Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Candi-B a daily supplement for children

Good nutritional health should begin at the youngest stage of life and last for a lifetime!!!

Are supplements important for children? Should children use supplements? How much of a certain vitamin should a child be given? It is well known that children do not like vegetables, which are known to be rich in vitamins, supplements and minerals. An ancient Greek definition even says of children: ”short humans who don’t like vegetables”. Does this mean children need supplements daily? These are all important questions that parents often seek answers to. Alta Care Laboratoires will shed some light on this topic.

Vitamins are, by definition, substances we need for our body to function normally. This rules for adults but surely for children as well. So yes, children most definitely need beside a healthy balanced diet, nutritional supplements since children unlike adults are constantly growing.

Unfortunately, not many of us eat a balanced diet on a regular basis if at all, nor do many of us give our children a daily balanced diet either. The stresses of modern living have made sure we are not home long enough or have enough time to prepare regularly balanced meals for ourselves and our children. Indeed, more people are eating out most times. Now, this is a serious problem for us as adults, but is even more serious for children still growing. When was the last time you saw a healthy fast food chain? It doesn't take a genius to get a feeling that fast food is extraordinarily damaging to one's health.

We are not self-sufficient, vitamins cannot be made in sufficient amounts by the body, and must be taken in from the environment like vitamin D that is made by the body in response to sunlight exposure (15 minutes a week is all that is needed) Other vitamins occur naturally in many foods or are available as a nutritional supplement.

Children are often picky about their foods. Getting children to eat well-balanced meals is a challenge. Your intentions are right, but they are undermined by a world heavy with junk food choices. These will need supplemental multivitamins in particular. As these children grow, their tastes change over time and usually start to eat a more balanced diet. You should give children vitamins during these years as well to ensure they are well nourished and are getting the nutrients they need to ensure normal growth and development.

So to get your children on the road to becoming strong healthy adults, Alta Care Laboratoires have developed Candi-B ampoules and syrups. Candi-B is one of Alta Care Laboratoires’ 18 product ranges. Candi B is full of apple concentrate, vitamin B and nutrients with a pleasant taste.

At Alta Care Laboratoires researchers know how picky children can be when it comes to food, that’s why each product from the Candi-B range has a delicious apple flavour. An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

Candi B Syrup by ALTA CARE Laboratoires, Paris

Away with Dandruff: Combining Octopirox, Triclosan & Climbazole

Keto-Z Shampoo OTC was launched by Alta Care Laboratoires less than a year ago. The extra-active OTC formula of Octopirox, Triclosan and Climbazole in synergy with Pro Vitamin B5 and Vitamin E works against dandruff without damaging the hair.

Octopirox is a unique anti-dandruff agent that reduces the prime symptoms of dandruff: itching and flaking. 

Triclosan is anti-microbial and ensures deep, delicate cleansing; freeing the scalp of excess oil and grease caused by dandruff. Triclosan efficiently fights bacteria that are present even in cases of mixed fungal infections.
Climbazole is a broad spectrum anti-fungal agent responsible for reducing the amount of fungus on the scalp, therefore treating the underlying cause of dandruff.

Pro Vitamin B5 and Vitamin E, both conditioning agents, exude a cosmetic feel to the hair, leaving it soft, silky and manageable. The result of combining these ingredients is noticeably dandruff-free, conditioned hair.
Kito-Z OTC Shampoo is the innovative and complete formula by Alta Care Laboratoires created for the wellbeing of the hair and the skin. Kito-Z Shampoo may be used frequently by the whole family and is ideal for all hair types.

Kito-Z OTC is a rich-lathering shampoo for thorough deep cleansing accompanied with an irresistible fragrance. Kito-Z OTC Shampoo is to be applied to wet hair and massaged intensely into the scalp. After 3-5 minutes Kito-Z Shampoo may be rinsed off.

For higher efficacy there is also Keto-Z Conditioner available on the market. Combining a normal conditioner with an anti-dandruff shampoo can cause the active ingredients to be rinsed off. Keto-Z Conditioner in combination with Kito-Z OTC, or any other anti-dandruff shampoo, will help the active ingredients stay active in the hair for up to three days.


Friday, October 1, 2010


Pamper yourself like royalty as if you were in Grasse itself. Grasse???  Never heard of it?  Oh dear, oh dear!!!

Grasse is the center of the French perfume industry and is known as the world's perfume capital (la capitale mondiale des parfums). Many "noses" are trained or have spent time in Grasse. It produces over two-thirds of France's natural aromas (for perfume and for food flavourings). This industry turns over more than 600 million euros a year. 

 Grasse is a sunny little refuge that hangs 1,148 feet high on the hill of Roquevillon, about 12 miles north-west of Cannes. Its exceptionally mild climate and fertile soils yield an abundant wild and sweet-smelling flowering. The local people transform the beautiful coloured petals into subtle and delicate perfumes that have made Grasse the perfume capital of eastern Provence. 

Legend has it that Catherine de Medicis was behind this newfound enthusiasm for perfume. While staying in Grasse, she was greatly impressed by the profusion of fragrant multicolored flora that filled this area of Provence, around the Mediterranean sea. Bored with the exotic perfumes that she was importing from the East at great cost, she chose Signor Tombarelli, a native of Florence who was a member of her entourage and perfumer by trade, to create a workshop in Grasse where he could make delicate essential oils from the local flowers.

The aromatic frangrances of Dermastir Candle Massage Oil are made in Grasse. This candle when heated, besides providing you with a home fragrance system, will  also make available a warm body oil ideal for a massage treatment and a natural moisturizer for hands, feet and other dry skin areas of your body.  

Massage is a complementary therapy that, when applied with love and care on affected area, can evoke many beneficial changes within the body, mind, and spirit of the whole person. Massage is a powerful treatment precisely because it works on both the physical and psychological levels. While the hand strokes of massage can ease pain or tension from stiff and aching muscles, boost a sluggish circulation, or eliminate toxins, the nurturing touch of the hands on the body soothes away mental stress and restores emotional equilibrium at the same time. Especially beneficial is thus a massage with the pure massage oils of Dermastir Candle Massage Oils.

Alta Care Laboratoires is offering you products designed to give you the ability to pamper yourself as if you were vacationing in the worlds most luxurious spa. Experience the vibrant fragrances and silky feel of our massage oil candles. They may also be the perfect gift for yourself or someone special without spending a fortune.

The rich and famous from all over the world travel to the most luxurious spas and resorts to be treated like royalty. Fortunately, with the help of spa candle, you don't have to be wealthy or "know someone" to treat yourself the same way! Just get a beautiful massage candle. However it is important that the candle’s essential oil is of an excellent quality. Grasse, the place of origin of Alta Care Laboratoires’ candle provides ample proof for this. The mythical Chanel No.5 was created here and France has always been a world authority in the industry - the first guild of perfumers was established in the 12th century by Philippe-Augustine of France. The texture and smell of these candles will make all the difference.

Finally it is good to know that essential oils, work in different ways. At the scent level they activate the limbic system and emotional centers of the brain. When applied to the skin in the form of "massage oils", besides moisturizing, toning and relaxing it, they also activate thermal receptors. Many have tried to copy Dermastir candle massage oils but the secret lies in the aromatic scents found in Grasse and the quality of the Alta Care massage oils. 

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Bad Circulation - How to cure it

Millions of people around the globe suffer from bad circulation. Many of them are taking measures to rectify this condition, but millions of others are either not aware that their health problems are the result of bad circulation of the blood in their arms, legs or other parts of the body, or even worse, they don’t even bother; others may take it lightly. Their attitude will suddenly change if their next of kin suffers a stroke, or maybe death, because of a heart failure brought about by a very bad circulation. Then the usual rhetoric follows; "Ah, poor guy, he did say that he suffered from bad circulation; Didn’t she often complain that her hands and legs were always very cold." No wonder that bad circulation, strokes, heart-attacks are called ‘silent killers’. 

Blood is meant to flow smoothly from our heart through the arteries, the veins and and the thinnest of capillaries at the extremities of our body, hands, fingers, feet, toes, brain, etc. Incredible amounts of blood have to travel hundreds of kilometres around our body. The heart’s job is no small feat; pumping regularly for years and years, hopefully. So why make it more difficult by blocking the way of the blood-flow.  Bad circulation is caused when fatty deposits – what we normally call bad colesterol - are accumulated in the inner linings of the artery wall. This accumulation results in the blockage of blood circulation and eventually a series of consequences, such as cold hands or feet, respiratory problems, and finally the dreaded ‘silent killer’; not necessarily in that order.

So let’s take the matter seriously and stop acting like that reckless know-it-all dare-devil driver, who then ends up with his nose up a lamp-post at the bottom of which a pretty posy is put the day after. 

First things first! If you suffer from any one, or more of the following:
Cold hands or feet,
Swollen hand or feet,
High cholesterol,
High blood pressure,
Shortness of breath,
Reduced mental clarity,
Then it is high time that you visit your family doctor to undergo the necessary check-ups.
Even before going to the doctor you might start taking measures to improve your condition right-away. A wise driver does not wait for an engine-breakdown to service his vehicle.

CARDIOSTEROL of Alta Care Laboratoires is a fish oil supplement that, taken on a daily basis, can lower the risk of dying from a heart attack. Recent studies in Denmark found that fish oil could reduce the chances of sudden death in heart attack patients by as much as 50%. It also offers increased protection against developing heart disease in the first place.

There are several ways in which fish oil appears to benefit the cardiovascular system:
• Reducing triglyceride levels,
• Helping to stabilise irregular heart rhythms (arrhythmia),
• Thinning the blood,
• Lowering blood pressure,
• Inhibiting the processes that lead to hardening of the arteries,
• Increasing the level of good cholesterol,
• Counteracting inflammation. 

• Reduces bad cholesterol (LDL) in blood up to 27%;
• Helps patients keep a correct level of LDL and a healthy heart;
• Helps to keep tissues and capillaries toned due to its antioxidant and anti-ageing effect;
• Can be administered with other pharmaceuticals as it has no interactions.

• Cardiosterol decreases deposits on arterial walls
• Cardiosterol decreases sugar levels
• Cardiosterol increases blood fluidity.

So now you have no excuses! Oh yes, we all have to die somehow! It’s your life! True, but you may have a wife, kids, friends, whatever; surely you wouldn’t like to be a burden to them! So if you do smoke, stop smoking, start off on Cardiosterol, and visit your doctor right away. Don’t hesitate! 

Candi B ampoules - stimulate apetite and growth

Good nutritional health should begin at the youngest stage of life and last for a lifetime!!!

When seasons change, or when activity reaches a peak (sports, school, etc.) give your children a food supplement to keep them growing up healthy.

CANDI B Ampoules are recommended for children from four years old and are specific dietary supplements which promote appetite and growth, thus allowing children to be always energetic and in excellent shape. CANDI B Ampoules contain Honey, Royal Jelly, Pollen, Propolis (natural antibiotic) and Banana Extracts which are naturally rich in potassium and magnesium.

The CANDI B Ampoules’ benefits are derived from the nutritional elements within the beehive to improve your child’s body resistance and favours tonus and vitality. CANDI B have been scientifically developed to ensure a perfect balanced formula that includes the highest level of essential nutrients which are kept 100% fresh in ampoule form. The active ingredients in ampoule form are kept fresh and are therefore more active than when in tablets or capsules since the chemical constituents are not altered during processing, compressing and storage.
CANDI B Ampoules are especially ideal for children who need to grow up in the best possible manner.

For more information click here

NEURALTA - Vitamin B1+B6+B12

NEURALTA, another quality product form ALTA CARE Laboratoires, Paris, is a combination of three essential neurotropic vitamins (B1, B6 and B12) in high dosages. Analgesic properties have been noted when these vitamins are taken in high dosages together in this combination. There are many types of Vitamin Bs, but when there is pain, especially neurotic pain, this combination of vitamins works wonders, even when in combination with an anti-inflammatory prescribed by the doctor.

The vitamins B1, B6 and B12 are important with regards to the metabolism of the peripheral and central nervous system. Their effect on the regeneration of nerves has been shown in various investigations using these vitamins both individually and in combination.

VITAMIN B1 plays an important role in major metabolic processes.
VITAMIN B6 has an analgesic effect.

VITAMIN B12 ensures blood cell formation and prevents degenerative processes.
Both the individual function and the beneficial biochemical links between these 3 vitamins justify their combination.

NEURALTA is made in France and is indicated for the supportive treatment of neuritis and neuralgia (neuropathies).

NEURALTA is a combination of neurotropic vitamins B1, B6, & B12. These vitamins, in their role as co-enzymes, are indispensable factors in the metabolism of the nervous system.

NEURALTA normalizes the nerve cell metabolism.

NEURALTA supports the regeneration of nerve fibers and mylic sheath by activation of the metabolism and the natural repair mechanism.

NEURALTA is indicated in mono and polyneuropathics of any origin such as diabetic, alcoholic or toxic neuropathies, neuritis or neurolgia, especially cervical syndrome, shoulder- arms syndrome, lumbago, sciatica and herpesizosta.

NEURALTA of ALTA CARE Laboratoires, Paris, is available in tablet form, each box containing 80 tablets.

Dosage varies from 1 to 3 tablets a day or as prescribed by one’s doctor.
Dosage can be decreased when the pain is no longer felt; but it is recommended that one continues having at least 1 tablet a day to decrease the frequency and the intensity of the pain in case of a relapse. Neuralta tablets can be taken constantly even for periods that span much over than a year or two.

More information click here

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

What is Cellulite?

Ultrasonic imaging by Alta Care Laboratoires reveals that cellulite is caused by inflammation. This inflammatory condition is linked to hormone imbalance, engorged fat cells, lack of oxygen, decreased circulation and deterioration of supportive collagen fibers causing an unsightly “orange peel” appearance. Cellulite is a progressive condition that can get worse over time and with age.

