Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Altadrine Carb Blocker Sachets for CHILDHOOD OBESITY

Mothers, educators and child carers are all very much aware of childhood obesity, a global problem that is increasing at an alarming rate. Globally, in 2010, the number of overweight children under the age of five, is estimated to have been over 42 million.

Now while obese adults very often resort to all kinds of fat blockers, tablets, syrups, gels etc. to tackle their condition, this is not possible in the case of children, for such ‘medicines’ and dietary supplements will cause further harm to them if taken at a tender age. Such dietary products should in fact be out of reach for children.

Being very much aware of this dilemma, Alta Care Laboratoires has just added a new product to its Altadrine range, a product which is not at all harmful for children; on the contrary it is ideal for obese, or rather overweight, children. This is the ALTADRINE FAT AND CARB BLOCKER sachets that block fats and carbohydrates. ALTADRINE FAT AND CARB BLOCKER helps weight control by inhibiting carbohydrate break down and by inhibiting fat absorption.

The fundamental causes behind the rising levels of childhood obesity are a shift in diet towards increased intake of energy-dense foods that are high in fat and sugars but low in vitamins, minerals, fibres and other healthy micronutrients. A trend towards decreased levels of physical activity has also been noted.

ALTADRINE FAT AND CARB BLOCKER is a drink with an orange flavour that is bound to please children and could easily replace the normal popular drinks on the market which are unfortunately so high in sugars.

The Altadrine drink is sugarless and rich in fibre. Its main ingredients are:
•    psyllium - a dietary fibre that absorbs excess water while stimulating normal bowel elimination; a fat blocker
•    chromium picolinate - that attenuates weight gain and controls insulin levels.
•    white kidney bean -  a carbohydrate blocker. The white kidney bean extract does not allow carbohydrate break down because it inhibits the enzyme amylase which is responsible for breakdown of carbohydrates into glucose.
Preparing the Altadrine drink is very simple. Just mix 1 sachet with a glass of water. As the orange drink becomes an orange fibre gel after mixing, it has to be drunk immediately, for the more time passes, the thicker the gel becomes. The Altadrine drink will become a fibre gel in the gastro intestinal tract. It is recommended to take one sachet during high carb and fatty meals.

•    emotional and psychological problems;
•    diabetes;
•    high blood pressure;
•     heart disease;
•    sleep problems;
•    cancer,
•    other disorders such as liver disease, early puberty, eating disorders, anorexia, bulimia, skin infections, asthma, respiratory problems;
•    obese child likely to grow up to be overweight adult;
•    teasing by peers;
•    harassment or discrimination;
•     low self-esteem and depression;
•     premature aging of carotid arteries;
•    abnormal levels of cholesterol.

•    Reduce availability of less healthy foods and sugar drinks;
•    Increase drinking water and decrease drinks with sugar, salt and fat;
•     physical activity;
•    limit time of tv watching;
•    plenty of fruit and vegetables;
•    healthier family meals.

For further information visit our web-site

Friday, April 19, 2013


Healthy bones store about 99% of the body’s calcium; the rest is used throughout the body for other vital functions. Bones also house about 85% of the body’s phosphorous and 50% of the body’s total sodium and magnesium.

SILVIA OSTEO PLUS with TRICALCIUM PHOSPHATE of ALTA CARE Laboratoires, Paris is especially recommended for adolescents and women above the age of 50 and those who do not consume dairy products. It is a source of calcium and phosphorus.

Calcium is one of the most important minerals in the body, not only for bone health but for other physiological functions, including nerve transmission, blood clotting, muscle growth and contraction, heart function, hormone function, and metabolism.

Phosphorus is the second most important mineral. It is a mineral that makes up 1% of a person's total body weight. It is present in every cell of the body, but most of the phosphorus in the body is found in the bones and teeth. The main function of phosphorus is in the formation of bones and teeth. It also plays an important role in the body's utilization of carbohydrates and fats and in the synthesis of protein for the growth, maintenance, and repair of cells and tissues. It is also crucial for the production of ATP, a molecule the body uses to store energy. Phosphorus works with the B vitamins. It also assists in the contraction of muscles, in the functioning of kidneys, in maintaining the regularity of the heartbeat, and in nerve conduction.

Clients in pharmacies have 52 CALCIUM SALTS to choose from, too long a list to quote. What is important is the ratio between calcium and phosphorous. For this reason Alta Care Laboratoires chose TRICALCIUM PHOSPHATE to produce SIVIA OSTEO, since calcium is the most important mineral in bones and phosphorus the second most important mineral in bones. Tricalcium phosphate also has the advantage that it is highly available because tricalcium phosphate does not cake as other calcium compounds do.

Alta Care Laboratoires would like to emphasize the importance of choosing SILVIA OSTEO PLUS because of the presence of TRICALCIUM PHOSPHATE, in other words, the two most important minerals in the body, so vital for anyone’s well-being.

For more information about Silvia Osteo Plus Click Here
