellulite creams efficacy is often questioned because one does not see them work when applied. Thermic creams are increasing in demand because one can feel them and see them work!

The most innovative product in the market are the Thermic creams with red pepper; creams which when applied one can actually feel them working! ALTA CARE Laboratoires – Paris,have just launched an innovative cellulite cream – ALTADRINE Thermic Cream.  The Red Pepper extract and the methyl nicotinate combination inAltadrine Thermic Cream causes a redness and burning sensation while actively working on the cellulite and burning the fat away!

Containing Citrus Amara extract, Garcinia Cambodgia, Aesculus Hyppocastanum (Horse Chestnut) and Capiscum extract (Red Pepper); Altadrine Thermic Cream is highly recommended for people who want to decrease the ‘orange peel’ effect and have a more refined silhouette.

Citrus Amara extract is pure in it’s body fat burning properties.  Garcinia Cambodgia and Aesculus Hyppocastanum (Horse Chestnut) extracts burn fat by thermogenesis.  Another body fat burner is Capiscum extract, better known as Red Pepper extract.

Altadrine Thermic Cream is to be applied twice a day (morning and evening) on the affected areas; in circular massages, for a minimum of one month.  Avoid contact with eyes and wash hands immediately after application. Altadrine Thermic Cream has a unique non-greasy and warm cream texture which is quickly absorbed, allowing one to get dressed immediately - ideal for those late morning wake ups!

For more information: Click Here


Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Altacura ginseng In ampoule form

The phytoextract ‘Ginseng’ is having an ever-increasing success in Italy and France by being sold in ampoule form.

Ginseng improves the body's resistance to stress, improve memory and overall well-being, is found to be far more intensive and effective when administered in ampoule form, as opposed to capsules and tablets. 

Why is this so?
Tablets or capsules go through the process of manufacturing: drying, compressing, adding excipients etc, and throughout this process, some Ginsenosides are lost and the chemical structure is slightly altered, resulting in less effective results.

In the case of Ginseng Ampoules, the extracts are fresh and not processed, and therefore the Ginseng is more active and more effective.

Taking Ginseng in ampoule form leads to better results as it as a more intensive treatment than any other Ginseng form available.

Altacura ginseng is available in ampoule form and even in capsule form. The capsule form is more economical but the ampoule form guarantees the fresh extract and enhanced activity. Altacura ginseng ampoules are the perfect option for people who prefer not to take ginseng in capsule form.
For more information: Click Here



Monday, March 12, 2012

Cut Down on “carbohydrate” to Reduce Body Fat, Study Authors Say

A modest reduction in consumption of carbohydrate foods may promote loss of deep belly fat, even with little or no change in weight, a new study finds. Presentation of the study results will be Sunday at The Endocrine Society’s 93rd Annual Meeting in Boston.

When paired with weight loss, consumption of a moderately reduced carbohydrate diet can help achieve a reduction of total body fat, according to principal author Barbara Gower, PhD, a professor of nutrition sciences at the University of Alabama at Birmingham.

“These changes could help reduce the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes, stroke and coronary artery disease,” Gower said, noting that excess visceral, or intra-abdominal, fat raises the risk of these diseases.

Gower and her colleagues conducted the study, with funding from the National Institutes of Health, in 69 overweight but healthy men and women. Subjects received food for two consecutive eight-week periods: first a weight maintenance intervention, and then a weight loss intervention, which cut the number of calories that each person ate by 1,000 each day.

Subjects received either a standard lower-fat diet or a diet with a modest reduction in carbohydrates, or “carbs,” but slightly higher in fat than the standard diet. The moderately carb-restricted diet contained foods that had a relatively low glycemic index, a measure of the extent to which the food raises blood glucose levels. This diet consisted of 43 percent calories from carbohydrates and 39 percent calories from fat, whereas the standard diet contained 55 percent of calories from carbohydrates and 27 percent from fat. Protein made up the other 18 percent of each diet.

At the beginning and end of each study phase, the researchers measured the subjects’ fat deep inside the abdomen and their total body fat using computed tomography (CT) and dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA) scans.

After the weight maintenance phase, subjects who consumed the moderately carb-restricted diet had 11 percent less deep abdominal fat than those who ate the standard diet. However, when the researchers analyzed results by race, they found it was exclusive to whites. Whites have more deep abdominal fat than Blacks even when matched for body weight or percent body fat, and may benefit from loss of this metabolically harmful depot, Gower said.

