Thursday, August 30, 2012

Bad Circulation - how to cure it?

Millions of people around the globe suffer from bad circulation. Many of them are taking measures to rectify this condition;  but millions of others are either not aware that their health problems are the result of bad circulation of the blood in their arms, legs or other parts of the body, or even worse, they don’t even bother; others may take it lightly. Their attitude will suddenly change if their next of kin suffers a stroke, or maybe death, because of a heart failure brought about by a very bad circulation. Then the usual rhetoric follows; "Ah, poor guy, he did say that he suffered from bad circulation; Didn't she often complain that her hands and legs were always very cold." No wonder that bad circulation, strokes, heart-attacks are called ‘silent killers’.

Blood is meant to flow smoothly from our heart through the arteries, the veins and and the thinnest of capillaries at the extremities of our body, hands, fingers, feet, toes, brain, etc. Incredible amounts of blood have to travel hundreds of kilometres around our body. The heart’s job is no small feat; pumping regularly for years and years, hopefully. So why make it more difficult by blocking the way of the blood-flow.  Bad circulation is caused when fatty deposits – what we normally call bad colesterol - are accumulated in the inner linings of the artery wall. This accumulation results in the blockage of blood circulation and eventually a series of consequences, such as cold hands or feet, respiratory problems, and finally the dreaded ‘silent killer’; not necessarily in that order.

So let’s take the matter seriously and stop acting like that reckless know-it-all dare-devil driver, who then ends up with his nose up a lamp-post at the bottom of which a pretty posy is put the day after.

First things first! If you suffer from any one, or more of the following:
Cold hands or feet,
Swollen hand or feet,
High cholesterol,
High blood pressure,
Shortness of breath,
Reduced mental clarity,

Then it is high time that you visit your family doctor to undergo the necessary check-ups.

Even before going to the doctor you might start taking measures to improve your condition right-away. A wise driver does not wait for an engine-breakdown to service his vehicle.

Cardiosteroil of Alta Care Laboratoires is a fish oil supplement that, taken on a daily basis, can lower the risk of dying from a heart attack. Recent studies in Denmark found that fish oil could reduce the chances of sudden death in heart attack patients by as much as 50%. It also offers increased protection against developing heart disease in the first place.
There are several ways in which fish oil appears to benefit the cardiovascular system:
• Reducing triglyceride levels,
• Helping to stabilise irregular heart rhythms (arrhythmia),
• Thinning the blood,
• Lowering blood pressure,
• Inhibiting the processes that lead to hardening of the arteries,
• Increasing the level of good cholesterol,
• Counteracting inflammation.

• Reduces bad cholesterol (LDL) in blood up to 27%;
• Helps patients keep a correct level of LDL and a healthy heart;
• Helps to keep tissues and capillaries toned due to its antioxidant and anti-ageing effect;
• Can be administered with other pharmaceuticals as it has no interactions.


• Cardiosteroil decreases deposits on arterial walls
• Cardiosteroil decreases sugar levels
• Cardiosteroil increases blood fluidity.

So now you have no excuses! Oh yes, we all have to die somehow! It’s your life! True, but you may have a wife, kids, friends, whatever; surely you wouldn’t like to be a burden to them! So if you do smoke, stop smoking, start off on Cardiosteroil , and visit your doctor right away. Don’t hesitate!

For more information visit:

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Venalta benefits for leg health with red vine extract

It remained a mystery for quite a period of time why farmers from the vine growing regions of France almost never suffered from vein disorders. Then the long-guarded secret from folk medicine was discovered. It was customary for French farmers to collect the red vine leaves which are found in great abundance at the time of the grape harvest and to make infusions and paste-like poultices from them. The infusions were filled into bottles and regularly ingested in small quantities. The paste from vine leaves was used for the topical treatment of swollen, painful and tired legs - with great accomplishment.

Scientists and pharmacologists have now analysed and determined the active ingredients of the red vine leaf. The extracts were further developed into modern, innovative, purely herbal, medicaments. This was the time when the venotherapeutic agent found in all the VENALTA® range was born.

The action of the red vine leaf extract –
• improves blood circulation and metabolic activity in the tissues
• protects, seals and stabilizes the small vessel walls
• relieves pain and swelling, and tired, heavy legs
• reduces water retention and edema formation
• has anti-inflammatory properties

The Venalta Range, by Alta Care Laboratoires Paris consists of an exclusive variety of products ranging from tablets, gel, syrup, patches and ampoules.  The Venalta Range guarantees high efficacy due to the array of products which can be used in combination, for example, Venalta Tablets (which are working from the inside to the outside) and Venalta Gel (which is working from the outside to the inside).  Red Vine extract is present in all the products of the Venalta range, in addition to other food supplements and herbal extracts which promote leg health.

For more information visit our website:

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Altadrine anti-cellulite to break down cellulite

A lot of anti-cellulite creams efficacy is often questioned because one does not see them work when applied. Thermic creams are increasing in demand because one can feel them and see them work!

The most innovative product in the market are the Thermic creams with red pepper; creams which when applied one can actually feel them working!  ALTA CARE Laboratoires – Paris, have just launched an innovative cellulite cream – ALTADRINE Thermic Cream.  The Red Pepper extract and the methyl nicotinate combination in Altadrine Thermic Cream causes a redness and burning sensation while actively working on the cellulite and burning the fat away!

Containing Citrus Amara extract, Garcinia Cambodgia, Aesculus Hyppocastanum (Horse Chestnut) and Capiscum extract (Red Pepper); Altadrine Thermic Cream is highly recommended for people who want to decrease the ‘orange peel’ effect and have a more refined silhouette.

Citrus Amara extract is pure in it’s body fat burning properties.  Garcinia Cambodgia and Aesculus Hyppocastanum (Horse Chestnut) extracts burn fat by thermogenesis.  Another body fat burner is Capiscum extract, better known as Red Pepper extract.

Altadrine Thermic Cream is to be applied twice a day (morning and evening) on the affected areas; in circular massages, for a minimum of one month.  Avoid contact with eyes and wash hands immediately after application.  Altadrine Thermic Cream has a unique non-greasy and warm cream texture which is quickly absorbed, allowing one to get dressed immediately - ideal for those late morning wake ups!