Friday, September 28, 2012

Post-op Bio-cellular masks launched by Alta Care Laboratoires

Dermastir Post-op Bio-cellular masks launched by Alta Care Laboratoires has launched Dermastir post-op biocellular masks in pharmacies international. The Dermastir post-op biocellular masks is an EU registered medical device created to be used post operations such as laser therapy, pulsated light, acid peels, oxygen therapy, fillers, botox etc. The Dermastir post-op bio-cellular mask is a second skin that helps to hydrate the skin, decrease redness and decrease the temperature of the skin necessary after aesthetic operations. The Dermastir post-op bio-cellular masks is produced by combining bacteria, cellular biotechnology and bio-cellulose to form an invisible mask.

The dermastir bio-cellular masks launched also have anti wrinkle peptide ingredients, hyaluronic and also other bio-cellular masks launched have whitening ingredients such as ellagic acid. Apart from the face biocellular masks Alta Care Laboratoires has also launched the eye contour bio-cellular masks.

Dermastir Post-OP Bio-Cellular Face Mask Retexturizing Skin Tissue

The Dermastir post-op bio-cellular face mask is made from the fermentation of microorganisms, not from mechanical manufacturing process. Alta Care Laboratoires utilizes biotechnology’s techniques to manufacture the skin tissue-like material. This unique formula produces a protective barrier and collagen production is stimulated. The mask is hydrophilic and it diminishes the TEWL since it can retain moisture levels up to 100 times its own dry weight. The formula was created to inhibit enzymes that break down hyaluronic, collagen and elastin in the skin. Its reticular 3D web structure enables air to penetrate but not liquid, adheres tightly with the skin and is also known as “skin tissue”.

Post-op peeling, Post-op laser, Post-op fillers, Post-op botox, anti wrinkle maintenance.

Picture 1: Remove the 2 outer layers of the bio-cellular mask’s packaging to reveal the elastic and translucent bio-cellulose mask inside.

Picture 2: Place the bio-cellulose mask on the face. Pat it gently to ensure it adheres to the skin.

Picture 3: After 30-45mins, remove the mask. Proceed with normal skin care routine without washing off the serum.

Dermastir Post-OP Bio-Cellular Face Mask Whitening Skin Tissue

The Bio-cellular face mask is a bio medical device made from the fermentation of microorganisms, not from mechanical manufacturing process. Alta Care Laboratoires utilizes biotechnology’s techniques to manufacture the skin tissue-like material. Ellagic acid, a skin conditioning whitening ingredient, that reduces dark pigmentation on the skin, leaving it looking fair and radiant. This whitening combination of Ellagic acid with Glycyrrhizate in the bio cellular mask has been proven to be effective in skin whitening. Its reticular 3D web structure enables air to penetrate but not liquid, adheres tightly with the skin and is also known as “artificial skin”.

All forms of skin pigmentation, melasma and for overall skin whitening.

Picture 1: Remove the 2 outer layers of the bio-cellular mask’s packaging to reveal the elastic and translucent bio-cellular mask inside.

Picture 2: Place the bio-cellular mask in our face. Pat and stretch gently to ensure it adheres to the skin.

Picture 3: After 30-45mins, remove the mask. Proceed with normal skin care routine without washing off the whitening serum.

Dermastir Post-OP Bio-Celluler Mask Eye & Lip Retexturizing Skin Tissue

The Dermastir post-op bio-cellular eye & lip mask is made from the fermentation of microorganisms, not from mechanical manufacturing process. Alta Care Laboratoires utilizes biotechnology’s techniques to manufacture the skin tissue-like material. This unique decongesting formula produces a protective barrier and collagen production is stimulated. This hydrating mask brightens up dark circles and the absorption of ingredients is 50 times the common eye membrane. The formula was created to inhibit enzymes that break down hyaluronic, collagen and elastin which is the underlying cause of wrinkling.

Post-op peeling, Post-op laser, Post-op fillers, Post-op botox and maintenance following eye bag surgery, dark circle treatment and eye contour wrinkles.

Water, propylene glycol, Xanthan Gum, PEG-40 Hydrogenated Castor Oil, Palmitoyl Peptide-4, Vitamin E, Hyaluronic Acid, Spermaceti Base-PG, Amide Hydroxyethyl palm, Hydroxyl Benzene Methyl ester.

Please store in a dry and cool place. For external usage only.