During the weight loss phase, subjects on both diets lost weight. However, the moderately carb-restricted diet promoted a 4 percent greater loss of total body fat, Gower said. “For individuals willing to go on a weight-loss diet, a modest reduction in carbohydrate-containing foods may help them preferentially lose fat, rather than lean tissue,” she said. “The moderately reduced carbohydrate diet allows a variety of foods to meet personal preferences.”

Released: 6/5/2011 10:15 AM EDT
Source: Endocrine Society

Altadrine fat and carb blocker is a fibre drink with an orange flavour that blocks fats and blocks carbohydrates. The benefits of Altadrine Fat & Carb blocker is that it helps weight control by inhibiting carbohydrate break down and by fat adsorption.

The carbohydrate blocker ingredient is a standardized extract from the seeds of Phaseolus vulgaris (common bean, white kidney bean) and the fat blocker ingredient is a fibre based formula.

The orange liquid becomes an orange fibre gel after mixing and the more time passes the thicker the gel becomes so it is best to drink as a liquid. The Altadrine drink becomes a fibre gel in the gastro intestinal tract. Flora have been added to the Altadrine Fat and Carb blocker to slim down further.
Helps weight control by inhibiting carbohydrate break down and by fat adsorption. Flora have been added to the Altadrine Fat and Carb blocker to slim down further. The white kidney bean extract does not allow carbohydrate break down because it inhibits the enzyme amylase which is responsible to breakdown carbohydrates into glucose.

Patients undergoing a weight loss program, patients that do not do exercise, sportsmen who want to increase their performance, bodybuilders who want to increase the cut of their muscles, diabetic patients.

1 sachet to be mixed with aglass of water. The drink has to be drunk immediately after mixing. It is recommended to take one sachet during high carb and high fatty meals. Follow directions for daily use. Maintain a well balanced and varied diet. This product is not a medicine. Keep out of reach of young children.
For more information: Click Here

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Want to lose weight the Cabbage Soup Diet Way?...It's easier the Altadrine way!

The Altadrine Soup diet is an all-you-can-eat Altadrine Soup diet, and the more soup you eat, the more fat you burn. Altadrine Soup is included within a relatively easy one week programme which makes one enjoy the pleasure of the palate without limiting the quantities!  Unlike most diets, this diet is not based on depriving yourself of food.  On the contrary: whenever you feel like it, savour a bowl of Altadrine Soup which will rid your body of all that congests it, starting with undesirable fats.

The diet’s soup, Altadrine, by Alta Care Laboratoires - Paris, contains negligible calories, so one does not have to worry about losing weight.  In addition, Altadrine Soup is highly nutritious, containing 100% fresh organic vegetables cultivated in France, with a high content of minerals and active substances in a fibre base. 
Altadrine Soup comes in a 300g airtight tin; no additives, colouring agents or taste enhancers have been added.  Altadrine Soup’s taste is completely neutral…so as to suit every individual.  Another advantage of Altadrine Soup is that it’s so fast and easy to make!  No boiling of vegetables, no cooking, no mess!  Simply mix 5 teaspoons in 400ml of boiling water and since the soup tastes neutral one can spice it to one’s heart’s desires (salt, curry etc.)…and pronto!

The basics:
You may begin the day with unsweetened tea or black coffee.  Drink as much water as you can (one to two litres is highly recommended) throughout the rest of the day. 

All day long, morning, lunch time and evening, consume as much soup as you want; along with the permitted food day after day.

Absolutely forbidden:
Avoid bread, alcohol, sweetened drinks, fried foods and savoury snacks at all costs…

Black unsweetened coffee, unsweetened tea, unsweetened fruit juice once a week, skimmed milk once a week, spices, herbs, lemon juice and vinegar for seasoning.

At the start of your day, have your coffee or tea (unsweetened).  All day long, as often as you wish throughout the day, eat plenty of Altadrine Soup.  You can also eat all the fruits you desire, except for bananas.  Don’t deprive yourself; no limit on quantity is imposed on your appetite.

TIP: One can take 10ml Altadrine syrup for better draining.

