Thursday, June 28, 2012

Altadrine Carb Blocker Sachets for CHILDHOOD OBESITY

 Mothers, educators and child carers are all very much aware of childhood obesity, a global problem that is increasing at an alarming rate. Globally, in 2010, the number of overweight children under the age of five, is estimated to have been over 42 million.

Now while obese adults very often resort to all kinds of fat blockers, tablets, syrups, gels etc. to tackle their condition, this is not possible in the case of children, for such ‘medicines’ and dietary supplements will cause further harm to them if taken at a tender age. Such dietary products should in fact be out of reach for children.

Being very much aware of this dilemma, Alta Care Laboratoires has just added a new product to its Altadrine range, a product which is not at all harmful for children; on the contrary it is ideal for obese, or rather overweight, children. This is the ALTADRINE FAT AND CARB BLOCKER sachets that block fats and carbohydrates. ALTADRINE FAT AND CARB BLOCKER helps weight control by inhibiting carbohydrate break down and by inhibiting fat absorption.

The fundamental causes behind the rising levels of childhood obesity are a shift in diet towards increased intake of energy-dense foods that are high in fat and sugars but low in vitamins, minerals, fibres and other healthy micronutrients. A trend towards decreased levels of physical activity has also been noted.

ALTADRINE FAT AND CARB BLOCKER is a drink with an orange flavour that is bound to please children and could easily replace the normal popular drinks on the market which are unfortunately so high in sugars.

The Altadrine drink is sugarless and rich in fibre. Its main ingredients are:
•    psyllium - a dietary fibre that absorbs excess water while stimulating normal bowel elimination; a fat blocker
•    chromium picolinate - that attenuates weight gain and controls insulin levels.
•    white kidney bean -  a carbohydrate blocker. The white kidney bean extract does not allow carbohydrate break down because it inhibits the enzyme amylase which is responsible for breakdown of carbohydrates into glucose.
Preparing the Altadrine drink is very simple. Just mix 1 sachet with a glass of water. As the orange drink becomes an orange fibre gel after mixing, it has to be drunk immediately, for the more time passes, the thicker the gel becomes. The Altadrine drink will become a fibre gel in the gastro intestinal tract. It is recommended to take one sachet during high carb and fatty meals.

•    emotional and psychological problems;
•    diabetes;
•    high blood pressure;
•     heart disease;
•    sleep problems;
•    cancer,
•    other disorders such as liver disease, early puberty, eating disorders, anorexia, bulimia, skin infections, asthma, respiratory problems;
•    obese child likely to grow up to be overweight adult;
•    teasing by peers;
•    harassment or discrimination;
•     low self-esteem and depression;
•     premature aging of carotid arteries;
•    abnormal levels of cholesterol.

•    Reduce availability of less healthy foods and sugar drinks;
•    Increase drinking water and decrease drinks with sugar, salt and fat;
•     physical activity;
•    limit time of tv watching;
•    plenty of fruit and vegetables;
•    healthier family meals.

For further information visit our web-site

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

What is Cellulite and how to cure it?

What causes cellulite?
Ultrasonic imaging by Alta Care Laboratoires reveals that cellulite is caused by inflammation. This inflammatory condition is linked to hormone imbalance, engorged fat cells, lack of oxygen, decreased circulation and deterioration of supportive collagen fibers causing an unsightly “orange peel” appearance. Cellulite is a progressive condition that can get worse over time and with age.

Who suffers from cellulite?
Cellulite is not related to being overweight since it occurs in all body types including women who are thin. Cellulite affects approximately 85 percent of women and rarely men, due to hormonal imbalances of estrogen and progesterone that result in fat storage and collagen breakdown. If you feel that hormones may be causing your condition, visit Silvia women patches with isoflavones that can help restore hormone balance.

In this diagram one can see how in healthy tissue a fine mesh of blood and lymph channels supplies the adipose tissue with necessary nutrition and oxygen. The lymph is responsible for the removal of toxic elements.

In unhealthy tissue, the microcirculation of both blood and lymph has been disrupted by constricted and loss of dermal capillary networks. Engorged fat cells causing decreased circulation in the unhealthy tissue contributes to an inflammatory response. This causes structural changes in subcutaneous fat tissue and the surrounding matrix of collagen fibers reflecting the expansion of adipose tissue into the dermis and the stiffening of collagen fibers that draw in anchor points causing dimpling in the dermis and epidermis.

Alta Care Laboratoires Cellulite treatments.

Altadrine fat burner tablets breaks down fat and the fat burnt is converted into energy. The synephrine acts on the beta 3 receptors found on the adipocytes (fatty cells) and the fat is released and burnt according to the Kreb cycle. Altadrine fat burner tablets increases the metabolism of the body. The body uses the body fat reserves instead of the carbohydrate reserves when the Altadrine is combined with exercise.

Altadrine fat liquidizers are liquid capsules with conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) and CoQ10 that do not allow the fat to be deposited. The Altadrine fat liquidizers lower the fat levels in the blood and therefore also protect the heart. Altadrine fat liquidizers are fast acting and recommended in cases where the patient needs to burn down fat but the heart needs to remain protected.

Altadrine appetite control liquid capsules with conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) and pine oil is excellent to control appetite. The Altadrine appetite control liquid capsules elongate the interval time between one meal and the other. The sensation of fullness is also reached quickly since the Altadrine appetite control liquid capsules act fast on the CCK and GLP1 which are the 2 main hormones that stimulate hunger. 