Dermastir Hyalauronic Post-OP Mask Eye & Lip Contour

Dermastir hyaluronic eye and lip contour mask is a medical device used post-op by dermatologists and plastic surgeons. This unique decongesting formula produces a protective barrier and collagen production is stimulated. This hydrating mask brightens up dark circles and the absorption of ingredients is 50 times the common eye membrane. The formula inhibits enzymes that break down hyaluronic, collagen and elastin which is the underlying cause of wrinkling.

Post-op peeling, Post-op laser, Post-op fillers, Post-op botox and maintenance following eye bag surgery, dark circle treatment and eye contour wrinkles.

Water, propylene glycol, Xanthan Gum, PEG-40 Hydrogenated Castor Oil, Palmitoyl Peptide-4, Vitamin E, Hyaluronic Acid, Spermaceti Base-PG, Amide Hydroxyethyl palm, Hydroxyl Benzene Methyl ester

Please store in a dry and cool place. For external usage only.

Dermastir Hyaluronic Post-OP Invisible Face Mask

Dermastir hyaluronic invisible face mask is a medical device used post-op by dermatologists and plastic surgeons. This unique formula produces a protective barrier and collagen production is stimulated. The mask is hydrophilic and it diminishes the TEWL since it can retain moisture levels up to 100 times its own dry weight. The formula was designed to inhibit enzymes that break down hyaluronic, collagen and elastin.

Post-op peeling, Post-op laser, Post-op fillers, Post-op botox, anti wrinkle maintenance.

Picture 1: Remove the 2 outer layers of the hyaluronic invisible mask’s packaging to reveal the elastic and translucent hyaluronic mask inside.

Picture 2: Place the hyaluronic mask on the face. Pat it gently to ensure it adheres to the skin.

Picture 3: After 30-45mins, the hyaluronic mask can be removed. Proceed with the normal skin care routine without washing off the serum.

For more information Click Here


Monday, September 24, 2012

11 tips to prevent FLU

There are no known cures for colds and flu; so cold and flu prevention should be your goal. A proactive approach to warding off colds and flu is apt to make your whole life healthier. The most effective way for preventing flu is to get the flu shot. Antibiotics act only on bacteria and flu is caused by a virus. So antibiotics do not work on a virus. But there are other strategies you can employ as well.

(1) Wash Your Hands
Most cold and flu viruses are spread by direct contact. Someone who has flu sneezes into the hand, and then touches the telephone, the keyboard, a kitchen glass. The germs can live for hours -- in some cases weeks -- only to be picked up by the next person who touches the same object. So wash your hands often. If no sink is available, rub your hands together very hard for a minute or so. That also helps break up most of the cold germs. Or rub an alcohol-based hand sanitizer onto your hands.

(2) Don't Cover Your Sneezes and Coughs With Your Hands
Because germs and viruses cling to your bare hands, muffling coughs and sneezes with your hands results in passing along your germs to others. When you feel a sneeze or cough coming, use a tissue, then throw it away immediately. If you don't have a tissue, turn your head away from people near you and cough into the air.

(3) Don't Touch Your Face
Cold and flu viruses enter your body through the eyes, nose, or mouth. Touching their faces is the major way children catch colds, and a key way they pass colds on to their parents.

(4) Drink Plenty of Fluids
Water flushes your system, washing out the poisons as it rehydrates you. A typical, healthy adult needs 1.5 litres of fluids each day. How can you tell if you're getting enough liquid? If the color of your urine runs close to clear, you're getting enough. If it's deep yellow, you need more fluids.

(5) Get Fresh Air
A regular dose of fresh air is important, especially in cold weather when central heating dries you out and makes your body more vulnerable to cold and flu viruses. Also, during cold weather more people stay indoors, which means more germs are circulating in crowded, dry rooms.

(6) Do Aerobic Exercise Regularly
Aerobic exercise speeds up the heart to pump larger quantities of blood; makes you breathe faster to help transfer oxygen from your lungs to your blood; and makes you sweat once your body heats up. These exercises help increase the body's natural virus-killing cells.

(7) Propolis 
PROPOLIS - a sticky substance used by the bees to disinfect their hives; is becoming the most popular substance worldwide to combat the common cold.  Propolis has been found to be very effective in the prevention and treatment of colds because apart from being antibacterial, it is also antiviral and has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects.  Propolis is a powerful immune booster and helps your body to protect itself against illness. Altacura influtuss tablets are made in France and are well known to have high quality and concentrations of propolis. Altacura is available also in syrup and hot lemon form.