As usual, for every day, begin with your tea or coffee, and feel free to consume whatever amounts of Altadrine Soup your heart desires.  Vegetables are on the menu for today.  Eat as many vegetables as you like; they can be raw, fresh, cooked…but never fried!  The only exceptions are kidney beans, peas and corn.  Leafy vegetables are recommended.  You may season your vegetables with lemon juice, vinegar, dried or fresh herbs…but no oil.

In the evening, for a treat, you may eat a small jacket potato with a bit of margarine along with your bowl of Altadrine Soup.

TIP: If you are lacking energy 10m
l Altasterol syrup might come in handy.

Tea or coffee….and plenty of Altadrine Soup all day long.   The third day consists of mixing the diet of the first two days, excluding the jacket potato.  Don’t forget to drink as much water as you can!

TIP: If you are irritable or have trouble getting to sleep, combine with 10ml Controller syrup.

Wake up with a cup of coffee or unsweetened tea; and eat your Altadrine Soup throughout the day.  The fourth day is ‘banana day’, and you can eat between 3 and 8 bananas.  The bananas will provide you with indispensable carbohydrates.  On this day, skimmed milk or cheese made with skimmed milk is also brought in because of the proteins and calcium they contain.  Allow yourself a small piece of cheese (made with skimmed milk) or a half-pint of skimmed milk.

TIP:  One may have 10ml Altadrine syrup for internal cleansing

As usual…tea or coffee and plenty of Altadrine Soup.  You may eat up to 300g of grilled beef and 6 fresh tomatoes.

For those who do not eat meat, help yourself to a 300g of fish instead.
TIP : Restore your salts and flora with Altaflora Electrolytes capsules.

At the start of your day, have your coffee or tea (unsweetened).  All day long, as often as you wish throughout the day, eat plenty of Altadrine Soup.  Grilled beef steak again for today!  The beef or fish should be accompanied by leafy vegetables.

You may eat three steaks throughout the day, according to your appetite.

TIP : If you do not like meat you can give your body the essential amino acids by combining 10ml Altasterol syrup.

Last day!  Have your usual tea or coffee, and Altadrine Soup every time you feel famished.  Eat as much brown rice and green vegetables as you want.

In order to slim without upsetting the body, one must give it the elements that are indispensable for it without which it would be obliged to use up its own reserves giving rise to fatigue, lack of vitality, short-temperedness, irritability, and, if we push it too far, disease.

Altadrine Soup ensures that the body is getting all the essential nutrients, minerals and vitamins when one is on a weight loss diet, especially a low calorie diet; as people tend to skimp out on vital nutrients when limiting their calorie intake.

TIP : Continue to include Altadrine soup even after these seven days to keep a balanced and varied diet.
So indulge in Altadrine Soup…the more you eat, the more you burn!

for more information: CLICK HERE


Monday, March 5, 2012

Altadrine anti-cellulite to break down cellulite

A lot of anti-cellulite creams efficacy is often questioned because one does not see them work when applied. Thermic creams are increasing in demand because one can feel them and see them work!

The most innovative product in the market are the Thermic creams with red pepper; creams which when applied one can actually feel them working!  ALTA CARE Laboratoires – Paris, have just launched an innovative cellulite cream – ALTADRINE Thermic Cream.  The Red Pepper extract and the methyl nicotinate combination in Altadrine Thermic Cream causes a redness and burning sensation while actively working on the cellulite and burning the fat away!

Containing Citrus Amara extract, Garcinia Cambodgia, Aesculus Hyppocastanum (Horse Chestnut) and Capiscum extract (Red Pepper); Altadrine Thermic Cream is highly recommended for people who want to decrease the ‘orange peel’ effect and have a more refined silhouette.

Citrus Amara extract is pure in it’s body fat burning properties.  Garcinia Cambodgia and Aesculus Hyppocastanum (Horse Chestnut) extracts burn fat by thermogenesis.  Another body fat burner is Capiscum extract, better known as Red Pepper extract.

Altadrine Thermic Cream is to be applied twice a day (morning and evening) on the affected areas; in circular massages, for a minimum of one month.  Avoid contact with eyes and wash hands immediately after application.  Altadrine Thermic Cream has a unique non-greasy and warm cream texture which is quickly absorbed, allowing one to get dressed immediately - ideal for those late morning wake ups!

For more information: Click Here