Altadrine fruit and vegetables tablets contain 6 fruit fibres in an orange tablet and 6 vegetable fibres in a green tablet. The fibres help to block the fat in the intestinal system in cases when it is known that one has ingested a fatty meal. 

Altadrine Thalasso Drink stimulates fat metabolism but also drains waters and electrolytes just like other tisanes with the difference however that the electrolytes are replaced; tisanes do not replace electrolytes.

Altadrine Cellulite creams help to minimize the intrinsic and extrinsic factors causing cellulite.  This is a home care system and should be coupled with oral cellulite treatments.

Altadrine Cellulite Patches act locally in cases when the nodules have to be broken down chemically. Altadrine Cellulite Patches also acts on specific localized parts to help decrease the inflammation and congestion.

Dermastir Collagen & Dermastir Elastin Ampoules when combined with massages and aesthetic treatments reinforce the cells and therefore prevent the appearance of inestetisms caused by cellulite.
Dermastir Co Q10 ampoules & Dermastir Co Q10 twisters are lipophilic serums with Co Q10 that when combined with massages and aesthetic treatments help to improve the transport of oxygen to the cells. Oxygen is always needed in the processes to burn down fat.

Altadrine Cellulogy works by vacuum aspiration. The vibratory and percussion massage treats cellulite conditions and poor circulation, toxins are eliminated by lymph drainage. When combined with Dermastir ampoules and Dermastir serums, results can be extraordinary. In cases when the skin has a lot of nodules Altadrine cellulogy ultrasound has to be used first before vacuum aspiration.

Altadrine Body Wraps are peel off body wraps and therefore they can also be used at home. The body wraps have occlusive properties and this causes the skin to react, to decrease the inflammation, and to improve circulation. Altadrine body wraps also supply the skin with nutrients that are very important at cellular level.

Silvia Women Patches. Hormone balancing allows unopposed estrogen to be controlled by supplementing with isoflavones & natural progesterone. When the underlying cause of cellulite hormone imbalance. Silvia women patches are recommended.

Nicosolven CoQ10. In many cases there is an increase in weight because one decides to stop smoking. In these cases the weight increased has to be controlled with Nicosolven liquid capsules. If the oxidative stress is counteracted correctly there will be no weight gain and cellulite.

Altasterol Pro+ caffeine tablets. Studies show that when caffeine tablets are combined with exercise the body burns down first the fat deposits instead of the carbohydrate deposits. The bad news is that when caffeine tablets is not combined with exercise, no fat is burnt down.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Altadrine Fat Burner cryogel for cellulite

 CELLULITE!!! You're not the only one!!! The truth is that 80 to 90% of women have some form of cellulite on their bodies, be it abdomen, thighs, buttocks, flanks, legs, arms, ankles, etc. Some of you won't be seen in a swimsuit, shorts, skirts or anything that exposes their legs. For others it may be not much of a bother, but still an inconvenience. Today anti-cellulite gels are being used both by men and women especially in the abdominal area to cut out the abdominal muscles further.

There are a myriad of anti-cellulite treatments out there, all claiming to burn down fat and cure cellulite. The main problem for the consumer is in choosing the right active ingredients that will burn your fat away. Caffeine 5% is the ingredient used my producers of most fat burning cellulite gels.

is the pathological alteration of the connective tissue caused by subcutaneous fat and microcirculation problems that lead to a padded or orange-peel-like appearance of the skin. This dimpling of the skin occurs because the collagen fibres are no longer straight and aligned. Although being pathological, cellulite may be treated, so long that the right strategy is adopted constantly without delay. Studies show that results are seen if one uses constantly Altadrine Fat Burning Cryogel.

The main cause is linked to the estrogens (female hormones) that cause liquid retention in tissues, as well as the natural deposit of adipose cells, in particular zones of the body (thighs, flanks, buttocks, legs, arms).

Other causes are:
    hereditary predisposition
    a bad diet
    being over-weight
    a sedentary life-style

Altadrine Fat Burner Cryogel is produced by Alta Care Laboratoires and forms part of the vast Altadrine fat burning gels. Altadrine fat burning cryogel is a 2 in 1 treatment, both for cellulite and water-retention.

Altadrine Fat Burner Cryogel leaves a cold effect that enhances microcirculation. This cold effect diminishes the circumference of the thighs and cutting out muscles if the applications are constantly done in a regular way.   
The anti-cellulite activator found in Altadrine Fat Burner Cryogel is made up of pure Caffeine + Citrus Aurantium. This synergic combination enhances burning of fat and destocks fat deposits.
The stem cells are capable of stimulating the secretion of the protein that burns and destocks fat. The stem cells also contribute in keeping the collagen fibres straight and aligned.

With Altadrine Fat Burner Cryogel one's silhouette is significantly refined and apart from being used to burn down cellulite, this product is used to cut out abdominals. In fact Altadrine Fat burning Cryogel is known in the
USA as Altadrine cutting gel. Altadrine Fat Burner Cryogel Gel is used often, before and after work outs, in gyms, or when doing high performance activity.

The directions for use are as follows. Massage the interested zone until complete absorption of the product. The cold sensation felt at the treated areas is due to the cryogenic action of the gel that enhances the absorption of the ingredients. A continuous use will help one to obtain significant results within 3-4 weeks, depending on the extent of the aesthetic imperfection and one’s personal reaction to the product.

For further information visit web-site