Who suffers from cellulite?
Cellulite is not related to being overweight since it occurs in all body types including women who are thin. Cellulite affects approximately 85 percent of women and rarely men due to hormonal imbalances of estrogen and progesterone that result in fat storage and collagen breakdown. If you feel that hormones may be causing your condition, visit Silvia women patches with isoflavones can help to restore hormone balance.

In this diagram one can see how in healthy tissue a fine mesh or blood and lymph channels supplies the adipose tissue with necessary nutrition and oxygen. The lymph is responsible for the removal of toxic elements.

In unhealthy tissue, the microcirculation of both blood and lymph has been disrupted by constricted and loss of dermal capillary networks. Engorged fat cells causing decreased circulation in the unhealthy tissue contributes to an inflammatory response. This causes structural changes in subcutaneous fat tissue and the surrounding matrix of collagen fibers reflecting the expansion of adipose tissue into the dermis and the stiffening of collagen fibers that draw in anchor points causing dimpling in the dermis and epidermis.
Alta Care Laboratoires Cellulite treatments.
Altadrine fat burner tablets breaks down fat and the fat burnt is converted into energy. The synephrine acts on the beta 3 receptors found on the adipocytes (fatty cells) and the fat is released and burnt according to the Kreb cycle. Altadrine fat burner tablets increases the metabolism of the body. The body uses the body fat reserves instead of the carbohydrate reserves when the Altadrine is combined with exercise.

Altadrine fat liquidizers are liquid capsules with conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) and CoQ10 that do not allow the fat to be deposited. The Altadrine fat liquidizers lower the fat levels in the blood and therefore also protect the heart. Altadrine fat liquidizers are fast acting and recommended in cases where the patient needs to burn down fat but the heart needs to remain protected.

Altadrine appetite control liquid capsules with conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) and pine oil is excellent to control appetite. The Altadrine appetite control liquid capsules elongate the interval time between one meal and the other. The sensation of fullness is also reached quickly since the Altadrine appetite control liquid capsules act fast on the CCK and GLP1 which are the 2 main hormones that stimulate hunger. 

Altadrine fruit and vegetables tablets contain 6 fruit fibres in an orange tablet and 6 vegetable fibres in a green tablet. The fibres help to block the fat in the intestinal system in cases when it is known that one has ingested a fatty meal.

Altadrine thalasso drink stimulates fat metabolism but also drains waters and electrolytes just like other tisanes with the difference however that the electrolytes are replaced unlike in tisanes.

Altadrine Cellulite creams help to minimize the intrinsic and extrinsic factors causing cellulite.  This is a home care system and should be coupled with oral cellulite treatments.

Altadrine Cellulite patches act locally in cases when the nodules have to be broken down chemically. Altadrine cellulite patches also acts on specific localized parts to help decrease the inflammation and congestion.

Dermastir collagen & Dermastir elastin ampoules when combined with massages and aesthetic treatments reinforce the cells and therefore prevent the appearance of inestetisms caused by cellulite. 

Dermastir Co Q10 ampoules & Dermastir Co Q10 twisters are lipophilic serums with Co Q10 that when combined with massages and aesthetic treatments help to improve the transport of oxygen to the cells. Oxygen is always needed in the processes to burn down fat.

Altadrine Cellulogy works by vacuum aspiration. The vibratory and percussion massage treats cellulite conditions, poor circulation and toxins are eliminated by lymph drainage. When combined with Dermastir ampoules and dermastir serums, results can be extraordinary. In cases when the skin has a lot of nodules Altadrine cellulogy ultrasound has to be used first before vacuum aspiration.

Altadrine Body wraps are peel off body wraps and therefore they can also be used at home. The body wraps have occlusive properties and this causes the skin to react, to decrease the inflammation and to improve circulation. Altadrine body wraps also supply the skin with nutrients that are very important at cellular level.

Silvia women patches. Hormone balancing allows unopposed estrogen to be controlled by supplementing with isoflavones & natural progesterone. When the underlying cause of cellulite is because of hormone imbalance Silvia women patches are recommended.

Nicosolven CoQ10. In many cases there is an increase in weight because one decides to stop smoking. In these cases the weight increased has to be controlled with Nicosolven liquid capsules. If the oxidative stress is counteracted correctly there will be no weight gain and cellulite.

Altasterol Pro+ caffeine tablets. Studies show that when caffeine tablets are combined with exercise the body burns down first the fat deposits instead of the carbohydrate deposits. The bad news is that when caffeine tablets is not combined with exercise no fat is burnt down.