(8) Eat Yogurt or supplement with priobiotics
Some studies have shown that eating a daily cup of low-fat yogurt can reduce your susceptibility to colds by 25 percent. Researchers think the beneficial bacteria in yogurt may stimulate production of immune system substances that fight disease. Altaflora electrolytes contains the perfect combination of probiotic flora and electrolytes. Electrolytes are lost rapidly in cases of flu and Altaflora electrolytes replaces them. Altaflora electrolytes can be taken in capsule or sachet form.

(9) Oxidative stress - Don't Smoke
Statistics show that heavy smokers get more severe colds and more frequent ones.
Even being around smoke profoundly zaps the immune system. Smoke dries out your nasal passages and paralyzes cilia. These are the delicate hairs that line the mucous membranes in your nose and lungs, and with their wavy movements, sweep cold and flu viruses out of the nasal passages. Experts contend that one cigarette can paralyze cilia for as long as 30 to 40 minutes. Nicosolven Co-enzyme Q10 liquid capsules decrease oxidative stress if taken daily.

(10) Cut Alcohol Consumption
Heavy alcohol use suppresses the immune system in a variety of ways. Heavier drinkers are more prone to initial infections as well as secondary complications. Alcohol also dehydrates the body -- it actually takes more fluids from your system than it puts in.

(11) Rest
If you can teach yourself to rest and relax, you can activate your immune system on demand. There's evidence that when you put your relaxation skills into action, your interleukins -- leaders in the immune system response against cold and flu viruses -- increase in the bloodstream. Train yourself to picture an image you find pleasant or calming. Do this 30 minutes a day for several months. Keep in mind, relaxation is a learnable skill, but it is not doing nothing. People who try to relax, but are in fact bored, show no changes in blood chemicals.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Strengthen the immune system

Winter is still with us, playing havoc with our health. To make matters worse, the transition from one season to another is becoming very abrupt with the result that our body is being subdued to many hardships and discomforts, amongst which is the cold. Now whenever we have a cold and we are finding it difficult to breathe we start looking for a drink that may immediately soothe our sore throat.

To remedy this ALTA CARE Laboratoires has produced sachets – to be dissolved in hot water – that combine an action that stimulates the immune system with a pleasant  lemon taste.

ALTACURA Infludrink Hot Lemon contains Panax ginseng that counteracts the effects of stress and improves physical performance. Moreover, Paternelle, subdues the cough and soothes the throat, while Vitamin C has antioxidant properties and helps to reinforce the immune system. Among the ingredients are: Propolis, produced by the bees to disinfect their beehive and well known throughout the ages for its natural antibiotic properties; GuaranĂ  that diminishes fatigue (in fact caffeine within stimulates the central nervous system and increases the metabolic rate); Echinacea, that also reinforces the immune system and renders the symptoms of cold, and illnesses related to it, less violent. Finally it also contains vitamin B6, the matrix for the elaboration of amino acids, very essential for our nourishment.

Other products on the market with the same function, cannot be taken if one is already having other medicines, while ALTACURA Infludrink Hot Lemon gives benefits, without causing disturbances and interactions. It is economical and practical because the sachets are designed is such a way as to prevent dispersal of contents.

One can dissolve the contents of a sachet in a glass of hot water, up to a maximum of 3 sachets a day or as advised by one’s doctor or pharmacist. ALTACURA Infludrink Hot Lemon can be given to children who have problems in swallowing tablets, or by adults who only need to reinforce the immune system.

ALTA CARE Laboratoires have certainly found an innovative way of how to fight the cold and face the most difficult moments of winter calmly. ALTACURA Infludrink Hot Lemon is sold in pharmacies and herbal centres.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Needles are not always necessary to fill your wrinkles

One cannot but feel self-conscious when the first signs of ageing start to appear. In today’s world, where aesthetic beauty is given prime importance, both women and men spend a lot to appear more youthful. Surgery is chosen by many people, but many people fail to understand that prevention is better than cure. Medical face lifts using non-invasive aesthetic machinery and non-invasive cosmetic ampoules prevent the need of surgery.

Alta Care Laboratoires, Paris offers many exclusive treatments at its beauty salons.  One of the treatments readily available, which in fact is becoming very popular, is the ‘Filler’ Facial Program.   The ‘Filler’ Facial Program is an anti-ageing treatment which uses 100% pure collagen concentrate preserved in glass cosmetic ampoules by Dermastir.

Collagen is a natural protein that provides structural support. It is found throughout the body - in skin, muscle, tendon, and bone. Fibers of collagen are woven together like threads in fabric to form a framework into which new cells can grow. In the skin, collagen provides texture, resiliency, and shape. Human beings are constantly producing collagen, but as we age, our collagen breaks down faster than it can be replaced.

