Monday, July 9, 2012

Protect yourself with Dermastir Airless Sun Protection SPF50+

That exposure to the sun's UVA rays is a serious threat of skin cancer no one can still deny. Statistics have shown that, for example, one out of every five Americans will develop some form of skin cancer during their lifetime. Moreover, having sunburns over any period of time will double your chance of skin cancer,  and getting sunburnt during your childhood will double the chances of melanoma in your lifetime. Yet these scary cancer statistics can be rectified if people take time to protect themselves from the ultra violet rays of the sun.

Alta Care Laboratoires’ DERMASTIR CAVIAR SUN PROTECTION SPF50+ is a fluid sun protecting cream with multiple properties and prolonged sun protection. Dermastir  Sun Protection prevents and delays wrinkle formation and it is a must for skins that are prone to pigmentation. Caviar has been added to nourish the skin and to help it regain the nutrients that it needs during sun exposure. The cream’s sun protection factors and its ingredients remain intact even after opening the packaging. Since every time the pump is pressed it is a new opening Dermastir  packaging makes use of vacuum airless technology - unlike other competing sun protections that are usually presented in tubes.

The vacuum airless technology of DERMASTIR  CAVIAR Sun Protection SPF50+ protects the sun protection filters from oxidation, heat and contamination; in other words it protects the ingredients from heat, light, oxygen and micro organisms. Moreover the packaging provides only the desired amount of cream for use, while the remaining cream is kept protected from the above mentioned harming factors. When purchasing your next Sun Protector remember that a cream cannot fully protect your skin if its very UV filters are themselves damaged by the sun’s rays before reaching your skin.

So the next time you are out in the sum make it a point to:

·         Avoid the ultraviolet rays when they are at their strongest, that is from ten in the morning to four in the afternoon;

·         Wear an appropriate hat or cap and clothing that obstructs the rays’ path to your skin;

·         Wear large sunglasses that protect your eyes from UV rays;

·         Apply DERMASTIR CAVIAR SUN PROTECTION SPF50+ to your skin before going to the beach, or even just for a stroll in the sun. Make sure to cover all exposed areas including ears, lips and nose.

For more information please viste our website:

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Dermastir Caviar Sun Protection - New generation SPF

Here comes summer ! We are all off to the beach fully equipped with our hats, caps, towels, iPods and naturally our SUN BLOCK with its high sun protection filter (SPF), for is there anyone on planet earth who is now not aware of the fact that ultraviolet solar radiation is powerful enough to damage our skin? What we may have never questioned is the reliability of the Ultra Violet filters of our sunblock.

Now choosing a sun block with a high SPF (Sun Protection Factor) capable of blocking UV-A and UV-B, is of vital importance because if UV rays penetrate the cells of the skin these may eventually become cancerous. While certain skin cancers are usually slow growing, the development of melanoma may be fatal in short order. We are not to take sun blocks too casually for there are three vital facts worth noting.

FACT 1 - Skin cancer is one the most common forms of cancer today.

FACT  2   -   90% of all skin cancers can be attributed to UV ray damage to skin cells.

FACT 3 – UV ray damage is the underlying cause of pigmentation and wrinkling.

Thus choosing a sun block with a high SPF (Sun Protection Factor) capable of blocking UV-A and UV-B is of vital importance because if UV rays penetrate the cells of the skin these may eventually become cancerous. While certain skin cancers are usually slow growing, the development of melanoma may be fatal in short order.

Another very important, but very often forgotten factor, is the reliability of the UV filters of our sun block once off the pharmacy shelf. A lot of sun protection are stored by the end user incorrectly and the packaging of many sun protection does not help to maintain the UV filters’ stability. Are the UV filters themselves stable to the heat caused by the sun’s UV rays? Does the plastic tube or glass jar in which the cream is inserted guarantee protection and stability from the heat once off the pharmacy shelf ? Isn’t the cream exposed to oxygen whenever the cream’s container is opened? Don’t we ever let the sun block exposed to the sun’s UV rays on the sand or rocky beach?

In its never ending endeavour to produce sun protection UV filters of the very highest quality and reliability ALTA CARE Laboratoires, Paris has launched on the market its DERMASTIR CAVIAR SUN PROTECTION SPF 50+. A lot of investment has been done by Alta Care Laboratoires on the packaging in order to protect the UV filters from oxygen, heat and microbiological contamination.

What’s so special about DERMASTIR CAVIAR SUN PROTECTION SPF 50+?

• Dermastir Caviar Sun Protection SPF50+ has an airless thermal luxury packaging protecting UV filters from oxygen.
• This airless thermal packaging protects the cream from the factors that may reduce the activity of its ingredients, that is oxygen, heat, light and microbiology.
• As the packaging is airless, oxygen is never in contact with the cream and thus oxidization does not take place; hence the ingredients do not incur any damage.
• Since the packaging consists of 3 jars nested into 1, a ‘thermos effect’ is created as a result of which the cream’s filters are protected from the UV rays of the sun.
• As the inner jar of this packaging is metallic coated infrared rays are reflected;  the cream is protected not only from heat but also from light. The cream will not turn yellow as in the case of other creams in tubes.
• The luxury packaging of the DERMASTIR CAVIAR SUN PROTECTION SPF 50+ has also an actuator in the middle that, when pressed, delivers the correct amount of the ingredient without the need to put one’s finger in the cream. There is thus no risk of microbiological contamination.

When purchasing your next Sun Protector remember that a cream cannot fully protect your skin if its very UV filters are themselves damaged by the sun’s rays before reaching your skin. This is the problem that ALTA CARE Laboratoires, Paris, has successfully addressed by protecting the sun filters by a precious airless and thermal packaging. The Dermastir packaging protects the UV filters so that when applied on the skin the UV filters are of 100% integrity to protect the skin.

DERMASTIR CAVIAR SUN PROTECTION SPF 50+ is available and sold only from pharmacies.

For more information visit: