Tuesday, December 20, 2011

1000mg Vitamin C in Altacura not only for cold and flu

 Nobel prize winner Linus Pauling turned his attention to studying and documenting how vitamin C could improve health status and help the human body resist and heal from disease. His reward ? By the time of his death in l994, he had been branded a "quack" by a large part of the medical community. Now, almost 25 years after his passing, not only is his research being taken more seriously but other scientists are documenting how vitamin C can be the key to preventing and treating a host of health problems.

In fact, most everyone knows vitamin C is now lauded for helping to reduce symptoms of a cold if taken in sufficient quantity when sniffles first appear. But what you may not know is that researchers have found evidence strongly suggesting vitamin C can be used to head off some serious diseases and disorders -- and may even help you lose weight! In fact, some of these uses for the vitamin are just plain amazing. Yet you'll seldom find vitamin C "prescribed" and, instead, are more likely to get drugs to treat maladies after they develop. And the odds are, your family doctor may be clueless about these ways vitamin C can help you.
Here's the latest on the relatively secret but very real ways vitamin C can improve your health:
1. Burn more fat and control your weight.
Researchers in the Department of Nutrition at Arizona State University found that research subjects who had low blood concentrations of C burned a whopping 25 percent less fat than those who had plenty of the vitamin in their body. The scientists think this may be because vitamin C is a co-factor for the biosynthesis of carnitine, a molecule your body needs to oxidize fatty acids. They concluded inadequate vitamin C could explain why some people have such a hard time losing and keeping off excess pounds.
2. Breathing right.
British scientists at the Department of Public Health and Primary Care at the Institute of Public Health in Cambridge studied 515 adults with asthma and 515 matched controls. They found that adults with symptomatic asthma had the lowest intake of fruit, especially citrus fruit, and low plasma vitamin C levels. These findings, the scientists stated in their research paper, suggest diet may be a potentially modifiable risk factor for the development of asthma.
3. Oral Health.
In the 1700s, sailors found that eating limes during low sea voyages kept their gums healthy. No doubt the vitamin C in the fruit was responsible. Research published in the Journal of Periodontology showed that people with too little vitamin C have higher rates of periodontal disease. Also, the American National Institutes of Health (NIH) report inadequate C is associated with weakened tooth enamel as well as the painful inflammation of gums known as gingivitis.
4. Skincare.
The American NIH also lists rough, dry and scaly skin as signs of too little C. So is dry hair and even split ends. What's more, research published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition showed that people who ate a lot of vitamin C-rich foods had fewer wrinkles than those with inadequate amounts of the vitamin.
5. Cardiovascular.
While we all are bombarded with ads about omegas and other drugs that purport to reduce the risk of heart disease, you seldom hear about the mounting evidence a natural therapy -- vitamin C -- may protect your cardiovascular system. A case in point: Finnish researchers published a study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition suggesting higher doses of supplemental vitamin C cause the incidence of major coronary heart disease events like heart attacks to plummet.
So how much vitamin C do you need? Most experts agree that you can take large amounts, usually up two grams, safely unless an excess causes diarrhea or other stomach upset (if that happens, simply cut back on your dose). Vitamin C is not stored in the body so toxicity is very rare. Vitamin C is best presented in a buffered form in order to be gentle in the stomach since vitamin C can be acidic if not buffered. Altacura Hot Lemon sachets is presented by Alta Care Laboratoires in 1000mg of buffered Vitamin C.

For more information Click Here


Website: http://www.altacare.com

Monday, December 19, 2011

Body Odours and Keto-Z Shampoo

A body odor is never pleasant. Get into a crammed bus or walk into a busy shopping center and you may notice the distinctive smell of stale sweat. Now sweat itself does not smell. So what causes odours?  It is the culture for the bacteria and fungi that live on our skin that causes body odour. Bacteria and fungi break down sweat into aromatic fatty acids, which produce the unpleasant odour. Only medicated shampoos like Keto-Z act directly on bacteria and fungi.

Many people think that the solution is simple – wash up with soap daily, shampoo your hair and use an anti-perspirant or an anti-deodorant. But a normal soap or shampoo will only cleanse one’s hair and skin, while an anti-perspirant or anti-deodorant will only mask an odour. More often than not the odour will still be very much round the corner because the underlying cause has not been tackled. The bacteria and fungi in the skin are the underlying cause of body odours and bad smell. The bacteria and fungi are found in the folds of our armpits, toes and groin that are really causing the odours. A medicated shampoo like Keto-Z that acts on the bacteria and fungi is the perfect solution.  

Shampoos are products normally used for the removal of oils, dirt, environmental pollutants and other contaminant particles that gradually build up in the hair and skin. Normal shampoos do not act on the bacteria and fungi that cause bad odour. Medicated shampoos take of the dirt but also act on the bacteria and the fungi that create these unpleasant odours and bad smell.

of Alta Care Laboratoires, Paris, is a medicated shampoo that can be used both on the hair and the body to eliminate bad odours and bad smells.

Keto-Z OTC Shampoo is a 4 in 1 medicated shampoo with these four conditioning agents
Octipirox – anti-allergy properties
Triclosan – anti-bacterial properties
Climbazole – anti-fungal properties
Zinc pyrithione – anti-inflammatory properties

is ideal to maintain a healthy skin that has a good smell without the need to mask it with perfumes or deodorants. The medicated shampoo can also be used daily as a prevention from having a bad odour. This is a break through for medicated shampoos that usually cannot be used frequently. Alta Care Laboratoires has formulated a medicated shampoo with micronized ingredients that can be used daily. 

has the benefit of not being just a hair-shampoo for it can also be used instead of a soap for cleansing the body as well, especially for those parts of the body  where bacteria and fungus tend to take root, in other words below the armpits, feet, in skin-folds, etc..

Apply the shampoo on the hair or on the parts of the body where the shampooing action is needed. It is important to leave this medicated shampoo for at least 5 minutes before washing it off. Keto-Z medicated shampoo can be purchased from any pharmacy without the need of a prescription. If symptoms persist it is important to consultant your dermatologist.
For more information Click Here


Wednesday, December 7, 2011


The saying by Hippocrates, “Let food be your medicine and medicine be your food,” is still very much valid today and it is applicable to one’s body or physique. When one manages to eat a well balanced and varied diet this is reflected in the hair. Good nutrition is fundamental for hair growth and to have better quality hair. 

Good nutrition is bound to give rise to the growth of healthy hair and consequently healthy hair is evidence of good nutrition. Not only does hair need a normal healthy balanced diet but it also may need a supplement that stimulates the hair. The CHALET HAIR STIMULANT range of products, of Alta Care Laboratoires, provides nutrients and the stimulants necessary for the growth of healthy hair. These nutrients and stimulants are a must both for women and men. Chalet is not only indicated for people suffering from hair loss but also for people who want to strengthen and improve the quality of their hair.
Hair needs supplements that are nothing but super-food, that something extra given to the hair to strengthen both its growth and structure. 

• The hair shaft will increase in diameter, thus becoming stronger;
• The rate of hair growth will increase;
• The rate of hair loss will decrease.

Alta Care Laboratoires has tackled the ‘hair’ problem strategically for its CHALET HAIR STIMULANT CAPSULES are meant to tackle the problem from the inside to the outside; while the CHALET HAIR STIMULANT AMPOULES will tackle the problem from the outside to the inside. The capsules contain amino-acids that strengthen the hair while the ampoules con be found in a base of ginseng,  caviar, or royal-jelly, all amino-acids that science has not managed to replicate. Moreover the ingredients within the ampoules are of high quality for they have not been altered as in the case of other ingredients that have been manufactured or processed.

Hair is therefore a sign of our overall health. CHALET HAIR STIMULANT of Alta Care Laboratoires, will provide your with the various nutrients necessary to give your hair the required vitality and healthy appearance. Chalet Hair Stimulant Range is made in France.

For more information Click Here


Monday, December 5, 2011

Nicosolven beneficial for smokers and non smokers

Nicosolven Coenzyme CoQ10, an endogenous cellular constituent present in mitochondria, is a mediator of electron transport and energy production. Its action as co-antioxidant with vitamin E and vitamin C, by its ability to maintain both products in their reduced state, was recently confirmed by Crane and Navas.
The preventive benefits of Nicosolven are important to people who live in polluted cities or places. Nicosolven anti-oxidant efficacy is beneficial to smokers but also to non smokers as a prevention. The preventive benefits of CoQ10 are well known as powerful anti-oxidants to maintain a healthy heart and contribute to improve immune functions. 

Nicosolven liquid CoQ10 capsules for an immediate effect
Our body can only absorb nutrients in liquid form; all solids have to be dissolved in the stomach or intestinal tract before they can be absorbed. In its solid form CoQ10 has to be emulsified in the intestine, which takes time, as it is only soluble in oil. Our body needs oil and emulsifiers to create a CoQ10 suspension or a solution in order to absorb it. In Nicosolven liquid CoQ10, CoQ10 is already dissolved in oil; thus as soon as the Nicosolven liquid capsule dissolves, CoQ10 is immediately available for absorption. 

One of the main advantages of liquids is that they are absorbed directly by the body without going through break down stages. Active ingredients in liquid form should therefore be absorbed faster than in solid form.
Nicosolven liquid CoQ10 release CoQ10 quickly in a highly bioavailable form. The Nicosolven CoQ10 solution in oil supports its uptake and leads to higher plasma CoQ10 levels in comparison to other delivery forms such as soft gel capsules or tablets. In a comparative study Nicosolven liquid CoQ10 capsules created plasma levels 32 per cent higher than soft gels and 34 per cent higher than powdered CoQ10 delivery forms. 

CoQ10 products are mostly sold in tablets or soft gel capsules. Nicosolven Liquid CoQ10 capsules are a new delivery form with a completely fresh appearance. Thanks to the nitrogen bubble inserted, the formulation can move around freely and visibly within the capsule, adding to the pleasant orange colour and overall look. Consumers like the Nicosolven liquid Co Q10 capsules look which implies higher efficacy, quality, convenience, faster action and safety. Nicosolven liquid capsules offer the chance to innovate in the growing CoQ10 market with a unique and highly distinguishable product.
GFK consumer survey performed in 2007 in Germany with a panel of 100 consumers.

Note to customers about CoQ10 formulation
• Like natural products such as honey or olive oil, crystallization may occur when capsules are exposed to temperature variation.
• The degree of crystallization strongly depends on the exposure to low temperatures. As this phenomenon is reversible, CoQ10 crystals dissolve again when the product is brought up above room temperature.
• Please note that this phenomenon does not affect in any way the stability of CoQ10 in the formula. This was confirmed by HPLC assay on the level of CoQ10 in our capsules.
• An opaque capsule can also be chosen to mask this natural phenomenon.

Directions of use
1 to 2 capsules per day or as directed by your pharmacist or doctor. 

Nicosolven liquid capsules with liquid co enzyme Q10 is available in all pharmacies. Since the capsules are in liquid form, the liquid is absorbed immediately in the stomach and not like normal tablets in the intestine. This may cause some belching which is only transient. Nicosolven is recommended to smokers and non smokers to reduce oxidative stress and to reduce risks that are associated with smoking and passive smoking. Nicosolven liquid capsules with liquid co enzyme q10 are available in all pharmacies.

for more information: Click Here


Email: alta@altacare.com