Monday, January 16, 2012

Fat burners now also in liquid capsules

Altadrine fat liquidizers are now also available in liquid capsules. Altadrine liquid capsules are bound to become the symbol of pharmaceutical quality in weight control. High pharmaceutical quality when selecting a slimming tablet or capsule is extremely important for clients because so many unknown or teleshopping companies have been improvising to try and sell low quality products at high prices.
Psychologically the liquid capsule is more accepted. Altadrine’s liquid capsules are gentle on the stomach, and easier to swallow and digest than a conventional capsule. A liquid is absorbed immediately because it has better pharmacokinetic properties and bio-availability properties than a normal tablet or capsule. The main problem of liquids was the compliance of patients when it comes to taste. This problem has now been overcome with the transparent liquid capsules by Alta Care Laboratoires.
Altadrine Fat Liquidizers are fat burners because they do not work on the fat present in food but act directly on the body fat. The innovative thing about Altadrine Fat Liquidizers is that they do not only burn your body fat, but they also protect your heart.
This is a very important since it is often said that fat burners have side effects on the heart and the cardiovascular system. Altadrine Fat Liquidizer Capsules are therefore fat burners that are also recommended for clients who have cardiovascular problems.
Altadrine Fat Liquidizers are unique because the ingredients in the liquid capsules enter the blood very rapidly because the ingredients are absorbed from the stomach lining, which forms part of the upper digestive tract. The fact that liquid capsules are absorbed from the upper part of the digestive system is an advantage over tablets that have to disintegrate and be absorbed in the intestine. It is possible to experience some belching after taking one capsule and this is part of the liquidizing effect. One can take two to four capsules a day but it is strongly recommended to take one capsule at a time due to this liquidizing effect.

For more information: Click Here


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