Collagen application using high frequency, galvanic currents and ultra sounds is quickly becoming known as the best natural, painless approach to reduce wrinkles and sagging skin.

From the very first application of Dermastir collagen cosmetic ampoules, this anti-aging ingredient will work to reduce facial lines and wrinkles, and lift your sagging skin to give you the face-lift you've always wanted! 

Alta Care Laboratoires’ aesthetic treatments are exclusive because Alta Care’s products compliment Alta Care’s aesthetic machinery. 

For this ‘Filler’ Facial Program, one’s skin is treated with the luxurious Dermastir Collagen Care Ampoules which are complimented by the Dermastir high frequency, Dermastir Hydrotoner and Dermastir oxycleanser.

Alta Care Laboratoires’ experienced beauty therapists give free consultations to every client, to determine what type of machinery should be used in combination with the Dermastir Collagen Ampoules for the best possible results.

For more information:

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Whitening skin with Kojic Acid for Pigmentation

What is Kojic Acid?
Kojic Acid is one of the most successful recent and natural skin whitening agents.  It is a natural product derived form a fungus (mushroom). Kojic Acid has been successfully used to lighten pigment spots and skin discoloration.

Kojic acid (5-hydroxy-2-(hydroxymethyl)-4-pyrone) is used in skin care formulations to lighten the skin, like another agent, hydroquinone. However, while hydroquinone works by inhibiting the activity of tyrosinase by acting as a melanocyte cytotoxic inhibitor and by increasing the cytotoxicity of melanocytes (melanin-producing cells), kojic acid lightens the skin solely by suppressing tyrosinase activity (by inhibiting catecholase activity of tyrosinase) in a non-traditional way. Kojic acid is revered worldwide for its skin-lightening abilities, and is commonly used in topical formulations to treat dark spots. 
Kojic acid is a by-product in the fermentation process of malting rice for use in the manufacture of sake, the Japanese rice wine. There is definitely convincing research, both in vitro and in vivo, and also in animal studies, showing that kojic acid is effective for inhibiting melanin production (Sources: Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin, August 2002, pages 1045–1048; Analytical Biochemistry, June 2002, pages 260–268; Cellular Signaling, September 2002, pages 779–785; American Journal of Clinical Dermatology, September-October 2000, pages 261–268; and Archives of Pharmacal Research, August 2001, pages 307–311). Both glycolic acid and kojic acid, as well as glycolic acid with hydroquinone are highly effective in reducing the pigment in melasma patients (Source: Dermatological Surgery, May 1996, pages 443–447).
Why aren't there more products available containing kojic acid? 
Kojic acid is an extremely unstable ingredient in cosmetic formulations. Upon exposure to air or sunlight it turns a strange shade of brown and loses its efficacy. Many cosmetics companies use kojic dipalmitate as an alternative because it is far more stable in formulations. However, there is no research showing that kojic dipalmitate is as effective as kojic acid, though it is a good antioxidant. Research shows that Kojic Acid is best presented and stored in glass ampoules.
What is pigmentation?
Pigmentation is a disorder of skin complexion and color due to the increase in production of melanin.  In females, pigmentation often occurs due to hormonal changes in the body (in pregnancy, menopause etc), and appears as brown patches on the face.  Sun exposure causes this type of pigmentation increase, and also causes dark irregular patches on the exposed skin, like the upper lip, eye contour and body.  Another type of pigmentation is freckles.
How does it work?
Kojic acid can inhibit tyronisase activity, thus inhibiting skin melanin formation. Kojic acid and it's derivatives are widely used in high-quality skin lightening cosmetics, bath preparations and mouth or teeth care products. Cosmetics containing kojic acid can treat freckles, acne and pigmentation effectively without any toxic and bad results.
To get the best results out of Kojic Acid it is recommended to buy from a pharmacy the concentrate presented in glass cosmetic ampoules, as the Kojic Acid will be very concentrated, active and free from impurities.
Dermastir Kojic Acid skincare ampoules by ALTA CARE Laboratoires can be applied alone on the face without the need of mixing it with anything else. Otherwise it may also be added to your  night cream.  Since the Dermastir Kojic Acid Ampoule is a concentrate it may be applied on the face once every three days since kinetic studies show that the ingredients remain present and active in the skin for up to 3 days. It is highly recommended to use sun blocks all the year around especially during treatments with Dermastir Kojic acid ampoules.

For more information visit: